Document Type
- Article (1)
- Part of Periodical (1)
- English (2)
Has Fulltext
- yes (2)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (2)
- DNA barcode (1)
- Graphium bathycles bathycloides (1)
- Graphium chironides malayanum (1)
- Papilionidae (1)
- Peninsular Malaysia (1)
- Sumatra (1)
- Trogonoptera brookiana trogon (1)
- morphology (1)
- morphometrics (1)
- taxonomy (1)
Graphium chironides malayanum Eliot, 1982 was described as a taxon occurring sympatrically with G. bathycles bathycloides in Peninsular Malaysia. However, the validity of the subspecies has been questioned in a recent publication that was based on a study of DNA and morphology, implying that G. c. malayanum is a synonym of G. b. bathycloides and G. chironides is absent from the Peninsula. A re-examination of male wing morphology, genitalia and DNA shows that G. c. malayanum is a valid taxon distinguished from G. b. bathycloides by wider discal markings, a less falcate forewing, distinct differences in the arms of the harpe in the male genitalia and clearly divergent mtDNA COI genes. In the DNA analysis, G. c. malayanum formed a monophyletic clade closely related to G. chironides from China, and both were well-separated from the G. b. bathycloides clade. An examination of characters used in the previous study showed that the conclusions reached were due to misinterpretation of diagnostic characters, misidentification of specimens and the absence of G. c. malayanum among the specimens examined. When these characters were correctly interpreted, each specimen was readily assigned to the correct taxon. Diagnostic morphological characters are reclarified based on the current data.
The birdwing butterfly Trogonoptera brookiana (Wallace, 1855) is a well-known conservation icon, yet questions remain about the infraspecific status of regional populations. The eastern Peninsular Malaysian population has been described as the subspecies mollumar d’Abrera, Doggett & Parker, 1976, but its status as a subspecies distinguishable from the taxon trogon (Vollenhoven, 1860) in Sumatra has been disputed. Wing characters and measurements of specimens from the two regions were therefore examined quantitatively using discriminant function and correspondence analyses. Eastern Peninsular specimens differ on average from Sumatran specimens in having more extensive green, especially in the female. This is reflected in many of the measurements and characters analysed. Females from the Peninsula also have a characteristically blacker upperside ground colour in which the outer areas of both wings barely contrast with the black veins and forewing cell. The extent of these differences enables a reliable differentiation of the females of both regions. The magnitude and consistency of differences are comparable to that between other subspecies of undisputed status. Behavioural differences also exist. The name mollumar therefore merits subspecific status. In addition, we consider the male forms walshi Haugum & Low, 1982 and walshoides Haugum & Low, 1982 to be chemically discoloured specimens of trogon rather than biological forms.