Document Type
- Article (4)
Has Fulltext
- yes (4)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- Patient manikins (2)
- Simulated patients (2)
- Simulation training (2)
- Undergraduate medical education (2)
- Checkliste (1)
- Lehrforschung (1)
- Lehrvideos (1)
- Qualitätssicherung (1)
- Reanimation (1)
- anesthesia (1)
- Medizin (4)
Purpose: Every physician must be able to sufficiently master medical emergencies, especially in medical areas where emergencies occur frequently such as in the emergency room or emergency surgery. This contrasts with the observation that medical students and young residents often feel insufficiently prepared to handle medical emergencies. It is therefore necessary to train them in the treatment of emergency patients. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of the assignment of manikin versus simulated patients during a training for undergraduate medical students on learning outcomes and the perceived realism.
Methods: The study had a prospective cross-over design and took place in a 3-day emergency medicine training for undergraduate medical students. Students completed three teaching units (‘chest pain’, ‘impaired consciousness’, ‘dyspnea’), either with manikin or simulated patient. Using a questionnaire after each unit, overall impression, didactics, content, the quality of practical exercises, and the learning success were evaluated. The gained competences were measured in a 6-station objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) at the end of training.
Results: 126 students participated. Students rated simulated patients as significantly more realistic than manikins regarding the possibility to carry out examination techniques and taking medical history. 54.92% of the students would prefer to train with simulated patients in the future. Regarding the gained competences for ‘chest pain’ and ‘impaired consciousness’, students who trained with a manikin scored less in the OSCE station than the simulated patients-group.
Conclusion: Simulated patients are rated more realistic than manikins and seem to be superior to manikins regarding gained competence.
Purpose: Every physician must be able to sufficiently master medical emergencies, especially in medical areas where emergencies occur frequently such as in the emergency room or emergency surgery. This contrasts with the observation that medical students and young residents often feel insufficiently prepared to handle medical emergencies. It is therefore necessary to train them in the treatment of emergency patients. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of the assignment of manikin versus simulated patients during a training for undergraduate medical students on learning outcomes and the perceived realism.
Methods: The study had a prospective cross-over design and took place in a 3-day emergency medicine training for undergraduate medical students. Students completed three teaching units (‘chest pain’, ‘impaired consciousness’, ‘dyspnea’), either with manikin or simulated patient. Using a questionnaire after each unit, overall impression, didactics, content, the quality of practical exercises, and the learning success were evaluated. The gained competences were measured in a 6-station objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) at the end of training.
Results: 126 students participated. Students rated simulated patients as significantly more realistic than manikins regarding the possibility to carry out examination techniques and taking medical history. 54.92% of the students would prefer to train with simulated patients in the future. Regarding the gained competences for ‘chest pain’ and ‘impaired consciousness’, students who trained with a manikin scored less in the OSCE station than the simulated patients-group.
Conclusion: Simulated patients are rated more realistic than manikins and seem to be superior to manikins regarding gained competence.
Hintergrund: Gut durchgeführte Wiederbelebungsmaßnahmen können bei einem Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand das Outcome verbessern. Um praktische Fähigkeiten zu erlernen, greifen Medizinstudierende oft auf Lehrvideos zurück. Studien zeigen jedoch häufig eine unzureichende Qualität der im Internet zur Verfügung gestellten Videos zu Reanimationsmaßnahmen. Eine Bewertung anhand einer validierten, auf den aktuellen „guidelines“ basierten Checkliste fehlt bisher. Ziel der Arbeit: Entwicklung und Validierung einer Checkliste zur Bewertung von Lehrvideos zur Reanimation. Material und Methoden: In einem Expertenworkshop erfolgte basierend auf den aktuellen „guidelines“ die Formulierung der Checklistenitems. Die Checkliste wurde in einem vierstufigen Reviewprozess von Notärzten getestet. Die Bewertungen wurden analysiert und die Items angepasst und spezifiziert. Nach dem Reviewprozess wurde die Checkliste an 74 Videos zur Reanimation angewendet. Ergebnisse: Die Checkliste umfasst 25 Items in vier Kategorien (initiale Maßnahmen, Thoraxkompression, AED-Nutzung, Atmung), die auf einer 3 stufigen Likert-Skala bewertet werden. 16 NotärztInnen nahmen an der Studie teil. Sie bewerteten jeweils durchschnittlich 9,3 ± 5,7 Videos. Die Reviewer stimmten in 65,1 ± 12,6 % der Fälle überein. Die höchsten Übereinstimmungen wurden im Unterthema AED erzielt, das Item „Beim Schock Patienten nicht berühren“ wies die höchste Übereinstimmung auf. Die Items der Kategorie Thoraxkompression wurden am häufigsten unterschiedlich bewertet. Diskussion: Es konnte erstmalig für den deutschsprachigen Raum eine Checkliste zur Bewertung von Lehrvideos zur Reanimation erstellt und validiert werden.
Epidural catheterization has become an indispensable part of modern pain therapy, for example, in obstetrics. Learning how to master this skill is an important competency. Videos are among the information sources with the highest information content for learning such skills. The present study aims to analyze videos regarding epidural catheter placement provided on the YouTube platform based on a validated checklist. An expert workshop selected crucial items for learning epidural catheterization in obstetrics. Items were identified and optimized in a five-step testing process. Using this checklist, videos from YouTube were evaluated by eleven health care professionals. Sixteen videos were identified and analyzed. Concerning the catheterization-specific part of the checklist, only two videos showed satisfactory quality. In the didactic part, eleven out of 21 items reached a mean score >50% of the points. Regarding interrater reliability, the catheterization-specific checklist was shown to be substantial (Fleiss’ kappa = 0.610), and the didactic part was shown to be fair (Fleiss’ kappa = 0.401). Overall, standard monitoring and appropriate aseptic technique were followed in only 42% and 49% for the procedure. There was a significant correlation between the runtime and the content quality (p < 0.001). No correlation could be found in terms of platform rating parameters. The video quality varied highly in terms of the requirements of this practical skill. The majority appear unsuitable for self-study due to serious errors and deficiencies regarding patient safety. However, there is no quality control on free platforms. Accordingly, it is difficult to identify suitable videos for educational purposes.