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- Article (7)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
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- vitamin D (2)
- Addison’s disease (1)
- FOXO3a (1)
- HLA DQ haplotypes (1)
- Hals (1)
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (1)
- Immunologische Diagnostik (1)
- Kopf (1)
- Plattenepithelcarcinom (1)
- Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (1)
- Medizin (7)
- Biowissenschaften (1)
Association of autoimmune Addison's disease with alleles of STAT4 and GATA3 in European cohorts
Background: Gene variants known to contribute to Autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD) susceptibility include those at the MHC, MICA, CIITA, CTLA4, PTPN22, CYP27B1, NLRP-1 and CD274 loci. The majority of the genetic component to disease susceptibility has yet to be accounted for.
Aim: To investigate the role of 19 candidate genes in AAD susceptibility in six European case-control cohorts.
Methods: A sequential association study design was employed with genotyping using Sequenom iPlex technology. In phase one, 85 SNPs in 19 genes were genotyped in UK and Norwegian AAD cohorts (691 AAD, 715 controls). In phase two, 21 SNPs in 11 genes were genotyped in German, Swedish, Italian and Polish cohorts (1264 AAD, 1221 controls). In phase three, to explore association of GATA3 polymorphisms with AAD and to determine if this association extended to other autoimmune conditions, 15 SNPs in GATA3 were studied in UK and Norwegian AAD cohorts, 1195 type 1 diabetes patients from Norway, 650 rheumatoid arthritis patients from New Zealand and in 283 UK Graves' disease patients. Meta-analysis was used to compare genotype frequencies between the participating centres, allowing for heterogeneity.
Results: We report significant association with alleles of two STAT4 markers in AAD cohorts (rs4274624: P = 0.00016; rs10931481: P = 0.0007). In addition, nominal association of AAD with alleles at GATA3 was found in 3 patient cohorts and supported by meta-analysis. Association of AAD with CYP27B1 alleles was also confirmed, which replicates previous published data. Finally, nominal association was found at SNPs in both the NF-κB1 and IL23A genes in the UK and Italian cohorts respectively.
Conclusions: Variants in the STAT4 gene, previously associated with other autoimmune conditions, confer susceptibility to AAD. Additionally, we report association of GATA3 variants with AAD: this adds to the recent report of association of GATA3 variants with rheumatoid arthritis.
Background: Three genes have been confirmed as major joint susceptibility genes for endocrine autoimmune disease:human leukocyte antigen class II, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 and protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22. Recent studies showed that a genetic variation within the interferon induced helicase domain 1 (IFIH1) locus (rs1990760 polymorphism) is an additional risk factor in type 1 diabetes and Graves' disease (GD). Methods: The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of the rs1990760 polymorphism within the IFIH1 gene in German patients with GD (n=258), Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT,n=106), Addison's disease (AD,n=195) and healthy controls (HC,n=227) as well as in 55 GD families (165 individuals, German) and 100 HT families (300 individuals, Italian). Furthermore, the interaction between rs1990760 polymorphism with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) risk haplotype DQ2(DQA*0501-DQB*0201), the risk haplotypes DQ2/DQ8 (DQA*0301-DQB*0302) and the status of thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb), thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb) and TSH receptor antibody (TRAb) in patients and families were analysed. Results:No significant differences were found between the allele and genotype frequencies for rs1990760 IFIH1 polymorphism in patients with GD, HT, AD and HC. Also no differences were observed when stratifying the IFIH1 rs1990760 polymorphism for gender, presence or absence of thyroid antibodies (GD:TRAb and HT:TPOAb/TgAb) and HLA risk haplotypes (DQ2:for GD and HT, DQ2/DQ8:for AD). Furthermore the transmission analysis in GD and HT families revealed no differences in alleles transmission for rs1990760 IFIH1 from parents with or without HLA risk haplotype DQ2 to the affected offspring. In contrast, by dividing the HT parents according to the presence or absence of thyroid Ab titers, mothers and fathers both positive for TPOAb/TgAb overtransmitted the allele A of IFIH1 rs1990760 to their HT affected offspring (61.8% vs 38.2%;p=0.05;corrected p [pc]=0.1). However, these associations did not remain statistically significant after correction of the p-values. Conclusion: In conclusion, our data suggest, no contribution from IFIH1 rs1990760 polymorphism to the pathogenesis of either Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis or Addison's disease in our study populations. However, in order to exclude a possible influence of the studied polymorphism in specified subgroups within patients with autoimmune thyroid disease, further investigations in larger populations are needed.
Background: Polymorphisms within the insulin gene can influence insulin expression in the pancreas and especially in the thymus, where self-antigens are processed, shaping the T cell repertoire into selftolerance, a process that protects from ß-cell autoimmunity.
Methods: We investigated the role of the -2221Msp(C/T) and -23HphI(A/T) polymorphisms within the insulin gene in patients with a monoglandular autoimmune endocrine disease [patients with isolated type 1 diabetes (T1D, n = 317), Addison´s disease (AD, n = 107) or Hashimoto´s thyroiditis (HT, n = 61)], those with a polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type II (combination of T1D and/or AD with HT or GD, n = 62) as well as in healthy controls (HC, n = 275).
Results: T1D patients carried significantly more often the homozygous genotype "CC" -2221Msp(C/T) and "AA" -23HphI(A/T) polymorphisms than the HC (78.5% vs. 66.2%, p = 0.0027 and 75.4% vs. 52.4%, p = 3.7 × 10-8, respectively). The distribution of insulin gene polymorphisms did not show significant differences between patients with AD, HT, or APS-II and HC.
Conclusion: We demonstrate that the allele "C" of the -2221Msp(C/T) and "A" -23HphI(A/T) insulin gene polymorphisms confer susceptibility to T1D but not to isolated AD, HT or as a part of the APS-II.
Background: Different parameters have been determined for prediction of treatment outcome in hepatitis c virus genotype 1 infected patients undergoing pegylated interferon, ribavirin combination therapy. Results on the importance of vitamin D levels are conflicting. In the present study, a comprehensive analysis of vitamin D levels before and during therapy together with single nucleotide polymorphisms involved in vitamin D metabolism in the context of other known treatment predictors has been performed.
Methods: In a well characterized prospective cohort of 398 genotype 1 infected patients treated with pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin for 24–72 weeks (INDIV-2 study) 25-OH-vitamin D levels and different single nucleotide polymorphisms were analyzed together with known biochemical parameters for a correlation with virologic treatment outcome.
Results: Fluctuations of more than 5 (10) ng/ml in 25-OH-vitamin D-levels have been observed in 66 (39) % of patients during the course of antiviral therapy and neither pretreatment nor under treatment 25-OH-vitamin D-levels were associated with treatment outcome. The DHCR7-TT-polymorphism within the 7-dehydrocholesterol-reductase showed a significant association (P = 0.031) to sustained viral response in univariate analysis. Among numerous further parameters analyzed we found that age (OR = 1.028, CI = 1.002–1.056, P = 0.035), cholesterol (OR = 0.983, CI = 0.975–0.991, P<0.001), ferritin (OR = 1.002, CI = 1.000–1.004, P = 0.033), gGT (OR = 1.467, CI = 1.073–2.006, P = 0.016) and IL28B-genotype (OR = 2.442, CI = 1.271–4.695, P = 0.007) constituted the strongest predictors of treatment response.
Conclusions: While 25-OH-vitamin D-levels levels show considerable variations during the long-lasting course of antiviral therapy they do not show any significant association to treatment outcome in genotype 1 infected patients.
Im Rahmen einer klinische Studie wurden bei Patienten mit Plattenepithelkarzinomen im Kopf/Halsbereich LymphozytenSubpopulationen phänotypisch und funktionell charakteri- siert sowie deren Aktivierungszustand anhand der Bestimmung des Interleukin2Titers und der Konzentration von löslichem Interleukin2Rezeptor a (sIL2Ra) im Plasma gemessen. Hierbei interessierte der Einfluß des Tumors bzw. der Therapieformen wie Operation, Che mo, Bestrahlungstherapie und kombinierte RadioChemotherapie auf diese immunologischen Parameter. Die Zusammensetzung der Populationen peripherer Blutlymphozyten wird durch die Größe und Malignität des Primärtumors sowie durch Lymphknotenmetastasen beeinflußt. In der An fangsphase, bei einer Tumormalignität G1, ist eine starke Reduzierung der LAKZellaktivität zu sehen, was mit suppressiven Faktoren, wie zum Beipiel ProstaglandinE2, abgesondert von Monozyten, in Verbindung gebracht werden könnte. Der Anteil CD3positiver Zellen ist im G3Stadium sehr stark erniedrigt und deutet auf eine Herunterregulierung der zu dem CD3 Komplex gehörenden eKette hin. Weiterhin war bei den HNOTumorpatienten der Anteil der CD4Lymphozyten auffällig erniedrigt, während die Zahl der doppeltpositiven CD4 CD8 Zellen sowie die HLADRWerte erhöht war. Einen Monat nach einem operativen Eingriff ließ sich eine starke Zunahme der CD25 Expression, besonders auf TLymphozyten erkennen. Die Chemotherapie mit Cisplatin, Fo linsäure, 5FU, Fortecortin eine sogenannte Polychemotherapie bewirkte eine starke Erhö hung der NKZellpopulation und eine höhere Expression des CD25Markers auf NKZellen sowie eine Zunahme der LAKZellfunktion. Die Veränderung der NKZellpopulation ist wahrscheinlich auf den Einsatz von Cisplatin und 5FU zurückzuführen. Die Bestrahlungsthe rapie bewirkte eine signifikante Abnahme der TLymphozyten, besonders der CD4T Helferzellen, bei gleichzeitiger Zunahme der CD4 CD8 positiven Zellen. BZellen sind gStrahlen sensitiv, so daß unter Bestrahlung ihr Anteil vermindert wird. Die Erhöhung der NKZellpopulation ist wahrscheinlich auf eine Radioresistenz dieser Lymphozytensubpopula tion zurückzuführen. Die RadioChemotherapie beinhaltet drei Zyklen mit einem Zytostatika gemisch: Cisplatin, 5FU, Folinsäure, Dexametason, Rescuvolin und Fortecortin und an schließender Behandlung mit gStrahlen. Die Daten der vorliegenden Studie zeigen deutlich, daß es unter dieser RadioChemotherapie zu einem signifikanten Abfall der CD3 und CD2positiven Zellen, besonders der zytotoxi schen TZellpopulation, sowie zu einer Erhöhung der CD25exprimierenden Zellen kommt. Die Beziehungen der Zellen untereinander sind unter Operation, Betrahlung und Radio Chemotherapie nicht verändert, die Chemotherapie verursacht jedoch vermutlich ein Un gleichgewicht zwischen THelferzellen und Makrophagen bezüglich der Vermehrung von NKZellen. Bei Patienten ohne Therapie kam es zu einer Abnahme der CD3positiven Zellen. Dies unterstützt die Hypothese der Herunterregulierung der eKette des CD3Komplexes unter Tumoreinwirkung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen weiter, daß die alleinige Bestimmung des Interleukin2 Proteins keine Auskunft über die Wirkung des Tumors auf die Sezernierung dieses Peptids bei einer Tumorlokalisation im Gaumen und Zungenbereich gibt. Erst im Verlauf der Erkrankung können Änderungen durch virale Infektionen und der Einfluß verschiedener Therapiemodali täten beobachtet werden. Die Konzentration von sIL2Ra verhielt sich proportional zur Tumorgröße. Dies unterstützt die Hypothese, daß dieser Rezeptor eher vom Tumor abstammt und nicht von den infiltrierten Lymphozyten. Die Konzentration von sIL2Ra im Plasma war abhängig von der Therapieart. Sie erreichte wesentlich höhere Werte bei Tumorpatienten im Vergleich zu den Probanden. Der niedrigste Spiegel bei Patienten fand sich bei Bestrahlungstherapie (Median = 840 U/ml), die höchsten Werte bei Patienten mit Chemotherapie (Median = 1400 U/ml). Infiltrierende CD3 Lymphozyten im Primärtumor, identifiziert mit einen Antikörper gegen die eKetten, sind im Vergleich zu metastasierten Lymphknoten signifikant erniedrigt. Unter suchungen der peripheren Blutlymphozyten bei Patienten mit Primärtumor ergaben eine signi fikante Erhöhung der CD3Populationen bei gleichzeitiger Erniedrigung des Anteils CD45 positiver Zellen. Es bestand für CD45positive Zellen ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwi schen peripheren Blutlymphozyten und tumorinfiltrierenden Lymphozyten.
Context: Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS-2: autoimmune Addison’s disease or type 1 diabetes) is conferred by predisposing HLA molecules, vitamin D deficiency, and heritable susceptibility. Organ destruction is accompanied by cytokine alterations. We addressed the monocytic cytokines of two distinct APS-2 cohorts, effects of vitamin D and HLA DQ risk.
Methods: APS-2 patients (n = 30) and healthy controls (n = 30) were genotyped for HLA DQA1/DQB1 and their CD14+ monocytes stimulated with IL1β and/or 1,25(OH)2D3 for 24 h. Immune regulatory molecules (IL-6, IL-10, IL-23A, IL-15, CCL-2, PD-L1), vitamin D pathway gene transcripts (CYP24A1, CYP27B1, VDR), and CD14 were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and RTqPCR. Results: Pro-inflammatory CCL-2 was higher in APS-2 patients than in controls (p = 0.001), whereas IL-6 showed a trend – (p = 0.1). In vitro treatment with 1,25(OH)2D3 reduced proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, CCL-2, IL-23A, IL-15) whereas anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10 and PD-L1) rose both in APS-type 1 diabetes and APS-Addison´s disease. Patients with adrenal autoimmunity showed a stronger response to vitamin D. Expression of IL-23A and vitamin D pathway genes VDR and CYP27B1 varied by HLA genotype and was lower in healthy individuals with high-risk HLA (p = 0.0025; p = 0.04), while healthy controls with low-risk HLA showed a stronger IL-10 and CD14 expression (p = 0.01; p = 0.03). Conclusion: 1,25(OH)2D3 regulates the monocytic response in APS-2 disorders type 1 diabetes or Addison´s disease. The monocytic cytokine profile of individuals carrying HLA high-risk alleles is proinflammatory, enhances polyglandular autoimmunity and can be targeted by vitamin D.
Sphingolipids are characterized by a broad range of bioactive properties. Particularly, the development of insulin resistance, a major pathophysiological hallmark of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2D), has been linked to ceramide signaling. Since vitamin D supplementation may slow down T2D progression by improving glucose concentrations and insulin sensitivity, we investigated whether vitamin D supplementation impacts on plasma sphingolipid levels in T2D patients. Thus, plasma samples of 59 patients with non-insulin-requiring T2D from a placebo-controlled, randomized, and double-blind study were retrospectively analyzed. Once per week, patients received either 20 drops of Vigantol oil, corresponding to a daily dose of 1904 IU/d vitamin D (verum: n = 31), or a placebo oil consisting of medium chain triglycerides (placebo: n = 28). Blood samples were taken from all of the participants at three different time points: 1) at the beginning of the study (baseline), 2) after 6 months supplementation, and 3) after an additional 6 months of follow-up. Plasma sphingolipids were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. At baseline and 6 months follow-up, no significant differences in plasma sphingolipid species were detected between the placebo and verum groups. After 6 months, vitamin D supplementation significantly enhanced plasma C18dihydroceramide (dhCer; N-stearoyl-sphinganine (d18:0/18:0)) and C18ceramide (Cer; N-stearoyl-sphingosine (d18:1/18:0)) levels were observed in the verum group compared to the placebo group. This was accompanied by significantly higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) blood levels in patients receiving vitamin D compared to the placebo group. Taken together, vitamin D supplementation induced changes of the C18 chain-length-specific dhCer and Cer plasma levels in patients with T2D. The regulation of sphingolipid signaling by vitamin D may thus unravel a novel mechanism by which vitamin D can influence glucose utilization and insulin action. Whether this acts favorably or unfavorably for the progression of T2D needs to be clarified.
Background: Protective effects of vitamin D have been reported in autoimmune and malignant thyroid diseases, though little is known about the underlying mechanism. Sirtuin 1 histon deacethylase (SIRT1) links the vitamin D pathway with regulation of transcription factor FOXO3a, a key player in cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. Aim of the present study was to investigate common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP's) in FOXO3a gene in respect to thyroid diseases, as well as to evaluate the hypothesis of Sirtuin1-FOXO3a interaction being a mediator of anti-proliferative vitamin D effects.
Methods: The SNP's FOXO3a rs4946936/rs4945816/rs9400239 were genotyped in 257 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC), 139 patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) and 463 healthy controls (HC). Moreover, T-helper cells of HC and papillary thyroid cancer cell line BCPAP were incubated with 1,25(OH)2D3 and/or SIRT1 inhibitor Ex-527 in order to elucidate SIRT1- dependent vitamin D effects on cell proliferation and FOXO3a gene expression in vitro.
Results: Patients with DTC tended to carry more often allele C in FOXO3a rs4946936 in comparison to HC (pcorrected = pc = 0.08). FOXO3a rs9400239T and rs4945816C was more frequent in HT in comparison to HC (pc = 0.02 and pc = 0.01, respectively). In both DTC and HT, we could not find a correlation of FOXO3a SNP's with vitamin D status. However, on in vitro level, 1,25(OH)2D3 showed an anti-proliferative effect in both T-helper cells and BCPAP, that was blocked by SIRT1 inhibition (T-helper cells: p = 0.0059, BCPAP: p = 0.04) and accompanied by elevated FOXO3a gene expression in T-helper cells (p = 0.05).
Conclusions: FOXO3a rs9400239T and rs4945816C may constitute risk factors for HT, independent of the vitamin D status.This indicates the implication of FOXO3a in pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid diseases. The dependency of anti-proliferative vitamin D effects on SIRT1 activity further suggests a key role of vitamin D-SIRT1-FOXO3a axis for protective vitamin D effects.