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- Article (43)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
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- Hodgkin lymphoma (5)
- classical Hodgkin lymphoma (3)
- B-cell lymphoma (2)
- DNA methylation (2)
- Histology (2)
- Lymphocytes (2)
- anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2)
- Antiviral therapy (1)
- B cell malignancies (1)
- B cells (1)
Background: Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) usually presents in middle aged men and shows an indolent clinical behavior. However, up to 30% of the patients present a secondary transformation into aggressive diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL). The aim of the present study was to characterize morphology and immunophenotype of this kind of DLBCL in detail and compare it with conventional DLBCL.
Methods: Morphology and immunophenotype of 33 cases of NLPHL with simultaneous or sequential transformation into DLBCL were investigated. These cases were compared with 41 de novo DLBCL in Finnish men.
Results: The majority of cases exhibited different immunophenotypes in the NLPHL and the DLBCL components. The immunophenotype of the DLBCL secondary to NLPHL was heterogeneous. However, BCL6, EMA, CD75 and J-chain were usually expressed in both components (≥73% positive). Overall, the NLPHL component was more frequently positive for EMA, CD75 and J-chain than the DLBCL component. In contrast, B cell markers, CD10 and BCL2, were more frequently expressed and were expressed at higher levels in the DLBCL component than in the NLPHL component. In the independent series of de novo DLBCL 4 cases could be identified with a growth pattern and immunophenotype that suggested that they had arisen secondarily from NLPHL.
Conclusions: The morphology and immunophenotype of DLBCL arisen from NLPHL is heterogeneous. Further characterization of the particular molecular features of this subgroup is warranted to be able to better identify these cases among conventional DLBCL.
Background: Increased glycolytic activity is a hallmark of cancer, allowing staging and restaging with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron-emission-tomography (PET). Since interim-PET is an important prognostic tool in Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), the aim of this study was to investigate the expression of proteins involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism in the different HL subtypes and their impact on clinical outcome.
Methods: Lymph node biopsies from 54 HL cases and reactive lymphoid tissue were stained for glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1), lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) and lactate exporter proteins MCT1 and MCT4. In a second series, samples from additional 153 HL cases with available clinical data were stained for GLUT1 and LDHA.
Results: Membrane bound GLUT1 expression was frequently observed in the tumor cells of HL (49% of all cases) but showed a broad variety between the different Hodgkin lymphoma subtypes: Nodular sclerosing HL subtype displayed a membrane bound GLUT1 expression in the Hodgkin-and Reed-Sternberg cells in 56% of the cases. However, membrane bound GLUT1 expression was more rarely observed in tumor cells of lymphocyte rich classical HL subtype (30%) or nodular lymphocyte predominant HL subtype (15%). Interestingly, in both of these lymphocyte rich HL subtypes as well as in progressively transformed germinal centers, reactive B cells displayed strong expression of GLUT1. LDHA, acting downstream of glycolysis, was also expressed in 44% of all cases. We evaluated the prognostic value of different GLUT1 and LDHA expression patterns; however, no significant differences in progression free or overall survival were found between patients exhibiting different GLUT1 or LDHA expression patterns. There was no correlation between GLUT1 expression in HRS cells and PET standard uptake values.
Conclusions: In a large number of cases, HRS cells in classical HL express high levels of GLUT1 and LDHA indicating glycolytic activity in the tumor cells. Although interim-PET is an important prognostic tool, a predictive value of GLUT1 or LDHA staining of the primary diagnostic biopsy could not be demonstrated. However, we observed GLUT1 expression in progressively transformed germinal centers and hyperplastic follicles, explaining false positive results in PET. Therefore, PET findings suggestive of HL relapse should always be confirmed by histology.
T-cell receptor (TCR) polyclonal mature T cells are surprisingly resistant to oncogenic transformation after retroviral insertion of T-cell oncogenes. In a mouse model, it has been shown that mature T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (MTCLL) is not induced upon transplantation of mature, TCR polyclonal wild-type (WT) T cells, transduced with gammaretroviral vectors encoding potent T-cell oncogenes, into RAG1-deficient recipients. However, further studies demonstrated that quasi-monoclonal T cells treated with the same protocol readily induced MTCLL in the recipient mice. It has been hypothesized that in the TCR polyclonal situation, outgrowth of preleukemic cells and subsequent conversion to overt malignancy is suppressed through regulation of clonal abundances on a per-clone basis due to interactions between TCRs and self-peptide-MHC-complexes (spMHCs), while these mechanisms fail in the quasi-monoclonal situation. To quantitatively study this hypothesis, we applied a mathematical modeling approach. In particular, we developed a novel ordinary differential equation model of T-cell homeostasis, in which T-cell fate depends on spMHC-TCR-interaction-triggered stimulatory signals from antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Based on our mathematical modeling approach, we identified parameter configurations of our model, which consistently explain the observed phenomena. Our results suggest that the preleukemic cells are less competent than healthy competitor cells in acquiring survival stimuli from APCs, but that proliferation of these preleukemic cells is less dependent on survival stimuli from APCs. These predictions now call for experimental validation.
Meeting Abstract : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. 125. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. Berlin, 22.-25.04.2008 Einleitung: Die Resektion von Lebermetastasen kolorektaler Karzinome stellt die einzige potentiell kurative Behandlungsoption dar. Wirksame Chemotherapeutika wie Oxaliplatin und Irinotecan sind in den Verdacht geraten durch histologische Veränderungen an der Leber das Resektionsausmass oder das Outcome von vorbehandelten Patienten zu gefährden.Die vorliegende Studie untersucht daher den Grad der Steatohepatitis bei Patienten mit kolorektalen Lebermetastasen in Abhängigkeit von der Chemotherapie. Material und Methoden: In einem Kollektiv von 100 konsekutiven Patienten (08/2002 bis 02/2006) (chemonaiv: n=32, 62,4 +/- 13,3 Jahre; neoadjuvante Chemotherapie: n=39, 62 +/- 10,2 Jahre und adjuvante Chemotherapie: n=29, 61,2 +/- 10,8 Jahre) wurde aus den intraoperativ gewonnenen Leberresektaten retrospektiv der NAFLD-Score nach Kleiner et al. (Hepatology 2005) erhoben. Zur morphologischen Beurteilung wurde die Hämatoxilin-Eosin-Färbung verwendet, während der Fibrosegrad anhand der Ladewig-Färbung und der Siderosegrad mittels der Berliner-Blau-Färbung bestimmt wurden.Anschließend erfolgte eine statische Analyse der Häufigkeit und Relevanz der Steatohepatitis in den einzelnen Gruppen im Hinblick auf Verlauf und Outcome der Leberresektion. Hierbei wurden multivariate Regression, Kruskal-Wallis-Test, chi2-Test oder Mann-Whitney-U-Test (p<0,05) verwendet. Ergebnisse: Im vorliegenden Patientengut zeigten 7 Patienten eine ausgeprägte NASH, während bei 69% der Patienten keinerlei Veränderungen im Sinne einer NASH vorlagen. Die subjektive Gesamtbeurteilung der Pathologen und der errechnete NASH-Score eine Übereinstimmung in 92%. (Cohen´s kappa 0,82; 95%-Konfidenzintervall [0,71-0,93]). Hinsichtlich des NASH-Score (p=0,462) oder seiner Komponenten konnten keine Unterschiede in Abhängigkeit vom Zeitpunkt der Chemotherapie (Chemonaiv/ neoadjuvant/ adjuvant) gefunden werden. Eine Analyse in Abhängigkeit der verwendeten Chemotherapeutika zeigte keine Unterschiede für den Gesamt-Score (p=0,897), jedoch signifikante Unterschiede für einzelne Komponenten: Portale Entzündung (p=0,045) und Vorliegen von Microgranulomen (p<0,001). Auch eine multivariate Analyse konnte weder den Einfluss von Substanz noch Zeitpunkt der Chemotherapie auf die Entwicklung einer NASH (p zwischen 0,35 und 0,92) nachweisen.Die Analyse des perioperativen Verlaufs (Transfusionsbedarf, Radikalität, Komplikationen, Liegedauer, postoperative Leberfunktion, Krankenhausmortalität) ergab keine signifikanten Unterschiede für Patienten mit oder ohne NASH. Schlussfolgerung: Das Vorliegen einer Steatohepatitis in unserem Patientengut war eine seltene Diagnose, die nicht in Zusammenhang mit Zeitpunkt der Chemotherapie oder verwendetem Chemotherapeutikum stand. Selbst das Vorliegen einer NASH scheint keinen relevanten Einfluss auf den perioperativen Verlauf oder das Outcome nach Leberresektion zu haben.
The hallmark of Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) leukemia is the BCR/ABL kinase, which is successfully targeted by selective ATP competitors. However, inhibition of BCR/ABL alone is unable to eradicate Ph+ leukemia. The t(9;22) is a reciprocal translocation which encodes not only for the der22 (Philadelphia chromosome) related BCR/ABL, but also for der9 related ABL/BCR fusion proteins, which can be detected in 65% of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and 100% of patients with Ph+ acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL). ABL/BCRs are oncogenes able to influence the lineage commitment of hematopoietic progenitors. Aim of this study was to further disclose the role of p96ABL/BCR for the pathogenesis of Ph+ ALL. The co-expression of p96ABL/BCR enhanced the kinase activity and as a consequence, the transformation potential of p185BCR/ABL. Targeting p96ABL/BCR by RNAi inhibited growth of Ph+ ALL cell lines and Ph+ ALL patient-derived long-term cultures (PD-LTCs). Our in vitro and in vivo stem cell studies further revealed a functional hierarchy of p96ABL/BCR and p185BCR/ABL in hematopoietic stem cells. Co-expression of p96ABL/BCR abolished the capacity of p185BCR/ABL to induce a CML-like disease and led to the induction of ALL. Taken together our here presented data reveal an important role of p96ABL/BCR for the pathogenesis of Ph+ ALL.
As current classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) treatment strategies have pronounced side-effects, specific inhibition of signaling pathways may offer novel strategies in cHL therapy. Basal autophagy, a regulated catabolic pathway to degrade cell's own components, is in cancer linked with both, tumor suppression or promotion. The finding that basal autophagy enhances tumor cell survival would thus lead to immediately testable strategies for novel therapies. Thus, we studied its contribution in cHL.We found constitutive activation of autophagy in cHL cell lines and primary tissue. The expression of key autophagy-relevant proteins (e.g. Beclin-1, ULK1) and LC3 processing was increased in cHL cells, even in lymphoma cases. Consistently, cHL cells exhibited elevated numbers of autophagic vacuoles and intact autophagic flux. Autophagy inhibition with chloroquine or inactivation of ATG5 induced apoptosis and reduced proliferation of cHL cells. Chloroquine-mediated inhibition of basal autophagy significantly impaired HL growth in-vivo in NOD SCID γc-/- (NSG) mice. We found that basal autophagy plays a pivotal role in sustaining mitochondrial function.We conclude that cHL cells require basal autophagy for growth, survival and sustained metabolism making them sensitive to autophagy inhibition. This suggests basal autophagy as useful target for new strategies in cHL treatment.
The hallmark of classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) is the presence of giant, mostly multinucleated Hodgkin-Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells. Whereas it has recently been shown that giant HRS cells evolve from small Hodgkin cells by incomplete cytokinesis and re-fusion of tethered sister cells, it remains unsolved why this phenomenon particularly takes place in this lymphoma and what the differences between these cell types of variable sizes are. The aim of the present study was to characterize microdissected small and giant HRS cells by gene expression profiling and to assess differences of clonal growth behavior as well as susceptibility toward cytotoxic intervention between these different cell types to provide more insight into their distinct cellular potential. Applying stringent filter criteria, only two differentially expressed genes between small and giant HRS cells, SHFM1 and LDHB, were identified. With looser filter criteria, 13 genes were identified to be differentially overexpressed in small compared to giant HRS cells. These were mainly related to energy metabolism and protein synthesis, further suggesting that small Hodgkin cells resemble the proliferative compartment of cHL. SHFM1, which is known to be involved in the generation of giant cells, was downregulated in giant RS cells at the RNA level. However, reduced mRNA levels of SHFM1, LDHB and HSPA8 did not translate into decreased protein levels in giant HRS cells. In cell culture experiments it was observed that the fraction of small and big HRS cells was adjusted to the basic level several days after enrichment of these populations via cell sorting, indicating that small and big HRS cells can reconstitute the full spectrum of cells usually observed in the culture. However, assessment of clonal growth of HRS cells indicated a significantly reduced potential of big HRS cells to form single cell colonies. Taken together, our findings pinpoint to strong similarities but also some differences between small and big HRS cells.
Eosinophilic cholangitis is a potentially underdiagnosed etiology in indeterminate biliary stricture
AIM: To investigate presence and extent of eosinophilic cholangitis (EC) as well as IgG4-related disease in patients with indeterminate biliary stricture (IBS).
METHODS: All patients with diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis (SC) and histopathological samples such as biopsies or surgical specimens at University Hospital Frankfurt from 2005-2015 were included. Histopathological diagnoses as well as further clinical course were reviewed. Tissue samples of patients without definite diagnosis after complete diagnostic work-up were reviewed regarding presence of eosinophilic infiltration and IgG4 positive plasma cells. Eosinophilic infiltration was as well assessed in a control group of liver transplant donors and patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis.
RESULTS: one hundred and thirty-five patients with SC were included. In 10/135 (13.5%) patients, no potential cause of IBS could be identified after complete diagnostic work-up and further clinical course. After histopathological review, a post-hoc diagnosis of EC was established in three patients resulting in a prevalence of 2.2% (3/135) of all patients with SC as well as 30% (3/10) of patients, where no cause of IBS was identified. 2/3 patients with post-hoc diagnosis of EC underwent surgical resection with suspicion for malignancy. Diagnosis of IgG4-related cholangitis was observed in 7/135 patients (5.1%), whereas 3 cases were discovered in post-hoc analysis. 6/7 cases with IgG4-related cholangitis (85.7%) presented with eosinophilic infiltration in addition to IgG4 positive plasma cells. There was no patient with eosinophilic infiltration in the control group of liver transplant donors (n = 27) and patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 14).
CONCLUSION: EC is an underdiagnosed benign etiology of SC and IBS, which has to be considered in differential diagnosis of IBS.
The mechanisms involved in malignant transformation of mature B and T lymphocytes are still poorly understood. In a previous study, we compared gene expression profiles of the tumor cells of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) to their normal cellular counterparts and found the basic leucine zipper protein ATF-like 3 (BATF3) to be significantly upregulated in the tumor cells of both entities. To assess the oncogenic potential of BATF3 in lymphomagenesis and to dissect the molecular interactions of BATF3 in lymphoma cells, we retrovirally transduced murine mature T and B cells with a BATF3-encoding viral vector and transplanted each population into Rag1-deficient recipients. Intriguingly, BATF3-expressing B lymphocytes readily induced B-cell lymphomas after characteristic latencies, whereas T-cell transplanted animals remained healthy throughout the observation time. Further analyses revealed a germinal center B-cell-like phenotype of most BATF3-initiated lymphomas. In a multiple myeloma cell line, BATF3 inhibited BLIMP1 expression, potentially illuminating an oncogenic action of BATF3 in B-cell lymphomagenesis. In conclusion, BATF3 overexpression induces malignant transformation of mature B cells and might serve as a potential target in B-cell lymphoma treatment.
Genetic heterogeneity of primary lesion and metastasis in small intestine neuroendocrine tumors
Data on intratumoral heterogeneity of small intestine neuroendocrine tumors (SI-NETs) and related liver metastasis are limited. The aim of this study was to characterize genetic heterogeneity of 5 patients with SI-NETs. Therefore, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples of primary and metastatic lesions as well as benign liver of five patients with synchronously metastasized, well differentiated SI-NETs were analyzed with whole exome sequencing. For one patient, chip based 850k whole DNA methylome analysis was performed of primary and metastatic tumor tissue as well as control tissue. Thereby, 156 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in 150 genes were identified and amount of mutations per sample ranged from 9–34 (mean 22). The degree of common (0–94%) and private mutations per sample was strongly varying (6–100%). In all patients, copy number variations (CNV) were found and the degree of intratumoral heterogeneity of CNVs corresponded to SNV analysis. DNA methylation analysis of a patient without common SNVs revealed a large overlap of common methylated CpG sites. In conclusion, SI-NET primary and metastatic lesions show a highly varying degree of intratumoral heterogeneity. Driver events might not be detectable with exome analysis only, and further comprehensive studies including whole genome and epigenetic analyses are warranted.