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- Article (44)
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- Hodgkin lymphoma (6)
- classical Hodgkin lymphoma (3)
- B-cell lymphoma (2)
- DNA methylation (2)
- Histology (2)
- Lymphocytes (2)
- anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2)
- Antiviral therapy (1)
- B cell malignancies (1)
- B cells (1)
T-cell receptor (TCR) polyclonal mature T cells are surprisingly resistant to oncogenic transformation after retroviral insertion of T-cell oncogenes. In a mouse model, it has been shown that mature T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (MTCLL) is not induced upon transplantation of mature, TCR polyclonal wild-type (WT) T cells, transduced with gammaretroviral vectors encoding potent T-cell oncogenes, into RAG1-deficient recipients. However, further studies demonstrated that quasi-monoclonal T cells treated with the same protocol readily induced MTCLL in the recipient mice. It has been hypothesized that in the TCR polyclonal situation, outgrowth of preleukemic cells and subsequent conversion to overt malignancy is suppressed through regulation of clonal abundances on a per-clone basis due to interactions between TCRs and self-peptide-MHC-complexes (spMHCs), while these mechanisms fail in the quasi-monoclonal situation. To quantitatively study this hypothesis, we applied a mathematical modeling approach. In particular, we developed a novel ordinary differential equation model of T-cell homeostasis, in which T-cell fate depends on spMHC-TCR-interaction-triggered stimulatory signals from antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Based on our mathematical modeling approach, we identified parameter configurations of our model, which consistently explain the observed phenomena. Our results suggest that the preleukemic cells are less competent than healthy competitor cells in acquiring survival stimuli from APCs, but that proliferation of these preleukemic cells is less dependent on survival stimuli from APCs. These predictions now call for experimental validation.
Meeting Abstract : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. 125. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. Berlin, 22.-25.04.2008 Einleitung: Die Resektion von Lebermetastasen kolorektaler Karzinome stellt die einzige potentiell kurative Behandlungsoption dar. Wirksame Chemotherapeutika wie Oxaliplatin und Irinotecan sind in den Verdacht geraten durch histologische Veränderungen an der Leber das Resektionsausmass oder das Outcome von vorbehandelten Patienten zu gefährden.Die vorliegende Studie untersucht daher den Grad der Steatohepatitis bei Patienten mit kolorektalen Lebermetastasen in Abhängigkeit von der Chemotherapie. Material und Methoden: In einem Kollektiv von 100 konsekutiven Patienten (08/2002 bis 02/2006) (chemonaiv: n=32, 62,4 +/- 13,3 Jahre; neoadjuvante Chemotherapie: n=39, 62 +/- 10,2 Jahre und adjuvante Chemotherapie: n=29, 61,2 +/- 10,8 Jahre) wurde aus den intraoperativ gewonnenen Leberresektaten retrospektiv der NAFLD-Score nach Kleiner et al. (Hepatology 2005) erhoben. Zur morphologischen Beurteilung wurde die Hämatoxilin-Eosin-Färbung verwendet, während der Fibrosegrad anhand der Ladewig-Färbung und der Siderosegrad mittels der Berliner-Blau-Färbung bestimmt wurden.Anschließend erfolgte eine statische Analyse der Häufigkeit und Relevanz der Steatohepatitis in den einzelnen Gruppen im Hinblick auf Verlauf und Outcome der Leberresektion. Hierbei wurden multivariate Regression, Kruskal-Wallis-Test, chi2-Test oder Mann-Whitney-U-Test (p<0,05) verwendet. Ergebnisse: Im vorliegenden Patientengut zeigten 7 Patienten eine ausgeprägte NASH, während bei 69% der Patienten keinerlei Veränderungen im Sinne einer NASH vorlagen. Die subjektive Gesamtbeurteilung der Pathologen und der errechnete NASH-Score eine Übereinstimmung in 92%. (Cohen´s kappa 0,82; 95%-Konfidenzintervall [0,71-0,93]). Hinsichtlich des NASH-Score (p=0,462) oder seiner Komponenten konnten keine Unterschiede in Abhängigkeit vom Zeitpunkt der Chemotherapie (Chemonaiv/ neoadjuvant/ adjuvant) gefunden werden. Eine Analyse in Abhängigkeit der verwendeten Chemotherapeutika zeigte keine Unterschiede für den Gesamt-Score (p=0,897), jedoch signifikante Unterschiede für einzelne Komponenten: Portale Entzündung (p=0,045) und Vorliegen von Microgranulomen (p<0,001). Auch eine multivariate Analyse konnte weder den Einfluss von Substanz noch Zeitpunkt der Chemotherapie auf die Entwicklung einer NASH (p zwischen 0,35 und 0,92) nachweisen.Die Analyse des perioperativen Verlaufs (Transfusionsbedarf, Radikalität, Komplikationen, Liegedauer, postoperative Leberfunktion, Krankenhausmortalität) ergab keine signifikanten Unterschiede für Patienten mit oder ohne NASH. Schlussfolgerung: Das Vorliegen einer Steatohepatitis in unserem Patientengut war eine seltene Diagnose, die nicht in Zusammenhang mit Zeitpunkt der Chemotherapie oder verwendetem Chemotherapeutikum stand. Selbst das Vorliegen einer NASH scheint keinen relevanten Einfluss auf den perioperativen Verlauf oder das Outcome nach Leberresektion zu haben.
As current classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) treatment strategies have pronounced side-effects, specific inhibition of signaling pathways may offer novel strategies in cHL therapy. Basal autophagy, a regulated catabolic pathway to degrade cell's own components, is in cancer linked with both, tumor suppression or promotion. The finding that basal autophagy enhances tumor cell survival would thus lead to immediately testable strategies for novel therapies. Thus, we studied its contribution in cHL.We found constitutive activation of autophagy in cHL cell lines and primary tissue. The expression of key autophagy-relevant proteins (e.g. Beclin-1, ULK1) and LC3 processing was increased in cHL cells, even in lymphoma cases. Consistently, cHL cells exhibited elevated numbers of autophagic vacuoles and intact autophagic flux. Autophagy inhibition with chloroquine or inactivation of ATG5 induced apoptosis and reduced proliferation of cHL cells. Chloroquine-mediated inhibition of basal autophagy significantly impaired HL growth in-vivo in NOD SCID γc-/- (NSG) mice. We found that basal autophagy plays a pivotal role in sustaining mitochondrial function.We conclude that cHL cells require basal autophagy for growth, survival and sustained metabolism making them sensitive to autophagy inhibition. This suggests basal autophagy as useful target for new strategies in cHL treatment.
Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) can show variable histological growth patterns and present remarkable overlap with T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphoma (THRLBCL). Previous studies suggest that NLPHL histological variants represent progression forms of NLPHL and THRLBCL transformation in aggressive disease. Since molecular studies of both lymphomas are limited due to the low number of tumor cells, the present study aimed to learn if a better understanding of these lymphomas is possible via detailed measurements of nuclear and cell size features in 2D and 3D sections. Whereas no significant differences were visible in 2D analyses, a slightly increased nuclear volume and a significantly enlarged cell size were noted in 3D measurements of the tumor cells of THRLBCL in comparison to typical NLPHL cases. Interestingly, not only was the size of the tumor cells increased in THRLBCL but also the nuclear volume of concomitant T cells in the reactive infiltrate when compared with typical NLPHL. Particularly CD8+ T cells had frequent contacts to tumor cells of THRLBCL. However, the nuclear volume of B cells was comparable in all cases. These results clearly demonstrate that 3D tissue analyses are superior to conventional 2D analyses of histological sections. Furthermore, the results point to a strong activation of T cells in THRLBCL, representing a cytotoxic response against the tumor cells with unclear effectiveness, resulting in enhanced swelling of the tumor cell bodies and limiting proliferative potential. Further molecular studies combining 3D tissue analyses and molecular data will help to gain profound insight into these ill-defined cellular processes.
Introduction: Colorectal cancers (CRCs) deficient in the DNA mismatch repair protein MutL homolog 1 (MLH1) display distinct clinicopathological features and require a different therapeutic approach compared to CRCs with MLH1 proficiency. However, the molecular basis of this fundamental difference remains elusive. Here, we report that MLH1-deficient CRCs exhibit reduced levels of the cytoskeletal scaffolding protein non-erythroid spectrin αII (SPTAN1), and that tumor progression and metastasis of CRCs correlate with SPTAN1 levels.
Methods and results: To investigate the link between MLH1 and SPTAN1 in cancer progression, a cohort of 189 patients with CRC was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Compared with the surrounding normal mucosa, SPTAN1 expression was reduced in MLH1-deficient CRCs, whereas MLH1-proficient CRCs showed a significant upregulation of SPTAN1. Overall, we identified a strong correlation between MLH1 status and SPTAN1 expression. When comparing TNM classification and SPTAN1 levels, we found higher SPTAN1 levels in stage I CRCs, while stages II to IV showed a gradual reduction of SPTAN1 expression. In addition, SPTAN1 expression was lower in metastatic compared with non-metastatic CRCs. Knockdown of SPTAN1 in CRC cell lines demonstrated decreased cell viability, impaired cellular mobility and reduced cell-cell contact formation, indicating that SPTAN1 plays an important role in cell growth and cell attachment. The observed weakened cell-cell contact of SPTAN1 knockdown cells might indicate that tumor cells expressing low levels of SPTAN1 detach from their primary tumor and metastasize more easily.
Conclusion: Taken together, we demonstrate that MLH1 deficiency, low SPTAN1 expression, and tumor progression and metastasis are in close relation. We conclude that SPTAN1 is a candidate molecule explaining the tumor progression and metastasis of MLH1-deficient CRCs. The detailed analysis of SPTAN1 is now mandatory to substantiate its relevance and its potential value as a candidate protein for targeted therapy, and as a predictive marker of cancer aggressiveness.
Introduction: Recent data suggest that benefit from trastuzumab and chemotherapy might be related to expression of HER2 and estrogen receptor (ESR1). Therefore, we investigated HER2 and ESR1 mRNA levels in core biopsies of HER2-positive breast carcinomas from patients treated within the neoadjuvant GeparQuattro trial.
Methods: HER2 levels were centrally analyzed by immunohistochemistry (IHC), silver in-situ hybridization (SISH) and qRT-PCR in 217 pretherapeutic formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) core biopsies. All tumors had been HER2-positive by local pathology and had been treated with neoadjuvant trastuzumab/ chemotherapy in GeparQuattro.
Results: Only 73% of the tumors (158 of 217) were centrally HER2-positive (cHER2-positive) by IHC/SISH, with cHER2-positive tumors showing a significantly higher pCR rate (46.8% vs. 20.3%, p<0.0005). HER2 status by qRT-PCR showed a concordance of 88.5% with the central IHC/SISH status, with a low pCR rate in those tumors that were HER2-negative by mRNA analysis (21.1% vs. 49.6%, p<0.0005). The level of HER2 mRNA expression was linked to response rate in ESR1-positive tumors, but not in ESR1-negative tumors. HER2 mRNA expression was significantly associated with pCR in the HER2-positive/ESR1-positive tumors (p=0.004), but not in HER2-positive/ESR1-negative tumors.
Conclusions: Only patients with cHER2-positive tumors - irrespective of the method used - have an increased pCR rate with trastuzumab plus chemotherapy. In patients with cHER2-negative tumors the pCR rate is comparable to the pCR rate in the non-trastuzumab treated HER-negative population. Response to trastuzumab is correlated to HER2 mRNA levels only in ESR1-positive tumors. This study adds further evidence to the different biology of both subsets within the HER2-positive group.
This study deals with 3D laser investigation on the border between the human lymph node T-zone and germinal centre. Only a few T-cells specific for antigen selected B-cells are allowed to enter germinal centres. This selection process is guided by sinus structures, chemokine gradients and inherent motility of the lymphoid cells. We measured gaps and wall-like structures manually, using IMARIS, a 3D image software for analysis and interpretation of microscopy datasets. In this paper, we describe alpha-actin positive and semipermeable walls and wall-like structures that may hinder T-cells and other cell types from entering germinal centres. Some clearly defined holes or gaps probably regulate lymphoid traffic between T- and B-cell areas. In lymphadenitis, the morphology of this border structure is clearly defined. However, in case of malignant lymphoma, the wall-like structure is disrupted. This has been demonstrated exemplarily in case of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma. We revealed significant differences of lengths of the wall-like structures in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma in comparison with wall-like structures in reactive tissue slices. The alterations of morphological structures lead to abnormal and less controlled T- and B-cell distributions probably preventing the immune defence against tumour cells and infectious agents by dysregulating immune homeostasis.
Human lymph nodes play a central part of immune defense against infection agents and tumor cells. Lymphoid follicles are compartments of the lymph node which are spherical, mainly filled with B cells. B cells are cellular components of the adaptive immune systems. In the course of a specific immune response, lymphoid follicles pass different morphological differentiation stages. The morphology and the spatial distribution of lymphoid follicles can be sometimes associated to a particular causative agent and development stage of a disease. We report our new approach for the automatic detection of follicular regions in histological whole slide images of tissue sections immuno-stained with actin. The method is divided in two phases: (1) shock filter-based detection of transition points and (2) segmentation of follicular regions. Follicular regions in 10 whole slide images were manually annotated by visual inspection, and sample surveys were conducted by an expert pathologist. The results of our method were validated by comparing with the manual annotation. On average, we could achieve a Zijbendos similarity index of 0.71, with a standard deviation of 0.07.
Objective: The NADPH oxidase Nox4 is an important source of H2O2. Nox4-derived H2O2 limits vascular inflammation and promotes smooth muscle differentiation. On this basis, the role of Nox4 for restenosis development was determined in the mouse carotid artery injury model. Methods and results: Genetic deletion of Nox4 by a tamoxifen-activated Cre-Lox-system did not impact on neointima formation in the carotid artery wire injury model. To understand this unexpected finding, time-resolved single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNAseq) from injured carotid arteries of control mice and massive-analysis-of-cDNA-ends (MACE)-RNAseq from the neointima harvested by laser capture microdissection of control and Nox4 knockout mice was performed. This revealed that resting smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and fibroblasts exhibit high Nox4 expression, but that the proliferating de-differentiated SMCs, which give rise to the neointima, have low Nox4 expression. In line with this, the first weeks after injury, gene expression was unchanged between the carotid artery neointimas of control and Nox4 knockout mice. Conclusion: Upon vascular injury, Nox4 expression is transiently lost in the cells which comprise the neointima. NADPH oxidase 4 therefore does not interfere with restenosis development after wire-induced vascular injury.
We retrospectively investigated histopathological growth patterns in individuals with advanced nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) treated within the randomized HD18 study. In all, 35/60 patients (58%) presented with atypical growth patterns. Patients with atypical growth patterns more often had stage IV disease (P = 0·0354) and splenic involvement (P = 0·0048) than patients with typical growth patterns; a positive positron emission tomography after two cycles of chemotherapy (PET-2) tended to be more common (P = 0·1078). Five-year progression-free survival [hazard ratio (HR) = 0·86; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0·49–1·47] and overall survival (HR = 0·85; 95% CI = 0·49–1·51) did not differ between the groups after study treatment with PET-2-guided escalated BEACOPP (bleomycin, etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisone). Thus, advanced NLPHL is often associated with atypical growth patterns but their prognostic impact is compensated by PET-2-guided escalated BEACOPP.