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miR-142-3p expression is predictive for severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in trauma patients
Background: Predictive biomarkers in biofluids are the most commonly used diagnostic method, but established markers in trauma diagnostics lack accuracy. This study investigates promisingmicroRNAs(miRNA)releasedfromaffectedtissueafterseveretraumathathavepredictive values for the effects of the injury.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data and blood samples of n = 33 trauma patients (ISS≥16) is provided. Levels of miR-9-5p, -124-3p, -142-3p, -219a-5p, -338-3pand-423-3p inseverelyinjuredpatients (PT)withouttraumatic braininjury (TBI) or with severe TBI (PT + TBI) and patients with isolated TBI (isTBI) were measured within 6 h after trauma.
Results: The highest miR-423-3p expression was detected in patients with severe isTBI, followed by patients with PT + TBI, and lowest levels were found in PT patients without TBI (2−∆∆Ct,p = 0.009). ApositivecorrelationbetweenmiR-423-3plevelandincreasingAIShead (p = 0.001) and risk of mortality (RISC II, p = 0.062) in trauma patients (n = 33) was found. ROC analysis of miR-423-3p levels revealed them as statistically significant to predict the severity of brain injury in trauma patients (p = 0.006). miR-124-3p was only found in patients with severe TBI, miR-338-3p was shown in all trauma groups. miR-9-5p, miR-142-3p and miR-219a-5p could not be detected in any of the four groups. Conclusion: miR-423-3p expression is significantly elevated after isolated traumatic braininjuryandpredictableforsevereTBIinthefirsthoursaftertrauma. miR-423-3pcouldrepresent a promising new biomarker to identify severe isolated TBI.
The inflammatory response plays an important role in the pathophysiology of multiple injuries. This study examines the effects of severe trauma and inflammatory response on markers of neuronal damage. A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data in 445 trauma patients (Injury Severity Score (ISS) ≥ 16) is provided. Levels of neuronal biomarkers (calcium-binding Protein B (S100b), Enolase2 (NSE), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)) and Interleukins (IL-6, IL-10) in severely injured patients (with polytrauma (PT)) without traumatic brain injury (TBI) or with severe TBI (PT+TBI) and patients with isolated TBI (isTBI) were measured upon arrival until day 5. S100b, NSE, GFAP levels showed a time-dependent decrease in all cohorts. Their expression was higher after multiple injuries (p = 0.038) comparing isTBI. Positive correlation of marker level after concomitant TBI and isTBI (p = 0.001) was noted, while marker expression after PT appears to be independent. Highest levels of IL-6 and -10 were associated to PT und lowest to isTBI (p < 0.001). In all groups pro-inflammatory response (IL-6/-10 ratio) peaked on day 2 and at a lower level on day 4. Severe TBI modulates kinetic profile of inflammatory response by reducing interleukin expression following trauma. Potential markers for neuronal damage have a limited diagnostic value after severe trauma because undifferentiated increase.
Influence of antibiotic management on microbial selection and infectious complications after trauma
Background: The inflammatory response and post-traumatic complications like infections play an important role in the pathophysiology of severe injuries. This study examines the microbiological aspects in anti-infective treatment of trauma patients and their inflammatory response in post-traumatic infections complications. Patients and Methods: A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data in trauma patients (ISS ≥ 16) over a 1-year period (01/2018 to 12/2018) is provided. Patient population was stratified into severely injured patients without post-traumatic infection (inf-PT), and severely injured patients who developed an infection (inf+PT).Results: Of 114 trauma patients, 45 suffered from post-traumatic infection during the first 10 days of hospitalization. Severely injured patients with concomitant traumatic brain injury (PT+TBI) showed the highest rate of post-traumatic infection. Pro-inflammatory reaction was tracked by levels of Interleukin (IL-)6 (day 3: inf+T 190.8 ± 359.4 pg/dL > inf-PT 56.2 ± 57.7 pg/mL (mean ± SD); p = 0.008) and C-Reactive-Protein (CRP, day 3: inf+PT 15.3 mg/dL > inf-PT 6.7 mg/dL, p = 0.001) which were significantly higher in trauma patients who develop an infectious complication and showed a significant positive correlation with the occurrence of infection. The leading entity of infection was pneumonia followed by infections of the urinary tract mainly caused by gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae. 67.5% of all trauma patients received single-shot antibiosis during initial care in trauma bay. The development of secondary colonization was not relevant positively correlated with single-shot antibiosis (r = 0.013, p = 0.895) and prophylactically calculated antibiotic administration (r = 0.066, p = 0.500).Conclusion: Severely injured trauma patients have an increased risk for development of infectious complications, which mainly is pneumonia followed by infection of the urinary tract mainly caused by gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae. Based on the data in this study, the one-time antibiotic and prophylactic calculated use of antibiotics, like Cephalosporins must be critically discussed in terms of their role in the development of post-traumatic infections and microbial selection.
Objective: Trauma patients (TP) frequently develop an imbalanced immune response that often causes infectious postinjury complications. Monocytes show a diminished capability of both producing proinflammatory cytokines and antigen presentation after trauma. TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9 recognize pathogens and subsequently activate monocytes. While there are conflictive data about TLR2 and TLR4 expression after trauma, no studies about the expression of TLR2, TLR4, TLR9, and HLA-DR on monocytes from TP after their secondary ex vivo-in vitro “hit” have been reported.
Methods/Results: Ex vivo-in vitro lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) stimulated blood from TP showed diminished interleukin- (IL-) 1β-release in TP for five postinjury days compared to healthy volunteers (HV). The recovery was observed at day 5. In parallel, monocytes from TP showed an impaired capability of TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9 expression after secondary stimulation compared to HV, while the measurement of unstimulated samples showed significant reduction of TLR4 and TLR9 at ED. Furthermore, HLA-DR decreased after trauma and was even more profound by stimulation of monocytes. Ratio of monocytes to leukocytes was significantly increased at days 6 and 7 after trauma compared to HV.
Conclusion: Impaired expression of TLRs and HLA-DR in acute inflammatory conditions may be responsible for the well-described monocyte paralysis after severe trauma.
In their post-traumatic course, trauma patients suffering from multiple injuries have a high risk for immune dysregulation, which may contribute to post-injury complications and late mortality. Monocytes as specific effector cells of the innate immunity play a crucial role in inflammation. Using their Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs), notably Toll-Like Receptors (TLR), the monocytes recognize pathogens and/or pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and organize their clearance. TLR2 is the major receptor for particles of gram-positive bacteria, and initiates their phagocytosis. Here, we investigated the phagocytizing capability of monocytes in a long-term porcine severe trauma model (polytrauma, PT) with regard to their TLR2 expression. Polytrauma consisted of femur fracture, unilateral lung contusion, liver laceration, hemorrhagic shock with subsequent resuscitation and surgical fracture fixation. After induction of PT, peripheral blood was withdrawn before (-1 h) and directly after trauma (0 h), as well as 3.5 h, 5.5 h, 24 h and 72 h later. CD14+ monocytes were identified and the expression levels of H(S)LA-DR and TLR2 were investigated by flow cytometry. Additionally, the phagocytizing activity of monocytes by applying S. aureus particles labelled with pHrodo fluorescent reagent was also assessed by flow cytometry. Furthermore, blood samples from 10 healthy pigs were exposed to a TLR2-neutralizing antibody and subsequently to S. aureus particles. Using flow cytometry, phagocytizing activity was determined. P below 0.05 was considered significant. The number of CD14+ monocytes of all circulating leukocytes remained constant during the observational time period, while the percentage of CD14+H(S)LA-DR+ monocytes significantly decreased directly, 3.5 h and 5.5 h after trauma. The percentage of TLR2+ expressing cells out of all monocytes significantly decreased directly, 3.5 h and 5.5 h after trauma. The percentage of phagocytizing monocytes decreased immediately and remained lower during the first 3.5 h after trauma, but increased after 24 h. Antagonizing TLR2 significantly decreased the phagocytizing activity of monocytes. Both, decreased percentage of activated as well as TLR2 expressing monocytes persisted as long as the reduced phagocytosis was observed. Moreover, neutralizing TLR2 led to a reduced capability of phagocytosis as well. Therefore, we assume that reduced TLR2 expression may be responsible for the decreased phagocytizing capacity of circulating monocytes in the early post-traumatic phase.
Background: The treatment of severely injured patients, especially in older age, is complex, and based on strict guidelines. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study by analyzing our internal registry for mortality risk factors in deceased trauma patients. All patients that were admitted to the trauma bay of our level-1-trauma center from 2014 to 2018, and that died during the in-hospital treatment, were included. The aim of this study was to carry out a quality assurance concerning the initial care of severely injured patients. Results: In the 5-year period, 135 trauma patients died. The median (IQR) age was 69 (38–83) years, 71% were male, and the median (IQR) Injury Severity Score (ISS) was 25 (17–34) points. Overall, 41% of the patients suffered from severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI) (AIShead ≥ 4 points). For 12.7%, therapy was finally limited owing to an existing patient’s decree; in 64.9% with an uncertain prognosis, a ‘therapia minima’ was established in consensus with the relatives. Conclusion: Although the mortality rate was primarily related to the severity of the injury, a significant number of deaths were not exclusively due to medical reasons, but also to a self-determined limitation of therapy for severely injured geriatric patients. The conscientious documentation concerning the will of the patient is increasingly important in supporting medical decisions.
Background/Aims: Alcohol (ethanol, EtOH) as significant contributor to traumatic injury is linked to suppressed inflammatory response, thereby influencing clinical outcomes. Alcohol-induced immune-suppression during acute inflammation (trauma) was linked to nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-ĸB). Here, we analyzed alcohol`s effects and mechanisms underlying its influence on NF-ĸB-signaling during acute inflammation in human lung epithelial cells. Methods: A549-cells were stimulated with interleukin (IL)-1β, or sera from trauma patients (TP) or healthy volunteers, with positive/negative blood alcohol concentrations (BAC), and subsequently exposed to EtOH (170 Mm, 1h). IL-6-release and neutrophil adhesion to A549 were analyzed. Specific siRNA-NIK mediated downregulation of non-canonical, and IKK-NBD-inhibition of canonical NF-ĸB signaling were performed. Nuclear levels of activated p50 and p52 NF-ĸB-subunits were detected using TransAm ELISA. Results: Both stimuli significantly induced IL-6-release (39.79±4.70 vs. 0.58±0.8 pg/ml) and neutrophil adhesion (132.30±8.80 vs. 100% control, p<0.05) to A549-cells. EtOH significantly decreased IL-6-release (22.90±5.40, p<0.05) and neutrophil adherence vs. controls (105.40±14.5%, p<0.05). IL-1β-induced significant activation of canonical/p50 and non-canonical/p52 pathways. EtOH significantly reduced p50 (34.90±23.70 vs. 197.70±36.43, p<0.05) not p52 activation. Inhibition of canonical pathway was further increased by EtOH (less p50-activation), while p52 remained unaltered. Inhibition of non-canonical pathway was unchanged by EtOH. Conclusion: Here, alcohol`s anti-inflammatory effects are mediated via decreasing nuclear levels of activated p50-subunit and canonical NF-ĸB signaling pathway.
Hintergrund: Die stationäre Aufnahme von Patienten mit Prellungen wird in Kliniken der Akutversorgung regelhaft praktiziert. Dabei stehen die pathophysiologischen Unfallfolgen oft im Hintergrund. Ziel dieser retrospektiven monozentrischen Untersuchung war die Untersuchung der Ätiologie sowie der kostenverursachenden Faktoren und Refinanzierung bei Aufnahmen durch Prellungen.
Methodik: Es erfolgte die Abfrage der Patienten entsprechend den Entlassdiagnosen aus dem krankenhausinternen Informationssystem (KIS). Eingeschlossen wurden 117 Patienten in einem Zeitraum von 2 Jahren. Es erfolgten hier die Klassifizierung nach Unfallmechanismus sowie die Einteilung in Altersgruppen. Des Weiteren erfolgte die Kostenkalkulation anhand von abteilungs- und klinikspezifischen Tagessätzen.
Ergebnisse: Bezüglich der Ätiologie war der häusliche Sturz die häufigste Ursache (48,7 %), gefolgt von dem Hochrasanztrauma (22,8 %). Innerhalb der Gruppe des häuslichen Sturzes lag das Durchschnittsalter im Mittel bei 77,8 Jahre. Diese Gruppe zeigte die längste Verweildauer (VWD) mit 5,2 Tagen. Im Rahmen der kalkulierten Kosten zeigte die Gruppe nach häuslichem Sturz die höchsten Kosten mit 2596,24 € bei einem mittleren DRG-Erlös von 1464,51 €.
Diskussion: Die Auswertung der klinikinternen Daten bestätigte die subjektive Wahrnehmung, dass ein Großteil der nach Prellung aufgenommenen Patienten aus der Altersgruppe >65 Jahre stammt. Die Aufnahme erfolgt hier vor dem Hintergrund der in dieser Altersgruppe zunehmenden Komorbiditäten sowie zur Abwendung von Folgeerkrankungen und Folgen der Immobilisierung. Ebenfalls konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Versorgungskosten gesundheitsökomisch relevant sind und die Behandlung in diesen Fällen nicht kostendeckend ist.
Objective: Nationwide data on the epidemiology, treatment characteristics, and long-term outcome of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Germany is not yet existing. Neurosurgeons from the German Neurosurgery Society (DGNC) and traumatologists from the German Trauma Society (DGU), therefore, joined forces in 2016 to conceptualize a TBI module for the well-established Trauma Register of the DGU (TR-DGU). Here, we report how this “German National TBI registry (GNTR)” has been developed, implemented, and tested in a recently completed pilot period.
Methods: The conception and implementation process of the GNTR from August 2016 to February 2019 is described, and results of its 23-months long pilot period from February 2019 to December 2020 are presented. For the pilot period, TBI patients were prospectively enrolled at nine neurosurgical and traumatological hospitals across Germany. Inclusion criteria were treatment on the ICU ≥ 24h, or an ISS score ≥ 16. A variety of clinical, imaging, and laboratory parameters were collected, and the GOSE score was used to assess the outcome at discharge and 6- and 12 months follow-up.
Results: Details on the structure and dataset of the GNTR as well as milestones and pitfalls during its conception and implementation, are outlined. During the pilot period, a total of 264 TBI patients were enrolled. Their demographic characteristics, clinical, imaging, and radiological findings, and their early mortality and functional outcome are described. Furthermore, factors associated with an unfavorable outcome (GOSE 1-4) are assessed using uni- and multivariate regression analyses. Finally, problems and future directions of the GNTR are discussed.
Conclusion: The pilot period of the GNTR offers a first glance at the current epidemiology and treatment characteristics of TBI patients in Germany. More importantly, they show how a national TBI registry yielding high-quality prospective data can be developed, implemented, and tested within four years