Document Type
- Article (164)
- Preprint (82)
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Master's Thesis (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (249)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (249)
- BESIII (9)
- e +-e − Experiments (9)
- Branching fraction (8)
- Charm Physics (4)
- Particle and Resonance Production (4)
- Lepton colliders (3)
- Quarkonium (3)
- e+-e− Experiments (3)
- Charm physics (2)
- Charmed mesons (2)
- Physik (249)
A search for a massless dark photon 𝛾′ is conducted using 4.5 fb−1 of 𝑒+𝑒− collision data collected at center-of-mass energies between 4.600 and 4.699 GeV with the BESIII detector at BEPCII. No significant signal is observed, and the upper limit on the branching fraction ℬ(Λ+𝑐→𝑝𝛾′) is determined to be 8.0×10−5 at 90% confidence level.
Using 448.1 × 106 ψ(3686) decays collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII e+e− storage rings, the branching fractions and angular distributions of the decays χcJ → Ξ−Ξ¯¯¯¯+ and Ξ0Ξ¯¯¯¯0 (J = 0, 1, 2) are measured based on a partial-reconstruction technique. The decays χc1 → Ξ0Ξ¯¯¯¯0 and χc2 → Ξ0Ξ¯¯¯¯0 are observed for the first time with statistical significances of 7σ and 15σ, respectively. The results of this analysis are in good agreement with previous measurements and have significantly improved precision.
Using data samples collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII storage ring at center-of-mass energies from 4.178 to 4.600 GeV, we study the process eþe− → π0Xð3872Þγ and search for Zcð4020Þ0 → Xð3872Þγ. We find no significant signal and set upper limits on σðeþe− → π0Xð3872ÞγÞ · BðXð3872Þ → πþπ−J=ψÞ and σðeþe− → π0Zcð4020Þ0Þ · BðZcð4020Þ0 → Xð3872ÞγÞ · BðXð3872Þ → πþπ−J=ψÞ for each energy point at 90% confidence level, which is of the order of several tenths pb.
The electromagnetic process is studied with the initial-state-radiation technique using 7.5 fb−1 of data collected by the BESIII experiment at seven energy points from 3.773 to 4.600 GeV. The Born cross section and the effective form factor of the proton are measured from the production threshold to 3.0 GeV/ using the invariant-mass spectrum. The ratio of electric and magnetic form factors of the proton is determined from the analysis of the proton-helicity angular distribution.
Relative fractions and phases of the intermediate decays are determined. With the detection efficiency estimated by the results of the amplitude analysis, the branching fraction of Dþ s → K−Kþπþπ0 decay is measured to be ð5.42 0.10stat 0.17systÞ%.
We report a measurement of the observed cross sections of e+ e− → J/ψX based on 3.21 fb − 1 of data accumulated at energies from 3.645 to 3.891 GeV with the BESIII detector operated at the BEPCII collider. In analysis of the cross sections, we measured the decay branching fractions of B(ψ(3686) → J/ψX) = (64.4 ± 0.6 ± 1.6)% and B(ψ(3770) → J/ψX) = (0.5 ± 0.2 ± 0.1)% for the first time. The energy-dependent line shape of these cross sections cannot be well described by two Breit-Wigner (BW) amplitudes of the expected decays ψ (3686) → J/ψX and ψ(3770) → J/ψX. Instead, it can be better described with one more BW amplitude of the decay R(3760)→ J/ψX. Under this assumption, we extracted the R (3760) mass M R (3760 ) = 3766.2 ± 3.8 ± 0.4 MeV/c2, total width Γ tot R ( 3760 ) = 22.2 ± 5.9 ± 1.4 MeV, and product of leptonic width and decay branching fraction
ΓeeR(3760) B[R(3760) → J/ψX] = (79.4 ± 85.5 ± 11.7) eV. The significance of the R(3760) is 5.3σ. The first uncertainties of these measured quantities are from fits to the cross sections and second systematic.
By analyzing 6.32 fb − 1 of e+ e− annihilation data collected at the center-of-mass energies between 4.178 and 4.226 GeV with the BESIII detector, we determine the branching fraction of the leptonic decay D + s → τ + ντ, with τ+ → π + π0¯ντ, to be B D + s → τ + ν τ = (5.29 ± 0.25 stat ± 0.20 syst) %. We estimate the product of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vcs|and the D + s decay constant f D + s to be f D + s|Vcs| = (244.8 ± 5.8 stat ± 4.8syst) MeV, using the known values of the τ + and D + s masses as well as the D + s lifetime, together with our branching fraction measurement. Combining the value of |Vcs| obtained from a global fit in the standard model and f D + s from lattice quantum chromodynamics, we obtain f D + s = (251.6 ± 5.9 stat ± 4.9syst) MeV and |Vcs| = 0.980 ± 0.023 stat ± 0.019 syst. Using the branching fraction of B D + s → μ + νμ = (5.35±0.21)×10−3, we obtain the ratio of the branching fractions B D + s → τ + ντ/B D +s → μ+νμ = 9.89±0.71, which is consistent with the standard model prediction of lepton flavor universality.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war, mittels einer (n,γ)-Aktivierung, 129Te zu erzeugen und eine Teilchenzahlbestimmung durchzuführen. Aktivierung der Probe am Forschungsreaktor TRIGA und Spektrenaufnahme mittels eines HPGe-Detektors erfolgten im Mai 2014 am Institut für Kernchemie der Johannes Gutenberg Universität in Mainz.
Die Teilchenzahl des Tochternuklids 129I kann anhand der Teilchenzahlen des Isomers und des Grundzustandes von 129Te berechnet werden. In den Aktivierungen #2 bis #6 wurden (14.27 ± 0.53)x10exp12 Iodnuklide erzeugt. Angegeben ist die maximal mögliche Anzahl von Iodteilchen bei unendlich langer Wartezeit und vollständigem Zerfall aller Tellurnuklide.
Beobachtet werden konnte die Abnahme der Grundzustandsaktivität bis zum Erreichen des Gleichgewichts aus Nachbevölkerung durch das Isomer und Zerfall. Die Grundzustandslinien der Energien von 459.60 keV, 487 keV, 1083 KeV und 1111 keV konnten zu dieser Untersuchung herangezogen werden. Diese 4 Linien erfüllen die erforderten Konsistenzkriterien bezüglich der Systematik und können daher zur Teilchenzahlbestimmung des Grundzustandes verwendet werden (Seite 31).
Der Einfluss der Eigenabsorption ist noch zu untersuchen, da die genaue Position der Probe im Polyethylenbehältnis nicht bestimmt werden konnte. Weiterhin ist die Datenanalyse der ersten Aktivierung aufgrund des Detektorwechsels noch nicht erfolgt. Der Austausch war wegen technischer Probleme notwendig. Ziel weiterführender Untersuchungen ist, eine erneute Halbwertszeitbestimmung des radioaktiven 129I vorzunehmen. Sie ist von Interesse, angesichts des Widerspruchs zweier Veröffentlichungen. Die Halbwertszeit des 129I kann Aufschluss über stellare Bedingungen des s-Prozesses geben.
Anisotropic collective flow of protons resulting from non-central heavy ion collisions is a unique hadronic observable providing information about the early stage of the nuclear collision. The analysis of collective flow in the energy regime between 1-2 AGeV enables the study of the phase diagram of hadronic matter at a high baryochemical potential µb, as well as the analysis of the equation of state at densities up to the threefold of the ground state density ρ0.
The algorithms of the standard event plane method and the scalar product method are used to analyse directed and elliptic flow of protons in a centrality range of 0-40 % most central events.
Prior to the analysis of experimental data, the respective influence of the reconstruction procedure on the algorithms is examined using Monte Carlo simulations based on the Ultra relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (UrQMD) model.
Subsequently, experimental data measured in April 2012 with the High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) is analysed using both methods. About 7.3 · 109 Au+Au events at a kinetic beam energy of 1.23 AGeV, equivalent to a centre of mass energy of √sNN = 2.42 GeV were recorded. A multi-differential analysis is feasible as the HADES detector provides a good transverse momentum and rapidity coverage.
Both algorithms result in identical values for directed and elliptic flow across all centrality classes within the observable phase space of protons. The calculated integrated value of v2 at mid rapidity is in good agreement with world data.
We measure the inclusive semielectronic decay branching fraction of the D+s meson. A double-tag technique is applied to e+e− annihilation data collected by the BESIII experiment at the BEPCII collider, operating in the center-of-mass energy range 4.178–4.230 GeV. We select positrons fromD+s→Xe+νe with momenta greater than 200 MeV/c and determine the laboratory momentum spectrum, accounting for the effects of detector efficiency and resolution. The total positron yield and semielectronic branching fraction are determined by extrapolating this spectrum below the momentum cutoff. We measure the D+s semielectronic branching fraction to be(6.30±0.13(stat.)±0.09(syst.)±0.04(ext.))%, showing no evidence for unobserved exclusive semielectronic modes. We combine this result with external data taken from literature to determine the ratio of the D+s and D0 semielectronic widths, Γ(D+s→Xe+νe)Γ(D0→Xe+νe)=0.790±0.016(stat.)±0.011(syst.)±0.016(ext.). Our results are consistent with and more precise than previous measurements.