Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Report (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (2)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (2)
- Herrschaft (1)
- Internationale Beziehungen (1)
- Practice Theory (1)
- Praxistheorie (1)
- Rule (1)
- Sexismus (1)
- sexuelle Gewalt (1)
Rule in International Relations is increasingly observed as an empirical phenomenon and academically conceptualized. This book describes rule in International Relations using four practice-theoretical dimensions. A method is developed to analyze rule from a practice-theoretical point of view - the Practice Analysis of Rule (PAR). The argumentation is followed that resistance is an important dimension of rule, which enables the researcher to understand the quality of rule. However, the empirical analysis of resistance as an indicator of rule does not allow for the analysis of subtle forms of rule sufficiently, which can have grave consequences in international relations. Therefore, to make this possible, the symbolic dimension is formulated after Bourdieu. In the following, three practice-theoretical dimensions are developed and a methodical approach is presented. Resistance is described as a practice-theoretical dimension. Based on actor-network-theory materiality is described a dimension of rule. At last, iterability is described as dimension of rule which can show the repeatability of practices. It can thus indicate the extent of consolidation of rule in each case. Through the analysis of an empirical case using the four practice-theoretical dimensions the researcher will be enabled to analyze transnational relations of rule in a theory guided and history sensitive manner.
Dass das Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit sehr ungleich verwirklicht ist,liegt völlig auf der Hand. Männer kommen zwar eher in gewaltsamenKonflikten ums Leben, jedoch wird Vergewaltigung als Kriegswaffe in denallermeisten Konflikten auf die eine oder andere Art und zumeist gegenFrauen eingesetzt. Daher fand dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal (!) in London eineinternationale Konferenz zu dem Thema statt...