Document Type
- Article (5)
- English (5)
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- acute myeloid leukemia (2)
- childhood acute myeloid leukemia (2)
- relapse (2)
- salvage therapy (2)
- ALL (1)
- AML (1)
- MLL (1)
- Paediatrics (1)
- Stem-cell therapies (1)
- acute leukemia (1)
- Medizin (5)
GATA2 deficiency is a heterogeneous multi-system disorder characterized by a high risk of developing myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and myeloid leukemia. We analyzed the outcome of 65 patients reported to the registry of the European Working Group (EWOG) of MDS in childhood carrying a germline GATA2 mutation (GATA2mut) who had undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). At 5 years the probability of overall survival and disease-free survival (DFS) was 75% and 70%, respectively. Non-relapse mortality and relapse equally contributed to treatment failure. There was no evidence of increased incidence of graft-versus-host-disease or excessive rates of infections or organ toxicities. Advanced disease and monosomy 7 (−7) were associated with worse outcome. Patients with refractory cytopenia of childhood (RCC) and normal karyotype showed an excellent outcome (DFS 90%) compared to RCC and −7 (DFS 67%). Comparing outcome of GATA2mut with GATA2wt patients, there was no difference in DFS in patients with RCC and normal karyotype. The same was true for patients with −7 across morphological subtypes. We demonstrate that HSCT outcome is independent of GATA2 germline mutations in pediatric MDS suggesting the application of standard MDS algorithms and protocols. Our data support considering HSCT early in the course of GATA2 deficiency in young individuals.
Chromosomal rearrangements of the human MLL (mixed lineage leukemia) gene are associated with high-risk infant, pediatric, adult and therapy-induced acute leukemias. We used long-distance inverse-polymerase chain reaction to characterize the chromosomal rearrangement of individual acute leukemia patients. We present data of the molecular characterization of 1590 MLL-rearranged biopsy samples obtained from acute leukemia patients. The precise localization of genomic breakpoints within the MLL gene and the involved translocation partner genes (TPGs) were determined and novel TPGs identified. All patients were classified according to their gender (852 females and 745 males), age at diagnosis (558 infant, 416 pediatric and 616 adult leukemia patients) and other clinical criteria. Combined data of our study and recently published data revealed a total of 121 different MLL rearrangements, of which 79 TPGs are now characterized at the molecular level. However, only seven rearrangements seem to be predominantly associated with illegitimate recombinations of the MLL gene (~ 90%): AFF1/AF4, MLLT3/AF9, MLLT1/ENL, MLLT10/AF10, ELL, partial tandem duplications (MLL PTDs) and MLLT4/AF6, respectively. The MLL breakpoint distributions for all clinical relevant subtypes (gender, disease type, age at diagnosis, reciprocal, complex and therapy-induced translocations) are presented. Finally, we present the extending network of reciprocal MLL fusions deriving from complex rearrangements.
Survival following relapse in children with Acute Myeloid leukemia: a report from AML-BFM and COG
Simple Summary: Acute myeloid leukemia in children remains a difficult disease to cure despite intensive therapies that push the limits of tolerability. Though the intent of initial therapy should be the prevention of relapse, about 30% of all patients experience a relapse. Hence, relapse therapy remains critically important for survival. This retrospective analysis of two large international study groups (COG and BFM) was undertaken to describe the current survival, response rates and clinical features that predict outcomes. We demonstrate that children with relapsed AML may be cured with cytotoxic therapy followed by HSCT. High-risk features at initial diagnosis and early relapse remain prognostic for post-relapse survival. Current response criteria are not aligned with the standards of care for children, nor are the count recovery thresholds meaningful for prognosis in children with relapsed AML. Our data provide a new baseline for future treatment planning and will allow an updated stratification in upcoming studies.
Abstract: Post-relapse therapy remains critical for survival in children with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We evaluated survival, response and prognostic variables following relapse in independent cooperative group studies conducted by COG and the population-based AML-BFM study group. BFM included 197 patients who relapsed after closure of the last I-BFM relapse trial until 2017, while COG included 852 patients who relapsed on the last Phase 3 trials (AAML0531, AAML1031). Overall survival at 5 years (OS) was 42 ± 4% (BFM) and 35 ± 2% (COG). Initial high-risk features (BFM 32 ± 6%, COG 26 ± 4%) and short time to relapse (BFM 29 ± 4%, COG 25 ± 2%) predicted diminished survival. In the BFM dataset, there was no difference in OS for patients who had a complete remission with full hematopoietic recovery (CR) following post-relapse re-induction compared to those with partial neutrophil and platelet recovery (CRp and CRi) only (52 ± 7% vs. 63 ± 10%, p = 0.39). Among 90 patients alive at last follow-up, 87 had received a post-relapse hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). OS for patients with post-relapse HSCT was 54 ± 4%. In conclusion, initial high-risk features and early relapse remain prognostic. Response assessment with full hematopoietic recovery following initial relapse therapy does not predict survival. These data indicate the need for post-relapse risk stratification in future studies of relapse therapies.
Objective: To evaluate prognostic factors in pediatric patients with gonadal germ cell tumors (GCT). Methods: Patients <18 years with ovarian and testicular GCT (respectively OGCT and TGCT) were prospectively registered according to the guidelines of MAKEI 96. After resection of the primary tumor, patients staged ≥II received risk-stratified cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy. Patients were analyzed in respect to age (six age groups divided into 3-year intervals), histology, stage, and therapy. The primary end point was overall survival. Results: Between January 1996 and March 2016, the following patients were registered: 1047 OGCT, of those, 630 had ovarian teratoma (OTER) and 417 had malignant OGCT (MOGCT); and 418 TGCT, of those, 106 had testicular teratoma (TTER) and 312 had malignant TGCT (MTGCT). Only in MTGCT, older age correlated with a higher proportion of advanced tumors. All 736 teratomas and 240/415 stage I malignant gonadal GCT underwent surgery and close observation alone. In case of watchful waiting, the progression rate of OGCT was higher than that of TGCT. However, death from disease was reported in 8/417 (1.9%) MOGCT and 8/312 (2.6%) MTGCT irrespective of adjuvant chemotherapy and repeated surgery. Conclusions: The different pathogenesis and histogenesis of gonadal GCT reflects sex- and age-specific patterns that define clinically relevant risk groups. Therefore, gender and age should be considered in further research on the biology and clinical practice of pediatric gonadal GCT.
Simple Summary: Children with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) experience high relapse rates of about 30%; still, survival rates following the first relapse are encouraging. Hence, it is critically important to examine the consequences of a second relapse; however, little is known about this subgroup of patients. This retrospective population-based analysis intends to describe response, survival and prognostic factors relevant for the survival of children with second relapse of AML. Treatment approaches include many different therapeutic regimens, including palliation and intensive treatment with curative intent (63% of the patients). Survival is poor; however, patients who respond to reinduction attempts can be rescued with subsequent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. We deciphered risk factors, such as short time interval from first to second relapse below one year as being associated with a poor outcome. This analysis will help to improve future international treatment planning and patient care of children with advanced AML.
Abstract: Successful management of relapse is critical to improve outcomes of children with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We evaluated response, survival and prognostic factors after a second relapse of AML. Among 1222 pediatric patients of the population-based AML-Berlin–Frankfurt–Munster (BFM) study group (2004 until 2017), 73 patients met the quality parameters for inclusion in this study. Central review of source documentation warranted the accuracy of reported data. Treatment approaches included palliation in 17 patients (23%), intensive therapy with curative intent (n = 46, 63%) and other regimens (n = 10). Twenty-five patients (35%) received hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), 21 of whom (88%) had a prior HSCT. Survival was poor, with a five-year probability of overall survival (pOS) of 15 ± 4% and 31 ± 9% following HSCT (n = 25). Early second relapse (within one year after first relapse) was associated with dismal outcome (pOS 2 ± 2%, n = 44 vs. 33 ± 9%, n = 29; p < 0.0001). A third complete remission (CR) is required for survival: 31% (n = 14) of patients with intensive treatment achieved a third CR with a pOS of 36 ± 13%, while 28 patients (62%) were non-responders (pOS 7 ± 5%). In conclusion, survival is poor but possible, particularly after a late second relapse and an intensive chemotherapy followed by HSCT. This analysis provides a baseline for future treatment planning.