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The neutron capture cross section of several key unstable isotopes acting as branching points in the s-process are crucial for stellar nucleosynthesis studies, but they are very challenging to measure due to the difficult production of sufficient sample material, the high activity of the resulting samples, and the actual (n,γ) measurement, for which high neutron fluxes and effective background rejection capabilities are required. As part of a new program to measure some of these important branching points, radioactive targets of 147Pm and 171Tm have been produced by irradiation of stable isotopes at the ILL high flux reactor. Neutron capture on 146Nd and 170Er at the reactor was followed by beta decay and the resulting matrix was purified via radiochemical separation at PSI. The radioactive targets have been used for time-of-flight measurements at the CERN n_TOF facility using the 19 and 185 m beam lines during 2014 and 2015. The capture cascades were detected using a set of four C6D6 scintillators, allowing to observe the associated neutron capture resonances. The results presented in this work are the first ever determination of the resonance capture cross section of 147Pm and 171Tm. Activation experiments on the same 147Pm and 171Tm targets with a high-intensity 30 keV quasi-Maxwellian flux of neutrons will be performed using the SARAF accelerator and the Liquid-Lithium Target (LiLiT) in order to extract the corresponding Maxwellian Average Cross Section (MACS). The status of these experiments and preliminary results will be presented and discussed as well.
Neutron capture on 241Am plays an important role in the nuclear energy production and also provides valuable information for the improvement of nuclear models and the statistical interpretation of the nuclear properties. A new experiment to measure the 241Am(n, γ) cross section in the thermal region and the first few resonances below 10 eV has been carried out at EAR2 of the n_TOF facility at CERN. Three neutron-insensitive C6D6 detectors have been used to measure the neutron-capture gamma cascade as a function of the neutron time of flight, and then deduce the neutron capture yield. Preliminary results will be presented and compared with previously obtained results at the same facility in EAR1. In EAR1 the gamma-ray background at thermal energies was about 90% of the signal while in EAR2 is up to a 25 factor much more favorable signal to noise ratio. We also extended the low energy limit down to subthermal energies. This measurement will allow a comparison with neutron capture measurements conducted at reactors and using a different experimental technique.
The neutron capture cross section of 154Gd was measured from 1 eV to 300 keV in the experimental area located 185 m from the CERN n_TOF neutron spallation source, using a metallic sample of gadolinium, enriched to 67% in 154Gd. The capture measurement, performed with four C6D6 scintillation detectors, has been complemented by a transmission measurement performed at the GELINA time-of-flight facility (JRC-Geel), thus minimising the uncertainty related to sample composition. An accurate Maxwellian averaged capture cross section (MACS) was deduced over the temperature range of interest for s process nucleosynthesis modelling. We report a value of 880(50) mb for the MACS at kT = 30 keV, significantly lower compared to values available in literature. The new adopted 154Gd(n,γ) cross section reduces the discrepancy between observed and calculated solar s-only isotopic abundances predicted by s-process nucleosynthesis models.
Accurate measurement of the standard 235U(n,f) cross section from thermal to 170 keV neutron energy
An accurate measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section from thermal to 170 keV of neutron energy has recently been performed at n_TOF facility at CERN using 6Li(n,t)4He and 10B(n,α)7Li as references. This measurement has been carried out in order to investigate a possible overestimation of the 235U fission cross section evaluation provided by most recent libraries between 10 and 30 keV. A custom experimental apparatus based on in-beam silicon detectors has been used, and a Monte Carlo simulation in GEANT4 has been employed to characterize the setup and calculate detectors efficiency. The results evidenced the presence of an overestimation in the interval between 9 and 18 keV and the new data may be used to decrease the uncertainty of 235U(n,f) cross section in the keV region.
Accurate neutron capture cross section data for minor actinides (MAs) are required to estimate the production and transmutation rates of MAs in light water reactors with a high burnup, critical fast reactors like Gen-IV systems and other innovative reactor systems such as accelerator driven systems (ADS). Capture reactions of 244Cm open the path for the formation of heavier Cm isotopes and of heavier elements such as Bk and Cf. In addition, 244Cm shares nearly 50% of the total actinide decay heat in irradiated reactor fuels with a high burnup, even after three years of cooling.
Experimental data for this isotope are very scarce due to the difficulties of providing isotopically enriched samples and because the high intrinsic activity of the samples requires the use of neutron facilities with high instantaneous flux. The only two previous experimental data sets for this neutron capture cross section have been obtained in 1969 using a nuclear explosion and, more recently, at J-PARC in 2010. The neutron capture cross sections have been measured at n_TOF with the same samples that the previous experiments in J-PARC. The samples were measured at n_TOF Experimental Area 2 (EAR-2) with three C6D6 detectors and also in Experimental Area 1 (EAR-1) with the Total Absorption Calorimeter (TAC). Preliminary results assessing the quality and limitations of these new experimental datasets are presented for the experiments in both areas. Preliminary yields of both measurements will be compared with evaluated libraries for the first time.
233U is the fissile nuclei in the Th-U fuel cycle with a particularily small neutron capture cross setion which is on average about one order of magnitude lower than its fission cross section. Hence, the measurement of the 233U(n, γ) cross section relies on a method to accurately distinguish between capture and fission γ-rays. A measurement of the 233U α-ratio has been performed at the n_TOF facility at CERN using a so-called fission tagging setup, coupling n_TOF 's Total Absorption Calorimeter with a novel fission chamber to tag the fission γ-rays. The experimental setup is described and essential parts of the analysis are discussed. Finally, a preliminary 233U α-ratio is presented.
We have measured the capture cross section of the 155Gd and 157Gd isotopes between 0.025 eV and 1 keV. The capture events were recorded by an array of 4 C6D6 detectors, and the capture yield was deduced exploiting the total energy detection system in combination with the Pulse Height Weighting Techniques. Because of the large cross section around thermal neutron energy, 4 metallic samples of different thickness were used to prevent problems related to self-shielding. The samples were isotopically enriched, with a cross contamination of the other isotope of less than 1.14%. The capture yield was analyzed with an R-Matrix code to describe the cross section in terms of resonance parameters. Near thermal energies, the results are significantly different from evaluations and from previous time-of-flight experiments. The data from the present measurement at n_TOF are publicly available in the experimental nuclear reaction database EXFOR.
Measurement of the 244Cm and 246Cm neutron-induced capture cross sections at the n_TOF facility
The neutron capture reactions of the 244Cm and 246Cm isotopes open the path for the formation of heavier Cm isotopes and heavier elements such as Bk and Cf in a nuclear reactor. In addition, both isotopes belong to the minor actinides with a large contribution to the decay heat and to the neutron emission in irradiated fuels. There are only two previous 244Cm and 246Cm capture cross section measurements: one in 1969 using a nuclear explosion [1] and the most recent data measured at J-PARC in 2010 [2]. The data for both isotopes are very scarce due to the difficulties in performing the measurements: high intrinsic activity of the samples and limited facilities capable of providing isotopically enriched samples.
We have measured both neutron capture cross sections at the n_TOF Experimental Area 2 (EAR-2) with three C6 D6 detectors and also at Area 1 (EAR-1) with the TAC. Preliminary results assessing the quality and limitations (back-ground subtraction, measurement technique and counting statistics) of this new experimental datasets are presented and discussed.
233U is of key importance among the fissile nuclei in the Th-U fuel cycle. A particularity of 233U is its small neutron capture cross-section, which is on average about one order of magnitude lower than the fission cross-section. The accuracy in the measurement of the 233U capture cross-section depends crucially on an efficient capture-fission discrimination, thus a combined set-up of fission and γ-detectors is needed. A measurement of the 233U capture cross-section and capture-to-fission ratio was performed at the CERN n_TOF facility. The Total Absorption Calorimeter (TAC) of n_TOF was employed as γ-detector coupled with a novel compact ionization chamber as fission detector. A brief description of the experimental set-up will be given, and essential parts of the analysis procedure as well as the preliminary response of the set-up to capture are presented and discussed.
Neutron-induced fission cross sections of isotopes involved in the nuclear fuel cycle are vital for the design and safe operation of advanced nuclear systems. Such experimental data can also provide additional constraints for the adjustment of nuclear model parameters used in the evaluation process, resulting in the further development of fission models. In the present work, the 237Np(n,f) cross section was studied at the EAR2 vertical beam-line at CERN's n_TOF facility, over a wide range of neutron energies, from meV to MeV, using the time-of-flight technique and a set-up based on Micromegas detectors, in an attempt to provide accurate experimental data. Preliminary results in the 200 keV – 14 MeV neutron energy range as well as the experimental procedure, including a description of the facility and the data handling and analysis, will be presented.