Document Type
- Article (3)
- German (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
Translation exercises have always played an important role in teaching/learning foreign languages, ever since the Grammar-Translation method was developed. However, with the emergence of the communicative language teaching in the 70s which focussed on communicative competence as the ultimate goal of language learning, they were considered to be obsolete and inefficient. The present article suggests that the utility of translation – not only where teaching foreign languages is concerned, but also within the field of German studies – should be reassessed, showing that both ”pedagogical” as well as ”communicative” translation can support and improve the study of German language, literature and culture, increase students‘ awareness of both German language and their mother tongue and furthermore contribute to the enrichment of their general knowledge.
Lucrarea de faţă tratează aspecte specifice ale traducerii de lirică umoristică precum redarea conţinutului comic, re-crearea particularităţilor formale ale originalului, aplicarea de diferite strategii în traducerea jocurilor de cuvinte etc. În acelaşi timp, articolul doreşte să atragă atenţia cititorilor şi traducătorilor asupra acestui gen literar oarecum neglijat, care însă dovedeşte cu prisosinţă, în pofida prejudecăţii larg răspândite despre lipsa de umor a germanilor, că aceştia excelează în comic verbal, cel mai adesea intraductibil.