Document Type
- Article (4)
Has Fulltext
- yes (4)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- Aphasia (1)
- Aphasie (1)
- Arcuate fascicle (1)
- Cerebral cortex (1)
- Fasciculus arcuatus (1)
- Hirninfarkt (1)
- Ischemic stroke (1)
- Lacunar (1)
- Lakunär (1)
- Longitudinal (1)
- Medizin (4)
Hintergrund: Aphasien gehören nicht zu den typischen klinischen Manifestationen lakunärer Hirninfarkte, sind jedoch im Rahmen seltener atypischer lakunärer Syndrome beschrieben.
Ziel der Arbeit: Beschreibung von Aphasiemustern und betroffener Fasertrakte bei lakunären Infarkten.
Material und Methoden: Fallserie von drei Patienten mit in der Magnetresonanztomographie nachgewiesenen lakunären Hirninfarkten und Aphasie. Identifikation betroffener Faserbahnen mittels Fasertraktographie der koregistrierten Schädigungsorte in Gehirnen zweier gesunder Probanden.
Ergebnisse: Radiologisch waren die Lakunen, die Aphasien hervorriefen, weit lateral im Marklager der linken Hemisphäre gelegen und befanden sich im Vergleich zu der Lakune eines nichtaphasischen Kontrollpatienten weiter rostrodorsal. Klinisch fand sich trotz Aussparung des Kortex, Thalamus und weiter Teile der Basalganglien eine leichte bis moderate nichtflüssige Aphasie mit syntaktischen Defiziten. In der Fasertraktographie zeigten die aphasischen im Vergleich zum nichtaphasischen Patienten eine stärkere Affektion der Fasern des linken Fasciculus arcuatus sowie eine Beteiligung des frontostriatalen und frontalen Aslant-Trakts.
Diskussion: Links lateral gelegene lakunäre Infarkte können durch Beteiligung sprachrelevanter Fasertrakte eine klinisch relevante Aphasie hervorrufen.
Longitudinal changes of cortical microstructure in Parkinson's disease assessed with T1 relaxometry
Background: Histological evidence suggests that pathology in Parkinson's disease (PD) goes beyond nigrostriatal degeneration and also affects the cerebral cortex. Quantitative MRI (qMRI) techniques allow the assessment of changes in brain tissue composition. However, the development and pattern of disease-related cortical changes have not yet been demonstrated in PD with qMRI methods. The aim of this study was to investigate longitudinal cortical microstructural changes in PD with quantitative T1 relaxometry.
Methods: 13 patients with mild to moderate PD and 20 matched healthy subjects underwent high resolution T1 mapping at two time points with an interval of 6.4 years (healthy subjects: 6.5 years). Data from two healthy subjects had to be excluded due to MRI artifacts. Surface-based analysis of cortical T1 values was performed with the FreeSurfer toolbox.
Results: In PD patients, a widespread decrease of cortical T1 was detected during follow-up which affected large parts of the temporo-parietal and occipital cortices and also frontal areas. In contrast, age-related T1 decrease in the healthy control group was much less pronounced and only found in lateral frontal, parietal and temporal areas. Average cortical T1 values did not differ between the groups at baseline (p = 0.17), but were reduced in patients at follow-up (p = 0.0004). Annualized relative changes of cortical T1 were higher in patients vs. healthy subjects (patients: − 0.72 ± 0.64%/year; healthy subjects: − 0.17 ± 0.41%/year, p = 0.007).
Conclusions: In patients with PD, the development of widespread changes in cortical microstructure was observed as reflected by a reduction of cortical T1. The pattern of T1 decrease in PD patients exceeded the normal T1 decrease as found in physiological aging and showed considerable overlap with the pattern of cortical thinning demonstrated in previous PD studies. Therefore, cortical T1 might be a promising additional imaging marker for future longitudinal PD studies. The biological mechanisms underlying cortical T1 reductions remain to be further elucidated.
Multimodal quantitative mri reveals no evidence for tissue pathology in idiopathic cervical dystonia
Background: While in symptomatic forms of dystonia cerebral pathology is by definition present, it is unclear so far whether disease is associated with microstructural cerebral changes in idiopathic dystonia. Previous quantitative MRI (qMRI) studies assessing cerebral tissue composition in idiopathic dystonia revealed conflicting results.
Objective: Using multimodal qMRI, the presented study aimed to investigate alterations in different cerebral microstructural compartments associated with idiopathic cervical dystonia in vivo.
Methods: Mapping of T1, T2, T∗2, and proton density (PD) was performed in 17 patients with idiopathic cervical dystonia and 29 matched healthy control subjects. Statistical comparisons of the parametric maps between groups were conducted for various regions of interest (ROI), including major basal ganglia nuclei, the thalamus, white matter, and the cerebellum, and voxel-wise for the whole brain.
Results: Neither whole brain voxel-wise statistics nor ROI-based analyses revealed significant group differences for any qMRI parameter under investigation.
Conclusions: The negative findings of this qMRI study argue against the presence of overt microstructural tissue change in patients with idiopathic cervical dystonia. The results seem to support a common view that idiopathic cervical dystonia might primarily resemble a functional network disease.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the gold standard imaging technique for diagnosis and monitoring of many neurological diseases. However, the application of conventional MRI in clinical routine is mainly limited to the visual detection of macroscopic tissue pathology since mixed tissue contrasts depending on hardware and protocol parameters hamper its application for the assessment of subtle or diffuse impairment of the structural tissue integrity. Multiparametric quantitative (q)MRI determines tissue parameters quantitatively, enabling the detection of microstructural processes related to tissue remodeling in aging and neurological diseases. In contrast to measuring tissue atrophy via structural imaging, multiparametric qMRI allows for investigating biologically distinct microstructural processes, which precede changes of the tissue volume. This facilitates a more comprehensive characterization of tissue alterations by revealing early impairment of the microstructural integrity and specific disease-related patterns. So far, qMRI techniques have been employed in a wide range of neurological diseases, including in particular conditions with inflammatory, cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative pathology. Numerous studies suggest that qMRI might add valuable information, including the detection of microstructural tissue damage in areas appearing normal on conventional MRI and unveiling the microstructural correlates of clinical manifestations. This review will give an overview of current qMRI techniques, the most relevant tissue parameters and potential applications in neurological diseases, such as early (differential) diagnosis, monitoring of disease progression, and evaluating effects of therapeutic interventions.