Document Type
- Article (3)
- English (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- Everolimus (1)
- Extended donor criteria (1)
- Kidney transplantation (1)
- Organ allocation (1)
- Pancreas transplantation (1)
- Rejection (1)
- Renal function (1)
- cyclosporine (1)
- efficacy (1)
- everolimus (1)
- Medizin (3)
Background: Simultaneous pancreas kidney transplantation (SPK), pancreas transplantation alone (PTA) or pancreas transplantation after kidney (PAK) are the only curative treatment options for patients with type 1 (juvenile) diabetes mellitus with or without impaired renal function. Unfortunately, transplant waiting lists for this indication are increasing because the current organ acceptability criteria are restrictive; morbidity and mortality significantly increase with time on the waitlist. Currently, only pancreas organs from donors younger than 50 years of age and with a body mass index (BMI) less than 30 are allocated for transplantation in the Eurotransplant (ET) area. To address this issue we designed a study to increase the available donor pool for these patients.
Methods/Design: This study is a prospective, multicenter (20 German centers), single blinded, non-randomized, two armed trial comparing outcome after SPK, PTA or PAK between organs with the currently allowed donor criteria versus selected organs from donors with extended criteria. Extended donor criteria are defined as organs procured from donors with a BMI of 30 to 34 or a donor age between 50 and 60 years. Immunosuppression is generally standardized using induction therapy with Myfortic, tacrolimus and low dose steroids. In principle, all patients on the waitlist for primary SPK, PTA or PAK are eligible for the clinical trial when they consent to possibly receiving an extended donor criteria organ. Patients receiving an organ meeting the current standard criteria for pancreas allocation (control arm) are compared to those receiving extended criteria organ (study arm); patients are blinded for a follow-up period of one year. The combined primary endpoint is survival of the pancreas allograft and pancreas allograft function after three months, as an early relevant outcome parameter for pancreas transplantation.
Discussion: The EXPAND Study has been initiated to investigate the hypothesis that locally allocated extended criteria organs can be transplanted with similar results compared to the currently allowed standard ET organ allocation. If our study shows a favorable comparison to standard organ allocation criteria, the morbidity and mortality for patients waiting for transplantation could be reduced in the future.
Trial registered at: NCT01384006
This is a randomized trial (ATHENA study) in de novo kidney transplant patients to compare everolimus versus mycophenolic acid (MPA) with similar tacrolimus exposure in both groups, or everolimus with concomitant tacrolimus or cyclosporine (CsA), in an unselected population. In this 12-month, multicenter, open-label study, de novo kidney transplant recipients were randomized to everolimus with tacrolimus (EVR/TAC), everolimus with CsA (EVR/CsA) or MPA with tacrolimus (MPA/TAC), with similar tacrolimus exposure in both groups. Non-inferiority of the primary end point (estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] at month 12), assessed in the per-protocol population of 338 patients, was not shown for EVR/TAC or EVR/CsA versus MPA/TAC. In 123 patients with TAC levels within the protocol-specified range, eGFR outcomes were comparable between groups. The mean increase in eGFR during months 1 to 12 post-transplant, analyzed post hoc, was similar with EVR/TAC or EVR/CsA versus MPA/TAC. The incidence of treatment failure (biopsy proven acute rejection, graft loss or death) was not significant for EVR/TAC but significant for EVR/CsA versus MPA/TAC. Most biopsy-proven acute rejection events in this study were graded mild (BANFF IA). There were no differences in proteinuria between groups. Cytomegalovirus and BK virus infection were significantly more frequent with MPA/TAC. Thus, everolimus with TAC or CsA showed comparable efficacy to MPA/TAC in de novo kidney transplant patients. Non-inferiority of renal function, when pre-specified, was not shown, but the mean increase in eGFR from month 1 to 12 was comparable to MPA/TAC.
Background: Immunosuppression with calcineurin inhibitors remains the mainstay of treatment after kidney transplantation; however, long-term use of these drugs may be associated with nephrotoxicity. In this regard, the current approach is to optimise available immunosuppressive regimens to reduce the calcineurin inhibitor dose while protecting renal function without affecting the efficacy. The ATHENA study is designed to evaluate renal function in two regimens: an everolimus and reduced calcineurin inhibitor-based regimen versus a standard treatment protocol with mycophenolic acid and tacrolimus in de novo kidney transplant recipients.
Method/Design: ATHENA is a 12-month, multicentre, open-label, prospective, randomised, parallel-group study in de novo kidney transplant recipients (aged 18 years or older) receiving renal allografts from deceased or living donors. Eligible patients are randomised (1:1:1) prior to transplantation to one of the following three treatment arms: everolimus (starting dose 1.5 mg/day; C0 3–8 ng/mL) with cyclosporine or everolimus (starting dose 3 mg/day; C0 3–8 ng/mL) with tacrolimus or mycophenolic acid (enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium at 1.44 g/day or mycophenolate mofetil at 2 g/day) with tacrolimus; in combination with corticosteroids. All patients receive induction therapy with basiliximab. The primary objective is to demonstrate non-inferiority of renal function (eGFR by the Nankivell formula) in one of the everolimus arms compared with the standard group at month 12 post transplantation. The key secondary objective is to assess the incidence of treatment failure, defined as biopsy-proven acute rejection, graft loss, or death, among the treatment groups. Other objectives include assessment of the individual components of treatment failure, incidence and severity of viral infections, incidence and duration of delayed graft function, incidence of indication biopsies, slow graft function and wound healing complications, and overall safety and tolerability. Exploratory objectives include evaluation of left ventricular hypertrophy assessed by the left ventricular mass index, evolution of human leukocyte antigen and non-human leukocyte antigen antibodies, and a cytomegalovirus substudy.
Discussion: As one of the largest European multicentre kidney transplant studies, ATHENA will determine whether a de novo everolimus-based regimen can preserve renal function versus the standard of care. This study further assesses a number of clinical issues which impact long-term outcomes post transplantation; hence, its results will have a major clinical impact.
Trial registration: NCT01843348, date of registration – 18 April 2013; EUDRACT number: 2011-005238-21, date of registration – 20 March 2012