Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (5)
- Article (1)
- English (6)
Has Fulltext
- yes (6)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (6)
- Physik (6)
We review our knowledge of the phase diagram of QCD as a function of temperature, chemical potential and quark masses. The presence of tricritical lines at imaginary chemical potential m = i p 3 T, with known scaling behaviour in their vicinity, puts constraints on this phase diagram, especially in the case of two light flavors. We show first results in our project to determine the finite-temperature behaviour in the Nf = 2 chiral limit.
We present and compare new types of algorithms for lattice QCD with staggered fermions in the limit of infinite gauge coupling. These algorithms are formulated on a discrete spatial lattice but with continuous Euclidean time. They make use of the exact Hamiltonian, with the inverse temperature beta as the only input parameter. This formulation turns out to be analogous to that of a quantum spin system. The sign problem is completely absent, at zero and non-zero baryon density. We compare the performance of a continuous-time worm algorithm and of a Stochastic Series Expansion algorithm (SSE), which operates on equivalence classes of time-ordered interactions. Finally, we apply the SSE algorithm to a first exploratory study of two-flavor strong coupling lattice QCD, which is manageable in the Hamiltonian formulation because the sign problem can be controlled.
It is widely believed that chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken at zero temperature in the strong coupling limit of staggered fermions, for any number of colors and flavors. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that this conventional wisdom, based on a mean-field analysis, is wrong. For sufficiently many fundamental flavors, chiral symmetry is restored via a bulk, first-order transition. This chirally symmetric phase appears to be analytically connected with the expected conformal window of manyflavor continuum QCD. We perform simulations in the chirally symmetric phase at zero quark mass for various system sizes L, and measure the torelon mass and the Dirac spectrum. We find that all observables scale with L, which is hence the only infrared length scale. Thus, the strong-coupling chirally restored phase appears as a convenient laboratory to study IR-conformality. Finally, we present a conjecture for the phase diagram of lattice QCD as a function of the bare coupling and the number of quark flavors.
We present unambiguous evidence from lattice simulations of Nf = 3 QCD for two tricritical points in the (T;m) phase diagram at fixed imaginary m=T = ip=3 mod. 2p=3, one in the light and one in the heavy quark regime. Together with similar results in the literature for Nf = 2 this implies the existence of a chiral and of a deconfinement tricritical line at those values of imaginary chemical potentials. These tricritical lines represent the boundaries of the analytically continued chiral and deconfinement critical surfaces, respectively, which delimit the parameter space with first order phase transitions. It is demonstrated that the shape of the deconfinement critical surface is dictated by tricritical scaling and implies the weakening of the deconfinement transition with real chemical potential. A qualitatively similar effect holds for the chiral critical surface.
We study the impact of the Gradient Flow on the topology in various models of lattice field theory. The topological susceptibility Xt is measured directly, and by the slab method, which is based on the topological content of sub-volumes (“slabs”) and estimates Xt even when the system remains trapped in a fixed topological sector. The results obtained by both methods are essentially consistent, but the impact of the Gradient Flow on the characteristic quantity of the slab method seems to be different in 2-flavour QCD and in the 2d O(3) model. In the latter model, we further address the question whether or not the Gradient Flow leads to a finite continuum limit of the topological susceptibility (rescaled by the correlation length squared, ξ2). This ongoing study is based on direct measurements of Xt in L × L lattices, at L/ξ ≃6.
We report on the first steps of an ongoing project to add gauge observables and gauge corrections
to the well-studied strong coupling limit of staggered lattice QCD, which has been shown earlier
to be amenable to numerical simulations by the worm algorithm in the chiral limit and at finite
density. Here we show how to evaluate the expectation value of the Polyakov loop in the framework
of the strong coupling limit at finite temperature, allowing to study confinement properties
along with those of chiral symmetry breaking. We find the Polyakov loop to rise smoothly, thus
signalling deconfinement. The non-analytic nature of the chiral phase transition is reflected in the
derivative of the Polyakov loop. We also discuss how to construct an effective theory for non-zero
lattice coupling, which is valid to O(b).