- German (5)
Has Fulltext
- yes (5)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (5)
- Consensus (1)
- Contingency (1)
- Emancipation (1)
- Germanistische Beiträge (1)
- Innovation (1)
- Interculturalism (1)
- Interculturlism (1)
- Joachim Wittstock international Paradigms (1)
- Modernism (1)
- Neue Literatur (1)
At the beginning of the 1970s, the literature in German language from Romania went through a radical process of change that transformed a largely epigonic and obedient literature into a dynamic, original and subversive one. The following paper analyses the context, the causes, and the mechanisms of this innovative period.
Rezension zu:
Germanistische Beiträge 25. Sonderband. „Schreiben ist zweifellos ein Ziegelrücken”. Studien und Aufsätze zu Joachim Wittstock: Bibliographie 1999-2009. Universitätsverlag Sibiu/ Hermannstadt 2009. ISSN 1454-5144. / Elekes Robert Gabriel
Carmen Elisabeth Puchianu: Literatur im Streiflicht – Germanistische Aufsätze, Rezensionen, Würdigungen. Überarbeitete Textauswahl. aldus Verlag Kronstadt, ISBN 978-973-7822-48-2, 15 RON / Delia Cotârlea
Band XI. der Kronstädter Beiträge zur germanistischen Forschung „Erinnern und Vergessen”. Zum identitätsbildenden Beitrag der Deutschsprachigkeit im mittel- und osteuropäischen Raum. aldus Verlag Kronstadt 2009, ISSN 1842 – 9564, 22 RON. / Delia Cotârlea
Band XII. der Kronstädter Beiträge zur germanistischen Forschung. Lachgeschichte(n). Humor und seine Spielarten in der deutschen Sprache und Literatur. aldus Verlag Kronstadt 2010, ISSN 1842 – 9564, 25 RON. / Delia Cotârlea
The 25th Volume of the Germanistische Beiträge Hermanstadt can be viewed as an attempt to reevaluate and recontextualise the works of Joachim Wittstock. Through a shift of perspective towards international Paradigms and a dislocation of the analysed works from canonical interpretational networks the seven contributing scholars achieve to refresh the way we perceive and read Joachim Wittstocks writings.
This essay examines the emancipatory possibilities of interculturalism. The aim is to evaluate whether the philosophical discourse of interculturalism, which is still parasitic on a vocabulary of modernism, can achieve its emancipatory role in a postmodern world by trying to empower difference through consensus. Further, this essay aims to propose a way out of modernist dialecticism and towards a truly postmodern theory of interculturalism.
The search for footing can be thought of as an essential human experience. Joachim Wittstock’s essays published in the anthology Einen Halt suchen reveal not only the socio-political repercussions of this pursuit but also establish its phenomenology and morphology. In my paper I will focus on the link between the search for footing and the mortal condition, thus demonstrating how the true nature of this pursuit for existential stability and security can be understood as life’s aversion towards death.