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- Article (62)
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- yes (67)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (67)
- ABC Transporter (4)
- ATPases (4)
- Biophysical chemistry (4)
- membrane proteins (4)
- Antigen Processing (3)
- Atomic force microscopy (3)
- MHC (3)
- Membrane proteins (3)
- antigen presentation (3)
- ABC transporter (2)
- Biochemie und Chemie (44)
- Biochemie, Chemie und Pharmazie (19)
- Sonderforschungsbereiche / Forschungskollegs (19)
- Center for Membrane Proteomics (CMP) (8)
- Exzellenzcluster Makromolekulare Komplexe (5)
- Medizin (3)
- Biowissenschaften (2)
- MPI für Biophysik (2)
- Zentrum für Biomolekulare Magnetische Resonanz (BMRZ) (2)
- Georg-Speyer-Haus (1)
Live-cell labelling techniques to visualize proteins with minimal disturbance are important; however, the currently available methods are limited in their labelling efficiency, specificity and cell permeability. We describe high-throughput protein labelling facilitated by minimalistic probes delivered to mammalian cells by microfluidic cell squeezing. High-affinity and target-specific tracing of proteins in various subcellular compartments is demonstrated, culminating in photoinduced labelling within live cells. Both the fine-tuned delivery of subnanomolar concentrations and the minimal size of the probe allow for live-cell super-resolution imaging with very low background and nanometre precision. This method is fast in probe delivery (∼1,000,000 cells per second), versatile across cell types and can be readily transferred to a multitude of proteins. Moreover, the technique succeeds in combination with well-established methods to gain multiplexed labelling and has demonstrated potential to precisely trace target proteins, in live mammalian cells, by super-resolution microscopy.
Members of the ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily translocate a broad spectrum of chemically diverse substrates. While their eponymous ATP‐binding cassette in the nucleotide‐binding domains (NBDs) is highly conserved, their transmembrane domains (TMDs) forming the translocation pathway exhibit distinct folds and topologies, suggesting that during evolution the ancient motor domains were combined with different transmembrane mechanical systems to orchestrate a variety of cellular processes. In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that the distinct TMD folds are best suited to categorize the multitude of ABC transporters. We therefore propose a new ABC transporter classification that is based on structural homology in the TMDs:
The human transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) translocates antigenic peptides from the cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. The functional unit of TAP is a heterodimer composed of the TAP1 and TAP2 subunits, both of which are members of the ABC-transporter family. ABC-transporters are ATP-dependent pumps, channels, or receptors that are composed of four modules: two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) and two transmembrane domains (TMDs). Although the TMDs are rather divergent in sequence, the NBDs are conserved with respect to structure and function. Interestingly, the NBD of TAP1 contains mutations at amino acid positions that have been proposed to be essential for catalytic activity. Instead of a glutamate, proposed to act as a general base, TAP1 contains an aspartate and a glutamine instead of the conserved histidine, which has been suggested to act as the linchpin. We used this degeneration to evaluate the individual contribution of these two amino acids to the ATPase activity of the engineered TAP1-NBD mutants. Based on our results a catalytic hierarchy of these two fundamental amino acids in ATP hydrolysis of the mutated TAP1 motor domain was deduced.
Im Zuge der steigenden Bedeutung der Proteomforschung und der »Molekularisierung« der Medizin werden neue, effizientere Plattformen zur Untersuchung von Proteinen und deren Wechselwirkungen notwendig. Hier bietet die Nanotechnologie, eine Wissenschaft mit Ursprüngen in der Physik und der Halbleiterindustrie, attraktive Lösungsperspektiven. Ein Bereich der Forschung am Institut für Biochemie der Universität Frankfurt um Prof. Dr. Robert Tampé widmet sich den Aspekten der Nanotechnologie zur Entwicklung von Protein-Chips für die Proteomforschung und Erzeugung von Mustern im Kleinstformat.
Jeder Mensch kämpft täglich erfolgreich mit Krankheitserregern, ohne dass er sich der komplexen molekularen Vorgänge dabei bewusst wäre. Wie in einem Hollywood-Streifen geht es rasant zur Sache. Ist das Immunsystem angeschlagen oder trifft es auf starke Gegner, kann eine Infektion binnen weniger Tage außer Kontrolle geraten und lebensbedrohliche Reaktionen hervorrufen. Der menschliche Organismus benötigt eine effiziente Verteidigungsstrategie gegen die Eindringlinge und muss, ebenso wie der britische Geheimdienst im Bond-Film, in die Ausbildung geübter Agenten investieren, Agenten mit Doppel-Null-Status. Agenten wie James Bond.
Membrane-suspended nanopores in microchip arrays for stochastic transport recording and sensing
The transport of nutrients, xenobiotics, and signaling molecules across biological membranes is essential for life. As gatekeepers of cells, membrane proteins and nanopores are key targets in pharmaceutical research and industry. Multiple techniques help in elucidating, utilizing, or mimicking the function of biological membrane-embedded nanodevices. In particular, the use of DNA origami to construct simple nanopores based on the predictable folding of nucleotides provides a promising direction for innovative sensing and sequencing approaches. Knowledge of translocation characteristics is crucial to link structural design with function. Here, we summarize recent developments and compare features of membrane-embedded nanopores with solid-state analogues. We also describe how their translocation properties are characterized by microchip systems. The recently developed silicon chips, comprising solid-state nanopores of 80 nm connecting femtoliter cavities in combination with vesicle spreading and formation of nanopore-suspended membranes, will pave the way to characterize translocation properties of nanopores and membrane proteins in high-throughput and at single-transporter resolution.
Sandra Posch, Camilo Aponte-Santamaría, Richard Schwarzl, Andreas Karner, Matthias Radtke, Frauke Gräter, Tobias Obser, Gesa König, Maria A. Brehm, Hermann J. Gruber, Roland R. Netz, Carsten Baldauf, Reinhard Schneppenheim, Robert Tampé, Peter Hinterdorfer
Mutual A domain interactions in the force sensing protein von Willebrand factor
Journal of Structural Biology, Volume 197, Issue 1, January 2017, Pages 57-64.
We here give information for a deeper understanding of single molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) data through the example of the blood protein von Willebrand factor (VWF). It is also shown, how fitting of rupture forces versus loading rate profiles in the molecular dynamics (MD) loading-rate range can be used to demonstrate the qualitative agreement between SMFS and MD simulations. The recently developed model by Bullerjahn, Sturm, and Kroy (BSK) was used for this demonstration. Further, Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations, which can be utilized to estimate the lifetimes of intramolecular VWF interactions under physiological shear, are described. For interpretation and discussion of the methods and data presented here, we would like to directly point the reader to the related research paper, “Mutual A domain interactions in the force sensing protein von Willebrand Factor” (Posch et al., 2016).
The development of single-photon-counting detectors, such as the PILATUS, has been a major recent breakthrough in macromolecular crystallography, enabling noise-free detection and novel data-acquisition modes. The new EIGER detector features a pixel size of 75 × 75 µm, frame rates of up to 3000 Hz and a dead time as low as 3.8 µs. An EIGER 1M and EIGER 16M were tested on Swiss Light Source beamlines X10SA and X06SA for their application in macromolecular crystallography. The combination of fast frame rates and a very short dead time allows high-quality data acquisition in a shorter time. The ultrafine φ-slicing data-collection method is introduced and validated and its application in finding the optimal rotation angle, a suitable rotation speed and a sufficient X-ray dose are presented. An improvement of the data quality up to slicing at one tenth of the mosaicity has been observed, which is much finer than expected based on previous findings. The influence of key data-collection parameters on data quality is discussed.
The interaction between the T4 bacteriophage gp37 adhesin and the bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a well-studied system, however, the affinity and strength of the interaction haven’t been analyzed so far. Here, we use atomic force microscopy to determine the strength of the interaction between the adhesin and its receptor, namely LPS taken from a wild strain of E. coli B. As negative controls we used LPSs of E. coli O111:B and Hafnia alvei. To study the interaction an AFM tip modified with the gp37 adhesin was used to scan surfaces of mica covered with one of the three different LPSs. Using the correlation between the surface topography images and the tip-surface interaction we could verify the binding between the specific LPS and the tip in contrast to the very weak interaction between the tip and the non-binding LPSs. Using force spectroscopy we could then measure the binding strength by pulling on the AFM tip until it lifted off from the surface. The force necessary to break the interaction between gp37 and LPS from E. coli B, LPS from E. coli O111:B and LPS from H. alvei were measured to be 70 ± 29 pN, 46 ± 13 pN and 45 ± 14 pN, respectively. The latter values are likely partially due to non-specific interaction between the gp37 and the solid surface, as LPS from E. coli O111:B and LPS from H. alvei have been shown to not bind to gp37, which is confirmed by the low correlation between binding and topography for these samples.
[Nachruf] Hugo Fasold