Document Type
- Article (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- COVID-19 (2)
- Pandemic (2)
- Completed suicide (1)
- Interdisciplinarity (1)
- Interdisziplinarität (1)
- Monitoring (1)
- Pediatric burn injury (1)
- Prevention (1)
- Prävention (1)
- Pädiatrische Brandverletzung (1)
- Medizin (2)
Background: Predicted increases in suicide were not generally observed in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the picture may be changing and patterns might vary across demographic groups. We aimed to provide a timely, granular picture of the pandemic's impact on suicides globally.
Methods: We identified suicide data from official public-sector sources for countries/areas-within-countries, searching websites and academic literature and contacting data custodians and authors as necessary. We sent our first data request on 22nd June 2021 and stopped collecting data on 31st October 2021. We used interrupted time series (ITS) analyses to model the association between the pandemic's emergence and total suicides and suicides by sex-, age- and sex-by-age in each country/area-within-country. We compared the observed and expected numbers of suicides in the pandemic's first nine and first 10-15 months and used meta-regression to explore sources of variation.
Findings: We sourced data from 33 countries (24 high-income, six upper-middle-income, three lower-middle-income; 25 with whole-country data, 12 with data for area(s)-within-the-country, four with both). There was no evidence of greater-than-expected numbers of suicides in the majority of countries/areas-within-countries in any analysis; more commonly, there was evidence of lower-than-expected numbers. Certain sex, age and sex-by-age groups stood out as potentially concerning, but these were not consistent across countries/areas-within-countries. In the meta-regression, different patterns were not explained by countries’ COVID-19 mortality rate, stringency of public health response, economic support level, or presence of a national suicide prevention strategy. Nor were they explained by countries’ income level, although the meta-regression only included data from high-income and upper-middle-income countries, and there were suggestions from the ITS analyses that lower-middle-income countries fared less well.
Interpretation: Although there are some countries/areas-within-countries where overall suicide numbers and numbers for certain sex- and age-based groups are greater-than-expected, these countries/areas-within-countries are in the minority. Any upward movement in suicide numbers in any place or group is concerning, and we need to remain alert to and respond to changes as the pandemic and its mental health and economic consequences continue.
Ein 7 Monate alter weiblicher Säugling wurde mit Kontaktverbrennungen 2. Grades an beiden Beinen von seinen Eltern in der Notaufnahme eines Krankenhauses vorgestellt. Die Eltern berichteten, das Kind sei unbeaufsichtigt und nur mit einem Body bekleidet gegen den Nachtspeicherofen im Kinderzimmer gekrabbelt. Bei der 10 Tage später durchgeführten klinisch-rechtsmedizinischen Untersuchung zeigten sich streifige, teils parallel zueinander gestellte und gelenkübergreifende Verbrennungen an der rechten Oberschenkelaußen- und Unterschenkelrückaußenseite, an beiden Fußrücken und den Zehen sowie ein flächenhaftes Verbrennungsareal an der linken Unterschenkelaußenseite mit abgrenzbaren streifigen Anteilen.
Im Rahmen einer Ortsbegehung der elterlichen Wohnung mit Vermessung und Begutachtung der in der Wohnung befindlichen 3 Nachtspeicheröfen konnte zunächst festgestellt werden, dass sich die Verbrennungsmuster an den Beinen des Kindes mit dem Luftauslassgitter der beiden Nachtspeicheröfen im Wohn- und im Elternschlafzimmer (jeweils identisches Modell), hingegen nicht mit dem des Nachtspeicherofens im Kinderzimmer in Deckung bringen ließen. Für die Begutachtung konnte durch ergänzende Informationen eines technischen Sachverständigen zu den entsprechenden Nachtspeicheröfen und durch eine Literaturrecherche ein möglicher Geschehensablauf rekonstruiert werden.
Dieser Fall verdeutlicht zum einen, welche Gefahr für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder von Nachtspeicheröfen ausgehen kann, wenn diese nicht regelrecht gesichert und die Kinder unbeaufsichtigt sind. Zum anderen wird die Bedeutung einer detaillierten und – wenn nötig – interdisziplinären Rekonstruktion, inklusive einer Ortsbegehung, zur Abgrenzung eines möglichen Unfallhergangs von einer Kindesmisshandlung unterstrichen.
The consequences of the current COVID-19 pandemic for mental health remain unclear, especially regarding the effects on suicidal behaviors. To assess changes in the pattern of suicide attempt (SA) admissions and completed suicides (CS) in association with the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of a longitudinal study, SA admissions and CS are systematically documented and analyzed in all psychiatric hospitals in Frankfurt/Main (765.000 inhabitants). Number, sociodemographic factors, diagnoses and methods of SA and CS were compared between the periods of March–December 2019 and March–December 2020. The number of CS did not change, while the number of SA significantly decreased. Age, sex, occupational status, and psychiatric diagnoses did not change in SA, whereas the percentage of patients living alone while attempting suicide increased. The rate and number of intoxications as a SA method increased and more people attempted suicide in their own home, which was not observed in CS. Such a shift from public places to home is supported by the weekday of SA, as the rate of SA on weekends was significantly lower during the pandemic, likely because of lockdown measures. Only admissions to psychiatric hospitals were recorded, but not to other institutions. As it seems unlikely that the number of SA decreased while the number of CS remained unchanged, it is conceivable that the number of unreported SA cases increased during the pandemic. Our data suggest that a higher number of SA remained unnoticed during the pandemic because of their location and the use of methods associated with lower lethality.