Document Type
- Article (2)
- Part of Periodical (2)
- English (4)
Has Fulltext
- yes (4)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- Africa (3)
- taxonomy (2)
- Cyprus (1)
- Darwin wasps (1)
- Greece (1)
- Hymenoptera (1)
- Ormyrus (1)
- Parasitoid wasps (1)
- descriptions (1)
- distribution (1)
Known by many names, the Chinese banyan (Ficus microcarpa L.) is a monoecious plant species originating from south-eastern Asia which has been introduced as an ornamental in numerous areas outside its native range, including the Mediterranean. Like every species of Ficus, it is associated with a series of chalcid wasp species, known as fig wasps. These species are distributed in the families Agaonidae, Epichrysomallidae, Eurytomidae, Ormyridae and Pteromalidae. In this publication, we describe a new species of Ormyrus Westwood, 1832 (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Ormyridae), O. microcarpae Askew & Koutsoukos sp. nov., reared from figs of F. microcarpa collected from Greece and Cyprus. The new species is compared with O. lini and O. watshami. This species is likely to be a parasitoid of Meselatus bicolor Chen, 1999 (Hymenoptera, Epichrysomallidae). In addition, the previously unknown female of O. lini is also described and illustrated. This publication constitutes the first report of species of Ormyrus associated with figs in Europe.
We revised the species of the genus Pristomerus Curtis, 1836 in the Afrotropical Region. Fortynine species are recognized, of which 31 are newly described. The following new species are described: P. afrikaner, P. aka, P. babinga, P. bemba, P. dikidiki, P. herero, P. hutu, P. kagga, P. khoikhoi, P. kuku, P. masai, P. mbaka, P. mbama, P. mboum, P. nzakara, P. protea, P. restio, P. san, P. sara, P. sotho, P. swahili, P. teke, P. tutsi, P. venda, P. wolof, P. xhosa, P. yakoma, P. yangere, P. yoccolo, P. zande and P. zulu spp. nov. New synonyms: P. africator, P. cunctator and P. luteolus are new junior synonyms of P. pallidus. New records: new host records are reported for the widespread P. pallidus; new country-level distribution records are added for P. bullis, P. keyka, P. kelikely and P. pallidus; and reports of Trathala concolor and P. veloma in South Africa are shown to have been erroneous. An illustrated dichotomous key to females is provided; an online Lucid interactive matrix key is also available at Finally, the ecological and geographical correlates of colour patterns exhibited by Pristomerus in the Afrotropical region are discussed.
The Afrotropical Rhyssinae are reviewed. A total of 12 species are reported from the region, including five new species: Epirhyssa brianfisheri sp. nov., E. gavinbroadi sp. nov., E. shaka sp. nov., E. villemantae sp. nov. and E. tombeaodiba sp. nov. The generic status of E. brianfisheri sp. nov. is discussed since this species could also be considered to be an extra-limital Triancyra species, emphasizing the putative paraphyletic status of Epirhyssa. Epirhyssa ghesquierei Seyrig, 1937, E. overlaeti Seyrig, 1937 and E. uelensis Benoit, 1951 are newly reported from Cameroon. We provide illustrated diagnoses and identification notes. Finally, we discuss the apparent scarcity of African rhyssines compared to other regions.
A synthesis of the Phaeogenini occurring in the Afrotropical region is provided. Three species are newly described: Centeterichneumon nambi Dal Pos, Diller & Di Giovanni sp. nov. from Uganda, Chauvinia ganota Claridge sp. nov. from Kenya, and Kibalus nonnaritae Dal Pos & Di Giovanni sp. nov. from Uganda. Heterischnus mfongosi Rousse & van Noort, 2013 is newly recorded for Kenya and Tanzania and the male of the species is diagnosed for the first time. Also, the female of Arearia oxymoron Rousse & van Noort, 2013 is diagnosed for the first time from one of the paratype localities. Lusius tenuissimus (Heinrich, 1938) and Chauvinia nyanga Rousse & van Noort, 2013 are recorded for the first time for Uganda and Kenya, respectively. In addition, new localities are given for Chauvinia nitida (Heinrich, 1938), Heterischnus olsoufieffi (Heinrich, 1938) and Hoplophaeogenes curticornis Heinrich, 1938. A new combination, Nesostenodontus mkomazi (Rousse & van Noort, 2013) comb. nov., is proposed to accommodate Heterischnus mkomazi. An updated key to the Afrotropical genera of Phaeogenini and keys to the Afrotropical species of the genera Arearia Seyrig, Centeterichneumon Heinrich, Chauvinia Heinrich, Heterischnus Heinrich, Hoplophaeogenes Heinrich, Kibalus Rousse, van Noort & Diller, and Lusius Tosquinet are provided. Updated online Lucid keys to genera and species are available from