Document Type
- Article (6)
- English (6)
Has Fulltext
- yes (6)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (6)
The 70 Frullania species (+ 1 subspecies, 9 varieties, and 3 formae) belonging to 9 subgenera are confirmed in China, among which 1 subgenus and 4 species are new to science, and 12 species are newly reported from China. A new name (nom. nov.) and 12 combinations are proposed and several species are reduced to synonyms of other species. This study reveals the Frullania flora of China, particularly Yunnan and the neighboring provinces, to be most highly differentiated, containing many phytogeographic ally interesting taxa, and may be regarded as a center of the Paleotropic Frullania flora.
The Frullania taxa on Mount Albert Edward, Papua New Guinea, form many associations that suggest a high degree of niche similarity, but at different altitudes, different associations form. The species diversity of the genus is greatest at the middle altitudes and least in the dry lowlands. This altitudinal separation is apparent in the niche widths of the taxa. The members of the four sibling taxa pairs examined exhibit distinct altitudinal niches, suggesting that the sibling taxa are distinct, with different niche optima.