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- Article (11)
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- biliary stricture (2)
- delay (2)
- diagnosis (2)
- metastases (2)
- multidrug resistance (2)
- neuroendocrine (2)
- Anatomy (1)
- Antibodies (1)
- COVID-19 (1)
- Colorectal cancer (1)
In the application of range of motion (ROM) tests there is little agreement on the number of repetitions to be measured and the number of preceding warm-up protocols. In stretch training a plateau in ROM gains can be seen after four to five repetitions. With increasing number of repetitions, the gain in ROM is reduced. This study examines the question of whether such an effect occurs in common ROM tests. Twenty-two healthy sport students (10 m/12 f.) with an average age of 25.3 ± 1.94 years (average height 174.1 ± 9.8 cm; weight 66.6 ± 11.3 kg and BMI 21.9 ± 2.0 kg/cm2) volunteered in this study. Each subject performed five ROM tests in a randomized order—measured either via a tape measure or a digital inclinometer: Tape measure was used to evaluate the Fingertip-to-Floor test (FtF) and the Lateral Inclination test (LI). Retroflexion of the trunk modified after Janda (RF), Thomas test (TT) and a Shoulder test modified after Janda (ST) were evaluated with a digital inclinometer. In order to show general acute effects within 20 repetitions we performed ANOVA/Friedman-test with multiple comparisons. A non-linear regression was then performed to identify a plateau formation. Significance level was set at 5%. In seven out of eight ROM tests (five tests in total with three tests measured both left and right sides) significant flexibility gains were observed (FtF: p < 0.001; LI-left/right: p < 0.001/0.001; RF: p = 0.009; ST-left/right: p < 0.001/p = 0.003; TT-left: p < 0.001). A non-linear regression with random effects was successfully applied on FtF, RF, LI-left/right, ST-left and TT-left and thus, indicate a gradual decline in the amount of gained ROM. An acute effect was observed in most ROM tests, which is characterized by a gradual decline of ROM gain. For those tests, we can state that the acute effect described in the stretching literature also applies to the performance of typical ROM tests. Since a non-linear behavior was shown, it is the decision of the practitioner to weigh up between measurement accuracy and expenditure. Researchers and practitioners should consider this when applying ROM assessments to healthy young adults.
Malignancies can cause severe stenosis of the biliary tract and therefore predispose a patient to bacterial cholangitis. Upon endoscopic drainage, antibiotic therapy (AT) is performed according to individual clinical judgement, as the optimal duration of AT is unclear to date, especially in the case of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs). In a case-based retrospective study, patients with malignant biliary strictures and acute cholangitis were included upon endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC). The outcome of cases treated with short AT (≤6 days) was compared to that of long AT (≥7 days). Recurrent cholangitis (RC) before scheduled stent exchange was the primary end point. In total, 124 patients were included, with 183 cases of proven cholangitis in total. The overall median duration of AT was 7 days (range 1–20), with 74 cases (40%) receiving short AT and 109 (60%) receiving long AT. Short AT was not an independent risk factor for RC (HR = 0.66, p > 0.2), while colonization with MDROs was associated with a higher risk of RC (HR = 2.21, p = 0.005). Placement of a metal stent was associated with minor risk of RC (HR = 0.4, p = 0.038). In conclusion, short AT is possible in selected patients with non-severe cholangitis and malignant biliary strictures. Scheduled screening for MDROs is recommended and placement of a metal stent should be performed if possible.
Penile squamous cell carcinomas are rare tumor entities throughout Europe. Early lymphonodal spread urges for aggressive therapeutic approaches in advanced tumor stages. Therefore, understanding tumor biology and its microenvironment and correlation with known survival data is of substantial interest in order to establish treatment strategies adapted to the individual patient. Fifty-five therapy naïve squamous cell carcinomas, age range between 41 and 85 years with known clinicopathological data, were investigated with the use of tissue microarrays (TMA) regarding the tumor-associated immune cell infiltrate density (ICID). Slides were stained with antibodies against CD3, CD8 and CD20. An image analysis software was applied for evaluation. Data were correlated with clinicopathological characteristics and overall survival. There was a significant increase of ICID in squamous cell carcinomas of the penis in relation to tumor adjacent physiological tissue. Higher CD3-positive ICID was significantly associated with lower tumor stage in our cohort. The ICID was not associated with overall survival. Our data sharpens the view on tumor-associated immune cell infiltrate in penile squamous cell carcinomas with an unbiased digital and automated cell count. Further investigations on the immune cell infiltrate and its prognostic and possible therapeutic impact are needed.
Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Die Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2(SARS-CoV-2)-Pandemie hat die Ausbildung von Medizinstudierenden grundlegend verändert. Die Notwendigkeit von Kontaktbeschränkungen und die damit einhergehende Forderung nach Distanzunterricht hat dazu geführt, dass innerhalb kurzer Zeit digitale Lehrformate umgesetzt werden mussten. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Auswertung der studentischen Evaluationsergebnisse für virtuellen Unterricht im Fach Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde während der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie und ein Vergleich mit den zuvor erhobenen Evaluationsergebnissen unter Präsenzbedingungen.
Material und Methoden: Untersucht wurden die Evaluationsergebnisse für die Blockpraktika im Wintersemester 2020/21 und im Sommersemester 2021, die in einem virtuellen Format mit kurzer Präsenzphase durchgeführt wurden, sowie die der komplett im konventionellen Präsenzformat durchgeführten Praktika von Sommersemester 2018 bis Wintersemester 2019/20. Die anonyme Befragung der Studierenden bezog sich auf verschiedene Aspekte der Lehrveranstaltung, wie z. B. Organisation, Didaktik und Lernatmosphäre.
Ergebnisse: Von 16 abgefragten Kategorien zeigten 14 (87,5%) signifikant bessere Evaluationsergebnisse für die virtuellen Praktika verglichen mit den zuvor im Präsenzformat durchgeführten Praktika. Diese sehr positive Bewertung des digitalen Lehrangebots zeigte im Pandemieverlauf über die Dauer von zwei Semestern keine signifikante Änderung.
Schlussfolgerung: Die vorliegenden Daten belegen die hohe Akzeptanz eines digitalen Lehrangebots im Fach HNO-Heilkunde für Studierende. Auch wenn unerlässliche Bestandteile der ärztlichen Ausbildung, wie der Unterricht am Patienten und das Erlernen klinisch-praktischer Fertigkeiten, weiterhin nur im Präsenzformat realisiert werden können, legen die Ergebnisse nahe, dass digitale Elemente auch nach der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie eine Rolle im Medizinstudium spielen könnten.
Background: To study neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (nCRT) and potential predictive factors for response in locally advanced oral cavity cancer (LA-OCC).
Methods: The INVERT trial is an ongoing single-center, prospective phase 2, proof-of-principle trial. Operable patients with stage III-IVA squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity were eligible and received nCRT consisting of 60 Gy with concomitant cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil. Surgery was scheduled 6-8 weeks after completion of nCRT. Explorative, multiplex immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed on pretreatment tumor specimen, and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) was conducted prior to, during nCRT (day 15), and before surgery to identify potential predictive biomarkers and imaging features. Primary endpoint was the pathological complete response (pCR) rate.
Results: Seventeen patients with stage IVA OCC were included in this interim analysis. All patients completed nCRT. One patient died from pneumonia 10 weeks after nCRT before surgery. Complete tumor resection (R0) was achieved in 16/17 patients, of whom 7 (41%, 95% CI: 18-67%) showed pCR. According to the Clavien-Dindo classification, grade 3a and 3b complications were found in 4 (25%) and 5 (31%) patients, respectively; grade 4-5 complications did not occur. Increased changes in the apparent diffusion coefficient signal intensities between MRI at day 15 of nCRT and before surgery were associated with better response (p=0.022). Higher abundances of programmed cell death protein 1 (PD1) positive cytotoxic T-cells (p=0.012), PD1+ macrophages (p=0.046), and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs, p=0.036) were associated with incomplete response to nCRT.
Conclusion: nCRT for LA-OCC followed by radical surgery is feasible and shows high response rates. Larger patient cohorts from randomized trials are needed to further investigate nCRT and predictive biomarkers such as changes in DW-MRI signal intensities, tumor infiltrating immune cells, and CAFs.
Introduction: Scarce data exist for therapy regimens other than somatostatin analogues (SSA) and peptide receptor radiotherapy (PRRT) for siNET. We analyzed real world data for differences in survival according to therapy. Patients and methods: Analysis of 145 patients, diagnosed between 1993 and 2018 at a single institution, divided in treatment groups. Group (gr.) 0: no treatment (n = 10), gr 1: TACE and/or PRRT (n = 26), gr. 2: SSA (n = 32), gr. 3: SSA/PRRT (n = 8), gr. 4: chemotherapy (n = 8), gr. 5: not metastasized (at diagnosis), surgery only (n = 53), gr. 6 = metastasized (at diagnosis), surgery only (n = 10). Results: 45.5% female, median age 60 years (range, 27–84). A total of 125/145 patients with a resection of the primary tumor. For all patients, 1-year OS (%) was 93.8 (95%-CI: 90–98), 3-year OS = 84.3 (CI: 78–90) and 5-year OS = 77.5 (CI: 70–85). For analysis of survival according to therapy, only stage IV patients (baseline) that received treatment were included. Compared with reference gr. 2 (SSA only), HR for OS was 1.49 (p = 0.47) for gr. 1, 0.72 (p = 0.69) for gr. 3, 2.34 (p = 0.19) for gr. 4. The 5 y OS rate of patients whose primary tumor was resected (n = 125) was 73.1%, and without PTR was 33.3% (HR: 4.31; p = 0.003). Individual patients are represented in swimmer plots. Conclusions: For stage IV patients in this analysis (limited by low patient numbers in co. 3/4), multimodal treatment did not significantly improve survival over SSA treatment alone. A resection of primary tumor significantly improves survival.
Purpose: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cancer in Germany. Around 60,000 people were diagnosed CRC in 2016 in Germany. Since 2019, screening colonoscopies are offered in Germany for men by the age of 50 and for women by the age of 55. It is recently discussed if women should also undergo a screening colonoscopy by the age of 50 and if there are any predictors for getting CRC.
Methods: Colonoscopies of 1553 symptomatic patients younger than 55 years were compared with colonoscopies of 1075 symptomatic patients older than 55 years. We analyzed if there are any significant differences between those two groups in the prevalence of CRC and its precursor lesions or between symptomatic men and women. We evaluated if there is a correlation between abdominal symptoms and the prevalence of CRC.
Results: In 164/1553 symptomatic patients, 194 (12.5%) polyps were detected. In total, six colorectal carcinomas (0.4%) were detected. There were no significant differences between men and women. In symptomatic patients ≥ 55 years, significantly more polyps were found (p<0.0001; 26.6% vs. 12.5%). Totally, 286 polyps (26.6%) were removed in 1075 symptomatic patients older than 55 years. Anorectal bleeding was the only abdominal symptom being a significant indicator for the prevalence of the occurrence of colon and rectum cancer in both groups (p=0.03, OR=2.73 95%-CI [1.11;6.70]), but with only low sensitivity (44%).
Conclusion: Due to no significant differences in men and women, we recommend screening colonoscopies also for women by the age of 50.
Background; Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are a common health problem among dentists. Dental treatment is mainly performed in a sitting position. The aim of the study was to quantify the effect of different ergonomic chairs on the sitting position. In addition, it was tested if the sitting position of experienced workers is different from a non-dental group.
Methods; A total of 59 (28 m/31f) subjects, divided into two dentist groups according to their work experience (students and dentists (9 m/11f) < 10 years, dentists (9 m/10f) ≥ 10 years) and a control group (10 m/10f) were measured. A three-dimensional back scanner captured the bare back of all subjects sitting on six dentist’s chairs of different design. Initially, inter-group comparisons per chair, firstly in the habitual and secondly in the working postures, were carried out. Furthermore, inter-chair comparison was conducted for the habitual as well as for the working postures of all subjects and for each group. Finally, a comparison between the habitual sitting posture and the working posture for each respective chair (intra-chair comparison) was conducted (for all subjects and for each group). In addition, a subjective assessment of each chair was made.
For the statistical analysis, non-parametric tests were conducted and the level of significance was set at 5%.
Results: When comparing the three subject groups, all chairs caused a more pronounced spinal kyphosis in experienced dentists. In both conditions (habitual and working postures), a symmetrical sitting position was assumed on each chair.
The inter-chair comparisons showed no differences regarding the ergonomic design of the chairs. The significances found in the inter-chair comparisons were all within the measurementerror and could, therefore, be classified as clinically irrelevant.
The intra-chair comparison (habitual sitting position vs. working sitting position) illustrated position-related changes in the sagittal, but not in the transverse, plane. These changes were only position-related (forward leaned working posture) and were not influenced by the ergonomic sitting design of the respective chair. There are no differences between the groups in the subjective assessment of each chair.
Conclusions; Regardless of the group or the dental experience, the ergonomic design of the dentist’s chair had only a marginal influence on the upper body posture in both the habitual and working sitting postures. Consequently, the focus of the dentist’s chair, in order to minimize MSD, should concentrate on adopting a symmetrical sitting posture rather than on its ergonomic design.
Patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NET) often go through a long phase between onset of symptoms and initial diagnosis. Assessment of time to diagnosis and pre-clinical pathway in patients with gastroenteropancreatic NET (GEP-NET) with regard to metastases and symptoms. Retrospective analysis of patients with GEP-NET at a tertiary referral center from 1984 to 2019; inclusion criteria: Patients ≥18 years, diagnosis of GEP-NET; statistical analysis using non-parametrical methods. Four hundred eighty-six patients with 488 tumors were identified; median age at first diagnosis (478/486, 8 unknown) was 59 years; 52.9% male patients. Pancreatic NET: 143/488 tumors; 29.3%; small intestinal NET: 145/488 tumors, 29.7%. 128/303 patients (42.2%) showed NET specific and 122/486 (25%) patients other tumor-specific symptoms. 222/279 patients had distant metastases at initial diagnosis (187/222 liver metastases). 154/488 (31.6%) of GEP-NET were incidental findings. Median time from tumor manifestation (e.g., symptoms related to NET) to initial diagnosis across all entities was 19.5 (95% CI: 12–28) days. No significant difference in patients with or without distant metastases (median 73 vs 105 days, P = .42). A large proportion of GEP-NET are incidental findings and only about half of all patients are symptomatic at the time of diagnosis. We did not find a significant influence of the presence of metastases on time to diagnosis, which shows a large variability with a median of <30 days.
Background and Aim: The main disadvantage of plastic stents is the high rate of stent occlusion. The usual replacement interval of biliary plastic stents is 3 months. This study aimed to investigate if a shorter interval of 6–8 weeks impacts the median premature exchange rate (mPER) in benign and malignant biliary strictures.
Methods: All cases with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and plastic stent placement were retrospectively analyzed since establishing an elective replacement interval of every 6–8 weeks at our institution and mPER was determined.
Results: A total of 3979 ERCPs (1199 patients) were analyzed, including 1262 (31.7%) malignant and 2717 (68.3%) benign cases, respectively. The median stent patency (mSP) was 41 days (range 14–120) for scheduled stent exchanges, whereas it was 17 days (1–75) for prematurely exchanged stents. The mPER was significantly higher for malignant (28.1%, 35–50%) compared with benign strictures (15.2%, 10–28%), P < 0.0001, respectively. mSP was significantly shorter in cases with only one stent (34 days [1–87] vs 41 days [1–120]) and in cases with only a 7-Fr stent (28 days [2–79]) compared with a larger stent (34 days [1–87], P = 0.001). Correspondingly, mPER was significantly higher in cases with only one stent (23% vs 16.2%, P < 0.0001) and only a 7-Fr stent (31.3% vs 22.4%, P = 0.03).
Conclusion: A shorter replacement interval does not seem to lead to a clinically meaningful reduction of mPER in benign and malignant strictures. Large stents and multiple stenting should be favored as possible.