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Epigenetic neural glioblastoma enhances synaptic integration and predicts therapeutic vulnerability
Neural-tumor interactions drive glioma growth as evidenced in preclinical models, but clinical validation is nascent. We present an epigenetically defined neural signature of glioblastoma that independently affects patients survival. We use reference signatures of neural cells to deconvolve tumor DNA and classify samples into low- or high-neural tumors. High-neural glioblastomas exhibit hypomethylated CpG sites and upregulation of genes associated with synaptic integration. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis reveals high abundance of stem cell-like malignant cells classified as oligodendrocyte precursor and neural precursor cell-like in high-neural glioblastoma. High-neural glioblastoma cells engender neuron-to-glioma synapse formation in vitro and in vivo and show an unfavorable survival after xenografting. In patients, a high-neural signature associates with decreased survival as well as increased functional connectivity and can be detected via DNA analytes and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in plasma. Our study presents an epigenetically defined malignant neural signature in high-grade gliomas that is prognostically relevant.
Nicht erst seit der Wahl in Berlin 2011 ist die Piratenpartei in aller Munde. Doch trotz des großen Medienechos ist bisher relativ wenig über das Innenleben der Partei bekannt. Daher wurden im Frühjahr 2011 alle damals rund 12.000 Parteimitglieder eingeladen, an einer umfangreichen Befragung teilzunehmen.
Rund ein Viertel der Piraten folgte dem Ruf und gab Antworten auf Fragen zu ihrem Engagement, ihrem Demokratieverständnis, zur programmatischen Entwicklung, zur innerparteilichen Demokratie, Kommunikation und Partizipation. In dieser Studie zum Selbstverständnis der Partei werden die Ergebnisse anschaulich dargestellt und zusammengefasst. Abgerundet wird das Bild durch eine ausführliche Beschreibung zur Entwicklung der deutschen Piratenpartei und ihres internationalen Umfelds.
Tobias Neumann ist Jahrgang 1981 und hat Soziologie, Politologie und Philosophie studiert. Der Wahl-Frankfurter ist seit 2009 Mitglied der Piratenpartei, in der er seine Leidenschaft für Politik auslebt.
Philadelphia-like B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph-like ALL) is characterized by distinct genetic alterations and inferior prognosis in children and younger adults. The purpose of this study was a genetic and clinical characterization of Ph-like ALL in adults. Twenty-six (13%) of 207 adult patients (median age: 42 years) with B-cell precursor ALL (BCP-ALL) were classified as having Ph-like ALL using gene expression profiling. The frequency of Ph-like ALL was 27% among 95 BCP-ALL patients negative for BCR-ABL1 and KMT2A-rearrangements. IGH-CRLF2 rearrangements (6/16; P=0.002) and mutations in JAK2 (7/16; P<0.001) were found exclusively in the Ph-like ALL subgroup. Clinical and outcome analyses were restricted to patients treated in German Multicenter Study Group for Adult ALL (GMALL) trials 06/99 and 07/03 (n=107). The complete remission rate was 100% among both Ph-like ALL patients (n=19) and the “remaining BCP-ALL” cases (n=40), i.e. patients negative for BCR-ABL1 and KMT2A-rearrangements and the Ph-like subtype. Significantly fewer Ph-like ALL patients reached molecular complete remission (33% versus 79%; P=0.02) and had a lower probability of continuous complete remission (26% versus 60%; P=0.03) and overall survival (22% versus 64%; P=0.006) at 5 years compared to the remaining BCP-ALL patients. The profile of genetic lesions in adults with Ph-like ALL, including older adults, resembles that of pediatric Ph-like ALL and differs from the profile in the remaining BCP-ALL. Our study is the first to demonstrate that Ph-like ALL is associated with inferior outcomes in intensively treated older adult patients. Ph-like adult ALL should be recognized as a distinct, high-risk entity and further research on improved diagnostic and therapeutic approaches is needed.
Climate change and its impacts already pose considerable challenges for societies that will further increase with global warming (IPCC, 2014a, b). Uncertainties of the climatic response to greenhouse gas emissions include the potential passing of large-scale tipping points (e.g. Lenton et al., 2008; Levermann et al., 2012; Schellnhuber, 2010) and changes in extreme meteorological events (Field et al., 2012) with complex impacts on societies (Hallegatte et al., 2013). Thus climate change mitigation is considered a necessary societal response for avoiding uncontrollable impacts (Conference of the Parties, 2010). On the other hand, large-scale climate change mitigation itself implies fundamental changes in, for example, the global energy system. The associated challenges come on top of others that derive from equally important ethical imperatives like the fulfilment of increasing food demand that may draw on the same resources. For example, ensuring food security for a growing population may require an expansion of cropland, thereby reducing natural carbon sinks or the area available for bio-energy production. So far, available studies addressing this problem have relied on individual impact models, ignoring uncertainty in crop model and biome model projections. Here, we propose a probabilistic decision framework that allows for an evaluation of agricultural management and mitigation options in a multi-impact-model setting. Based on simulations generated within the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP), we outline how cross-sectorally consistent multi-model impact simulations could be used to generate the information required for robust decision making.
Using an illustrative future land use pattern, we discuss the trade-off between potential gains in crop production and associated losses in natural carbon sinks in the new multiple crop- and biome-model setting. In addition, crop and water model simulations are combined to explore irrigation increases as one possible measure of agricultural intensification that could limit the expansion of cropland required in response to climate change and growing food demand. This example shows that current impact model uncertainties pose an important challenge to long-term mitigation planning and must not be ignored in long-term strategic decision making.
In order to achieve climate change mitigation, long-term decisions are required that must be reconciled with other societal goals that draw on the same resources. For example, ensuring food security for a growing population may require an expansion of crop land, thereby reducing natural carbon sinks or the area available for bio-energy production. Here, we show that current impact-model uncertainties pose an important challenge to long-term mitigation planning and propose a new risk-assessment and decision framework that accounts for competing interests.
Based on cross-sectorally consistent simulations generated within the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP) we discuss potential gains and limitations of additional irrigation and trade-offs of the expansion of agricultural land as two possible response measures to climate change and growing food demand. We describe an illustrative example in which the combination of both measures may close the supply demand gap while leading to a loss of approximately half of all natural carbon sinks.
We highlight current limitations of available simulations and additional steps required for a comprehensive risk assessment.
Hinter dem Begriff "Schlaganfall" verbergen sich verschiedene Krankheitsbilder, die durch gemeinsame Merkmale gekennzeichnet sind: Die Beschwerden treten akut auf, oftmals von einer Sekunde zur anderen. Ein Schlagfall ist darüber hinaus durch das Auftreten von charakteristischen neurologischen Symptomen gekennzeichnet, wie halbseitige Lähmungen, Sprach-, Seh- oder Gefühlsstörungen. Die Ursache hierfür liegt in Veränderungen in den Blutgefäßen des Gehirns, wie die Autoren erläutern.