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- Article (3)
- English (3)
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- Physik (3)
Within an extended semiquantal theory we perform large-sized coupled-channel calculations involving 260 collective levels for Coulomb fission of 238U. Differential Coulomb fission cross sections are studied as a function of bombarding energy and impact parameter for several projectiles. In the Xe + U case, total cross sections are also given. We find a strong dependence on projectile charge number, PCF(180°)∼(Zp)6 in the region 50≤Zp≤92 for a fixed ratio E/ECoul, which might be helpful to separate Coulomb fission experimentally from sequential fission following transfer reactions. Since the cross sections are sensitive to the moment of inertia ⊖ at the saddle point, Coulomb fission can serve as a tool to investigate the dependence of ⊖ on elongation. The fragment angular distribution exhibits deviations from 1/sinθf which are pronounced at low incident energies. Our theory indicates that the recently measured Xe + U fission cross sections contain a major fraction of Coulomb-induced fission at E≤0.85 ECoul. NUCLEAR REACTIONS, FISSION Calculated Coulomb fission cross sections σ(Ep,θp) for 54Xe, 67Ho, 82Pb, 92U→92238U, fragment angular distribution, fission energy spectrum, mean spin value 〈Jf〉.
Strong indirect evidence exists for the existence of attractive forces between nuclei making surface contact. Experimentally, the recent observations of spontaneous positron production in heavy-ion collisions can only be understood if nuclei stick together for times long compared to the collision time. We show that any such tendency for nuclei to attract implies the existence of nuclear molecules with entirely new kinds of collective modes. We present a simple model for these modes and apply it to 238U-238U.
Dynamics of Coulomb fission
A general formalism is described for the treatment of Coulomb fission, within the framework of the semiquantal theory. We develop a model for the fission probabilities of levels excited in Coulomb excitation. This model contains penetration of the double-humped fission barrier, competition from gamma and neutron emission, and the spreading of the collective states into noncollective compound states. For 74184W + 92238U, the fission probability at θc.m.=180° is increased by a factor of 3.9, 3.3, and 2.0 at E/ECoul=0.77, 0.85, and 0.935, respectively, compared to the simplified sharp cutoff model used in earlier model calculations. The enhancement comes from barrier penetration. The damping of the fission probability due to spreading into noncollective compound states is small. Prompt Coulomb fission (near the distance of closest approach) is studied in a one-dimensional model. The results clearly imply that prompt fission is negligible. We have also studied the sudden approximation for collective rotational levels in connection with Coulomb fission. At high spins (I≈20), it leads to significant errors. Contrary to the basic assumption of the sudden approximation that the nuclear symmetry axis remains fixed during the collision, it is shown that Coulomb excitation results in a strong alignment of the nuclear symmetry axis perpendicular to the beam axis at small internuclear distances. NUCLEAR REACTIONS, FISSION Semiquantal theory of prompt and asymptotic Coulomb fission, study of double-humped barrier penetration, damping effects, neutron and γ emission. Calculated σ(Ep, θc.m.=180°).