Year of publication
- English (32)
Has Fulltext
- yes (32)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (32)
- BESIII (3)
- Elastic scattering (2)
- Polarization (2)
- RHIC (2)
- Azimuthal correlations (1)
- BSM particle (1)
- Branching fractions (1)
- Canonical suppression (1)
- Charged-particle multiplicity (1)
- Charmonia (1)
A massless particle beyond the Standard Model is searched for in the two-body decay Σ+→p+invisible using (1.0087±0.0044)×1010 J/ψ events collected at a center-of-mass energy of s√=3.097 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider. No significant signal is observed, and the upper limit on the branching fraction B(Σ+→p+invisible) is determined to be 3.2×10−5 at the 90% confidence level. This is the first search for a flavor-changing neutral current process with missing energy in hyperon decays which plays an important role in constraining new physics models.
A massless particle beyond the Standard Model is searched for in the two-body decay Σ+→p+invisible using (1.0087±0.0044)×1010 J/ψ events collected at a center-of-mass energy of s√=3.097 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider. No significant signal is observed, and the upper limit on the branching fraction B(Σ+→p+invisible) is determined to be 3.2×10−5 at the 90% confidence level. This is the first search for a flavor-changing neutral current process with missing energy in hyperon decays which plays an important role in constraining new physics models.
We search for the semi-leptonic decays Λ + c → Λπ+π−e+νe and Λ + c → pK0 Sπ−e+νe in a sample of 4.5 fb−1 of e+e− annihilation data collected in the center-of-mass energy region between 4.600 GeV and 4.699 GeV by the BESIII detector at the BEPCII. No significant signals are observed, and the upper limits on the decay branching fractions are set to be B(Λ+c → Λπ+π−e+νe ) < 3.9 × 10−4 and B(Λ + c → pK0Sπ−e+νe ) < 3.3 × 10−4 at the 90% confidence level, respectively.
We search for an axion-like particle (ALP) a through the process ψ(3686)→π+π−J/ψ, J/ψ→γa, a→γγ in a data sample of (2.71±0.01)×109 ψ(3686) events collected by the BESIII detector. No significant ALP signal is observed over the expected background, and the upper limits on the branching fraction of the decay J/ψ→γa and the ALP-photon coupling constant gaγγ are set at 95% confidence level in the mass range of 0.165≤ma≤2.84GeV/c2. The limits on B(J/ψ→γa) range from 8.3×10−8 to 1.8×10−6 over the search region, and the constraints on the ALP-photon coupling are the most stringent to date for 0.165≤ma≤1.468GeV/c2.
We report a search for a dark photon using 14.9~fb−1 of e+e− annihilation data taken at center-of-mass energies from 4.13 to 4.60~GeV with the BESIII detector operated at the BEPCII storage ring. The dark photon is assumed to be produced in the radiative annihilation process of e+e− and to predominantly decay into light dark matter particles, which escape from the detector undetected. The mass range from 1.5 to 2.9~GeV is scanned for the dark photon candidate, and no significant signal is observed. The mass dependent upper limits at the 90% confidence level on the coupling strength parameter ϵ for a dark photon coupling with an ordinary photon vary between 1.6×10−3 and 5.7×10−3.
Measurement of the e+e−→π+π− cross section between 600 and 900 MeV using initial state radiation
We extract the e+e− →π+π− cross section in the energy range between 600 and 900 MeV, exploiting the method of initial state radiation. A data set with an integrated luminosity of 2.93 fb−1 taken at a center-of-mass energy of 3.773 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider is used. The cross section is measured with a systematic uncertainty of 0.9%. We extract the pion form factor |Fπ|2 as well as the contribution of the measured cross section to the leading-order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to (g−2)μ. We find this value to be aππ,LO μ (600–900 MeV) = (368.2 ±2.5stat±3.3sys) ·10−10, which is between the corresponding values using the BaBar or KLOE data.
We report on a polarization measurement of inclusive J/ψ mesons in the di-electron decay channel at mid-rapidity at 2 < pT < 6 GeV/c in p + p collisions at √s = 200 GeV. Data were taken with the STAR detector at RHIC. The J/ψ polarization measurement should help to distinguish between different models of the J/ψ production mechanism since they predict different pT dependences of the J/ψ polarization. In this analysis, J/ψ polarization is studied in the helicity frame. The polarization parameter λθ measured at RHIC becomes smaller towards high pT , indicating more longitudinal J/ψ polarization as pT increases. The result is compared with predictions of presently available models.
We report on the measurements of directed flow v1 and elliptic flow v2 for hadrons (π±, K ±, K0 S , p, φ, Λ and ) from Au+Au collisions at √sN N = 3 GeV and v2 for (π±, K ±, p and p) at 27 and 54.4 GeV with the STAR experiment. While at the two higher energy midcentral collisions the numberof-constituent-quark (NCQ) scaling holds, at 3 GeV the v2 at midrapidity is negative for all hadrons and the NCQ scaling is absent. In addition, the v1 slopes at midrapidity for almost all observed hadrons are found to be positive, implying dominant repulsive baryonic interactions. The features of negative v2 and positive v1 slope at 3 GeV can be reproduced with a baryonic mean-field in transport model calculations. These results imply that the medium in such collisions is likely characterized by baryonic interactions.
In high-energy heavy-ion collisions, partonic collectivity is evidenced by the constituent quark number scaling of elliptic flow anisotropy for identified hadrons. A breaking of this scaling and dominance of baryonic interactions is found for identified hadron collective flow measurements in √sNN = 3 GeV Au+Au collisions. In this paper, we report measurements of the first- and second-order azimuthal anisotropic parameters, v1 and v2, of light nuclei (d, t, 3He, 4He) produced in √sNN = 3 GeV Au+Au collisions at the STAR experiment. An atomic mass number scaling is found in the measured v1 slopes of light nuclei at mid-rapidity. For the measured v2 magnitude, a strong rapidity dependence is observed. Unlike v2 at higher collision energies, the v2 values at mid-rapidity for all light nuclei are negative and no scaling is observed with the atomic mass number. Calculations by the Jet AA Microscopic Transport Model (JAM), with baryonic mean-field plus nucleon coalescence, are in good agreement with our observations, implying baryonic interactions dominate the collective dynamics in 3 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC.
Effect of event selection on jetlike correlation measurement in d+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
Dihadron correlations are analyzed in √sNN = 200 GeV d + Au collisions classified by forward charged particle multiplicity and zero-degree neutral energy in the Au-beam direction. It is found that the jetlike correlated yield increases with the event multiplicity. After taking into account this dependence, the non-jet contribution on the away side is minimal, leaving little room for a back-to-back ridge in these collisions.