Year of publication
- 2006 (2)
Document Type
- Article (2)
- English (2)
Has Fulltext
- yes (2)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (2)
- Jordan (2)
- Varroa destructor (2)
- Apis m. carnica (1)
- Apis m. syriaca (1)
- Apis mellifera syriaca (1)
- Post-capping period (1)
- fertility (1)
- mite fertility (1)
- post-capping period (1)
To determine Varroa mite infestation levels in Jordan, a survey covering 180 colonies of two bee types (Apis m. syriaca and Apis m. syriaca hybrids) from six locations of 4 climatic zones was conducted during August, 8 month after the last treatment. Sampled colonies had 8-10 frames covered with bees and 3-4 brood frames. Levels of infestation were determined on both adult worker bees and in sealed worker brood cells. Two-way ANOVA showed no significant differences due to bee type with average adult bee infestation of 10.9 % and 13.1 % on hybrid and local bee types, respectively. Average infestation levels in sealed brood worker cells were 37.6 % and 32.5 % in hybrid and local bee types, respectively. Differences in infestation levels on adult bees were significant due to location and ranged between 6.9 - 18.6 % in Daba’a (Desert climate) and Jerash (Dry Mediterranean), respectively. In sealed worker brood cells infestation levels ranged between 15.7 - 84.7 % in Baqa (Dry Mediterranean) and Jerash, respectively. This indicates clearly that the usual scheduled Varroa control practice by a single chemical treatment in autumn could be insufficient. Therefore, to prevent damages or even losses of colonies, including diagnosis of infestation rates as part of integrated Varroa management is highly recommended.
The reproduction of the honey bee mite, Varroa destructor in sealed worker bee brood cells represents an important factor for the population development of this parasite in honey bee colonies. In this study, the relative infestation levels of worker brood cells, mite fertility (mites that lay at least one egg) and reproductive rate (number of viable adult daughters per mother mite) of Varroa mite in worker brood cells of Apis m. carnica and Apis m. syriaca were compared in fall 2003 and summer 2004 at two locations in Jordan. The relative infestation levels in sealed worker brood cells ranged from 23 – 32 % in fall and 19 – 28 % in summer. The average fertility of Varroa mite ranged between 90 - 98% in colonies of A. m. carnica and between 88 - 96 % in A. m. syriaca with minor differences between colonies and locations. The number of total progeny of fertile mites in worker brood cells was 4.0 in both bee races. The reproductive rate was high with 2.7 and 2.6 in both honey bee races. The post-capping period of the worker brood cells differs only slightly between both bee races and between locations (284.4 h on average, n = 4,000). Our data reveal surprisingly high mite fertility and reproductive rates in both honeybee races under Mediterranean conditions of Jordan. The possible physiological background of Varroa reproduction and the impact of mite fertility on the development of Varroa tolerance are discussed.