Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (4)
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- yes (4)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- cochlear implant (1)
- Medizin (4)
Atherosclerosis is accompanied by infiltration of macrophages to the intima of blood vessels. There they engulf oxLDL (oxidized low-density lipoproteins) and differentiate to foam cells. These cells are known as major promoters of atherosclerosis progression. In initial experiments I could demonstrate that foam cell formation caused a severe loss in the ability to produce IFNA (interferon A) in response to stimulation with the bacterial cell wall component LPS (lipopolysaccharide). Since IFNA is discussed to have anti-atherosclerotic potential and has the capability to induce immune tolerance, its inhibition in foam cells might promote the atherosclerotic process. For this reason the aim of my PhD project was to clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms that attenuate LPS-induced IFNA expression in foam cells. LPS activates TLR4 (Toll-like receptor 4) in macrophages. Downstream this receptor two distinct signaling pathways are activated, namely a MyD88 (myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88)-dependent and a TRIF (TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing IFNA)-dependent one. Foam cell formation targeted the TRIF-dependent TLR4 signaling pathway, as seen by loss of IRF3 activation and IFNA expression inhibition, whereas MyD88-initiated NFBB (nuclear factor 'B-light-chain-enhancer' of activated B-cells) activation and subsequent TNF@ (tumor necrosis factor @) expression remained unaltered. The TRIF signaling cascade results in transactivation of the transcription factor IRF3 (interferon regulatory factor 3), the main activator of IFNA expression. This event demands IRF3 phosphorylation by TBK1 (TANK-binding kinase 1), whereas TBK1 needs to be recruited to TRAF3 (TNF receptor associated factor 3) by the scaffold protein TANK (TRAF family member-associated NFBB activator) for its activation. This work allowed to propose the following scheme: OxLDL utilizes SR-A1 (scavenger receptor A1) to activate IRAK4 (interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4), IRAK1 and Pellino3. Active IRAK1 and Pellino3 associate with TRAF3 and Pellino3 promotes mono-ubiquitination of the adaptor molecule TANK. Mono-ubiquitination of TANK interrupts TBK1 recruitment to TRAF3 and thereby abrogates phosphorylation and transactivation of IRF3 as well as subsequent expression of IFNA. In this study I provide evidence for a negative regulatory role of Pellino3 for TRIF-dependent TLR4 signaling. This expands the current knowledge of the interplay between pathways downstream scavenger and Toll-like receptors. Due to the multifaceted roles of TLR4 signaling in pathology, the new TRIF-signaling inhibitor Pellino3 might be of importance as therapeutical target for disease intervention.
The peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) plays an eminent role during alternative activation of macrophages and resolution of inflammation. As an antiinflammatory signaling molecule, it seems likely that it is tightly regulated dependent on the state of the immune response. There is growing evidence that PPARgamma expression is reduced during inflammation, whereas molecular mechanisms are illdefined. Even though, its role in immunosuppression is getting more definite. Apoptotic cells (AC) provoke an active repression of pro-inflammatory responses inter alia by the inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokine expression or attenuated generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The reduced formation of ROS was attributed to PPARgamma activation, while mechanisms behind the reduced cytokine expression remained unclear. Therefore, my Ph.D. thesis addressed the role of PPARgamma during inhibited cytokine synthesis in response to AC and the regulation of PPARgamma expression during an inflammatory response, which was initiated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure. In the first part of the thesis, I investigated the role of PPARgamma in coordinating the attenuation of pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in response to AC. Exposing murine RAW264.7 macrophages to AC prior to LPS-stimulation, reduced NFKB transactivation and lowered target gene expression of e.g. TNFalpha and IL-6 compared to controls. In macrophages over-expressing a dominant negative (d/n) mutant of PPARgamma, NFKB transactivation in response to LPS was restored, while using macrophages from myeloid lineage-specific conditional PPARgamma knock-out mice proved that PPARgamma transmitted the anti-inflammatory response delivered by AC. Domain analysis revealed that amino acids 32-250 are essential for inhibition of NFKB. Mutation of a SUMOylation (SUMO: small-ubiquitin related modifier) site in this region (K77R) and interfering SUMOylation by silencing the SUMO E3 ligase PIAS1 (protein inhibitor of activated Stat1) eliminated AC-provoked NFKB inhibition and concomitant TNFalpha expression. Chromatin-immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that AC prevented the LPS-induced removal of nuclear receptor co-repressor (NCoR) from the KB response element within the TNFalpha promoter. I concluded that AC induce PPARgamma SUMOylation to attenuate the removal of NCoR, thereby blocking transactivation of NFKB. This contributes to an anti-inflammatory phenotype shift in macrophages in response to AC, by lowering pro-inflammatory cytokine production. The second part addressed molecular mechanisms responsible for reduced PPARgamma expression upon LPS exposure. PPARgamma gained considerable interest as a therapeutic target during chronic inflammatory diseases. Remarkably, the pathogenesis of diseases such as multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s disease is associated with impaired PPARgamma expression. Initiation of an inflammatory response by exposing primary human macrophages to LPS revealed a rapid decline of PPARgamma1 expression. PPARgamma1 mRNA decrease was prevented by inhibition of NFKB and also after pre-treatment with the PPARgamma agonist rosiglitazone, suggesting a NFKB-dependent pathway, because activated PPARgamma is known to inhibit NFKB transactivation. Since promoter activities were not affected by LPS, I focused on mRNA stability and noticed a decreased PPARgamma1 mRNA half-life. RNA stability is often regulated via 3’ untranslated regions (UTRs). Therefore, I analyzed the impact of the PPARgamma-3’UTR by luciferase assays. LPS significantly reduced luciferase activity of pGL3-PPARgamma-3’UTR, suggesting that PPARgamma1 mRNA is destabilized. Deletion of a potential miR-27a/b binding site within the 3’UTR completely restored luciferase activity. Moreover, inhibition of miR-27b, which was induced upon LPS-exposure, partially reversed PPARgamma1 mRNA decay, whereas the mature miR-27 mimicked the effect of LPS. MiR-27b was at least partially induced by NFKB, thus correlating with NFKB-dependent PPARgamma1 mRNA decrease. Since deletion of the miR-27 site also containing an AU-rich element (ARE) completely abrogated LPS-induced reduction but inhibition of miR-27b only partially restored PPARgamma1 mRNA expression, I suggested an additional implication of an ARE-binding protein. I provide evidence that LPS induces miR-27b, which in turn destabilizes PPARgamma1 mRNA. Understanding the molecular mechanism of PPARgamma mRNA destabilization, might help to rationalize inflammatory diseases associated with impaired PPARgamma expression. Even though, further experiments are needed to clarify the potential involvement of ARE-binding proteins.
The role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma during sepsis-induced lymphopenia
Sepsis is one of the most common diseases on intensive care units all over the world and accounts there for the highest mortality rate. One of the hallmarks of sepsis is an accelerated T-cell apoptosis, resulting in a compromised immune state with the inability to eradicate pathogens. This promotes organ damage or even organ failure. A multiple organ dysfunction evolves, which often ends up in septic shock and death. Recently, it was shown that severe T-cell depletion correlates with sepsis mortality. When inhibiting T-cell apoptosis, an increased mouse survival was observed in experimental sepsis. ...
Untersuchung zur Sicherheit bei der simultan bilateralen Cochlea-Implantation bei Erwachsenen
Schwerhörigkeit ist sowohl für die betroffenen Patienten als auch sozioökonomisch eine relevante Erkrankung. Sie stellt ein Hindernis für die soziale Teilhabe dar, reduziert die Lebensqualität und führt zu direkten und indirekten Gesundheitskosten.
Cochlea-Implantate sind vielkanalige Neuroprothesen, die über einen chirurgisch in die Hörschnecke eingebrachten Elektrodenträger das erste Neuron der Hörbahn direkt elektrisch stimulieren und so eine Hörwahrnehmung induzieren.
Dadurch kann ein Funktionsverlust der Haarzellen, welcher die häufigste Ursache für eine Schwerhörigkeit ist, ersetzt werden. Cochlea-Implantate stellen den Goldstandard der Hörrehabilitation bei hochgradig schwerhörigen oder postlingual ertaubten erwachsenen Patienten sowie in der Versorgung prälingual ertaubter Kinder dar.
Bei vielen schwerhörigen Patienten besteht die Indikation zur beidseitigen Versorgung mit einem Cochlea-Implantat. Prinzipiell besteht die Möglichkeit, diese chirurgische Versorgung beidseits einzeitig (simultan) oder zweizeitig (sequenziell) durchzuführen. Während die Sicherheit der bilateral-simultanen Operation für Kinder durch mehrere Studien belegt wurde, liegen für Erwachsene erst wenige Daten vor.
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, ob die bilaterale simultane Implantation mit höheren Komplikationsraten als die sequenzielle Operation assoziiert ist und leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Entscheidungsfindung von Patienten und Behandlern.
Es konnten 169 zwischen 2008 und 2017 bilateral implantierte Patienten eingeschlossen werden. Davon wurden 34 simultan (Gruppe 1) und 135 (Gruppe 2) sequenziell versorgt. Es wurde die Dauer der Operation, das Auftreten von Minor- und Major-Komplikationen sowie die Dauer des stationären Aufenthalts erfasst und zwischen beiden Gruppen verglichen.
Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Gesamtzeit der Patienten im Operationssaal in der simultan implantierten Gruppe deutlich kürzer war. Die Häufigkeit chirurgischer Major- und Minor-Komplikationen unterschied sich hingegen nicht signifikant. Bezüglich einer letalen nicht-chirurgischen Komplikation in der simultan implantierten Gruppe erfolgte eine umfangreiche Aufarbeitung, ohne dass ein kausaler Zusammenhang mit der gewählten Behandlungsmethode nachgewiesen werden konnte. Die Dauer des Krankenhausaufenthalts war in der simultanen Gruppe 0,7 Tage länger als bei unilateraler Implantation, aber 2,8 Tage kürzer als bei beiden sequenziellen Operation zusammen.
In der Zusammenschau aller berücksichtigten Komplikationen und der komplikationsrelevanten Faktoren ist die Sicherheit der simultan bilateralen Operation gegenüber dem sequenziellen Vorgehen als gleichwertig zu bewerten.
Jedoch muss individuell auf mögliche Risikokonstellationen des Patienten eingegangen werden, die bei der längeren Operationszeit der simultanen Implantation relevant sein kann. Daher ist eine sorgfältige Auswahl der Patienten
unter besonderer Berücksichtigung bestehender Komorbiditäten unerlässlich.