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- Doctoral Thesis (10)
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- Biowissenschaften (10)
Cells within a tissue form highly complex, cellular interactions. This architecture is lost in twodimensional cell cultures. To close the gap between two-dimensional cell cultures and in vivo tissues, three-dimensional cell cultures were developed. Three-dimensional cellular aggregates such as spheroids, organoids, or embryoid bodies have been established as an essential tool in many different aspects of life science, including tumour biology, drug screening and embryonic development. To fully take advantage of the third dimension, imaging techniques are essential. The emerging field of “imagebased systems biology” exploits the information in images and builds a connection between experimental and theoretical investigation of biological processes at a spatio-temporal level. Such interdisciplinary approaches strongly depend on the development of protocols to establish threedimensional cell cultures, innovations in sample preparation, well-suited imaging techniques and quantitative segmentation methods.
Although three-dimensional cell cultures and image-based systems biology provide a great potential, two-dimensional methods are still not completely replaced by three-dimensional methods. The knowledge about many biological processes relies on two-dimensional experiments. This is mainly due to methodical and technical hurdles. Therefore, this thesis provides a significant contribution to overcome these hurdles and to further develop three-dimensional cell cultures. I established computational as well as experimental methods related to three-dimensional cellular aggregates and investigated fundamental, cellular processes such as adhesion, growth and differentiation.
Die Endometriose ist eine gynäkologische Erkrankung, bei der epitheliale und stromale Zellen des Endometriums Läsionen außerhalb des Uterus bilden, die in ihrem Aufbau dem Endometrium gleichen. Diese Läsionen, sowie deren zyklische Proliferation, führen zu Schmerzen bei betroffenen Frauen. In isolierten, invasiven Epithelzellen (EEC145T) einer Endometriose-Läsion konnte die Expression von Shrew-1 gezeigt werden. Auch in anderen zellulären Zusammenhängen fördert die Expression von Shrew-1 den invasiven Phänotyp. Shrew-1 ist ein Transmembranprotein, das in Epithelzellen mit den Adhärenzverbindungen assoziiert ist und Interaktionen mit β-Catenin und E-Cadherin eingeht. In MCF7-Zellen fördert die Expression von Shrew-1 die EGF-induzierte Internalisierung von E-Cadherin, welche zur Verminderung der Zell-Zell-Adhäsion führt. In 12Z- und HT1080-Zellen konnte eine Interaktion mit CD147 gezeigt werden. CD147 fördert die Aktivität von MMPs und in Shrew-1-überexprimierenden HT1080-Zellen konnte eine erhöhte Aktivität der MMP9 gezeigt werden. Shrew-1 wirkt somit auf die Invasivität von Zellen und ist gleichzeitig Teil der Adhärenzverbindung. Aus diesem Grund wird Shrew-1 eine modulatorische Rolle in diesem Kontext zugeschrieben.
In immunhistologischen Färbungen von Shrew-1 und E-Cadherin konnte in Adenomyose-Läsionen eine inverse Expression der beiden Proteine in einigen epithelialen Zellen gezeigt werden, die im Endometrium nicht detektiert werden konnten. In den epithelialen Endometriose-Zelllinien 12Z und 49Z, die kein E-Cadherin exprimieren und äquivalent zu der Zelllinie EEC145T sind, führte die Herunterregulation von Shrew-1 (Shrew-1 KD) zur Reexpression von E-Cadherin. E-Cadherin ist in den 12Z Shrew-1 KD-Zellen an der Plasmamembran lokalisiert und interagiert mit β-Catenin, wodurch seine Assoziation mit den Adhärenzverbindungen wahrscheinlich ist. Die Herunterregulation von Shrew-1 führt zu einer verminderten Motilität und Invasivität der 12Z-Zellen, wobei die reduzierte Invasivität nicht alleine auf die Reexpression von E-Cadherin zurückgeführt werden kann. Es ist zu vermuten, dass das verminderte invasive Verhalten mit der ausbleibenden Interaktion von Shrew-1 mit CD147 zusammenhängt, welches die Aktivität von MMPs fördert.
Da Shrew-1 eine direkte Interaktion mit β-Catenin eingehen kann, ist es möglich, dass die Herunterregulation von Shrew-1 zu Veränderungen in der Lokalisation von β-Catenin und weiteren Proteinen, die mit den Adhärenzverbindungen assoziiert sind (p120 Catenin und Aktin), führen. Dies konnte jedoch nicht beobachtet werden. Eine verstärkte Lokalisation von Vinculin an den Enden von Aktin-Stressfasern sowohl in Zellausstülpungen als auch an Zell-Zell-Kontakten konnte in 12Z-Zellen nach der Herunterregulation von Shrew-1 beobachtet werden. Dies könnte eine Folge der E-Cadherin-Reexpression oder entscheidend für die Lokalisation von E-Cadherin an der Membran sein.
Die Reexpression von E-Cadherin, die in den 12Z Shrew-1 KD-Zellen auf mRNA- und Protein-Ebene nachgewiesen werden kann, erfolgt in den 12Z-Zellen vermutlich hauptsächlich über Veränderungen von Histon-Acetylierungen, da die Behandlung mit dem HDAC-Inhibitor TSA die Expression von E-Cadherin in den 12Z-Zellen induziert. Eine verstärkte H3K9-Acetylierung am CDH1-Promotor konnte in ChIP-Analysen in den 12Z Shrew-1 KD-Zellen gezeigt werden. Die gesteigerte Acetylierung resultiert vermutlich aus der verminderten Assoziation von HDAC1 und HDAC2 mit dem CDH1-Promotor in diesen Zellen. Eine Beteiligung der Repressoren Snail, Slug, Twist und ZEB1 an der Reexpression von E-Cadherin in den 12Z Shrew-1 KD-Zellen konnte nicht gezeigt werden. Ebenso scheinen Veränderungen am Methylierungsstatus des CDH1-Promotors nach der Herunterregulation von Shrew-1 nicht zu erfolgen.
TSA induziert auch in weiteren epithelialen Endometriose-Zelllinien (10Z und 49Z) die Expression von E-Cadherin. In stromalen Zellen führt hingegen weder TSA noch die Herunterregulation von Shrew-1 zur Expression von E-Cadherin (17B, 18B und 22B). Dies weist darauf hin, dass die Herunterregulation von Shrew-1 über die Veränderungen von Histon-Acetylierungen wirkt und dass dieser Mechanismus in epithelialen Endometriose-Zellen entscheidend ist. In den stromalen Zellen muss die Expression von E-Cadherin über einen anderen und/oder weitere Mechanismen blockiert sein.
Auch der Wnt-Signalweg scheint an der Reexpression von E-Cadherin in 12Z-Zellen beteiligt zu sein. Die Inhibierung der GSK3β (LiCl und SB216763) führt zur Expression von geringen Mengen an E-Cadherin. In 12Z Shrew-1 KD-Zellen führt die Stabilisierung von Axin (XAV939) zur verminderten Expression von E-Cadherin. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass Shrew-1 auch einen Einfluss auf den Wnt-Signalweg hat, was vor allem durch dessen Interaktion mit β-Catenin wahrscheinlich ist.
Tissue integrity is defined by the composition and connection of cells as a structural and functional unit. It is modulated by a magnitude of processes including differentiation, survival, controlled death and adhesion of cells. Besides, external factors such as physical forces are also involved. A suitable model system to study all modalities of tissue integrity is the mammary gland. Postnatally and within the reproductive phase, the mammary gland undergoes morphological and functional modifications that periodically loosen or strengthen tissue integrity. An important point in the development of the mammary gland is the regression during weaning, also termed involution. The transition from lactation to involution is important for a controlled loss of tissue integrity. In this transition, collective cell death is initiated but not yet prominent enabling the mammary gland to fully recover lactation.
In this thesis, modalities of tissue integrity were investigated using three-dimensional cell cultures (i.e. spheroids) and the mammary gland as model systems. In the context of this thesis, I established (1) an immunofluorescence staining protocol and its detailed evaluation. Furthermore, I studied (2) the role of cell survival during mammary gland development, (3) the effect of physical forces that modulate tissue integrity and (4) the contribution of proteins to cell adhesion and growth.
Since a homogeneous fluorescence stain of the specimen is necessary for quantitative analysis, an immunofluorescence staining protocol was established to stain large spheroids in toto. The evaluation contributes qualitative and quantitative criteria that judge the specificity, intensity and homogeneity of the stain. Based on this approach, it was possible to demonstrate the morphological and functional characteristics that spheroids share with the mammary gland in vivo. These characteristics included the synthesis of extracellular matrix, the development of polarized acinar structures and lactogenic differentiation.
The role of cell survival during mammary gland development was analyzed by means of the expression profile of the pro-survival protein BAG3. The expression of BAG3 differed in the progress of mammary gland development. While the expression was low during pregnancy, it rose in the lactation phase and peaked within the first days of involution, indicating that BAG3 is associated with early involution in the mammary gland. In vitro experiments related the expression of BAG3 to cell survival in mammary epithelial cells.
Physical forces naturally occur during developmental processes influence tissue integrity during the initiation of mammary gland involution. The influence of physical force applied as compression on mammary epithelial spheroids was investigated. A morphological analysis showed that following a lag, the cell nuclei volume changed upon compression. A short-term compression induced the activation of caspases. A prolonged compression reduced the activity of caspases. This suggests the induction of a process that allows cells the adaption to changing environmental conditions. BAG3 is known to be involved in mechanical stress-induced autophagy, also known as chaperone assisted selective autophagy (CASA). Compression of spheroids did not induce CASA. The experimentally applied strain was not comparable to the strain found in the alveolar cells during involution in vivo. Thus, whether or not CASA is activated during mammary gland involution remains elusive. Nevertheless, the methodical approach to apply compression on spheroids in vitro is a model to study the influence of physical forces on cell aggregates.
Apart from cell survival and physical forces, growth and adhesion of cells affect tissue integrity. A spheroid formation assay and subsequent data analysis and computational modeling enabled the investigation of these processes in a non-adhesive environment. The analysis suggested that spheroid formation follows a reaction-controlled process, in which cells do not necessarily form a connection when they collide. The loss of function of either E-cadherin or actin strongly inhibited the formation of a spheroid. The analysis further revealed that neither E-cadherin nor actin influence the chance of the cells to form a connection when they collide. Both molecules are more important in stabilizing established connections. Depolymerization of microtubules still allowed spheroids to form, but the formation was decelerated and growth of the final spheroids was inhibited. The results from computational modeling suggested that microtubules act on cell adhesion through different mechanisms, which also vary among different cell types. The inhibition of FAK phosphorylation at Y397, a downstream target of integrin signaling, and the analysis of FAK protein levels in spheroids showed that integrin-mediated signaling is not prominent in three-dimensional spheroids formed from non-invasive cells. A deletion of BAG3 gene expression increased the number of dead cells in forming spheroids suggesting that BAG3 predominantly affects cell survival.
The results of this thesis identified and characterized adhesion- and survival-associated proteins that are important for tissue integrity. This thesis suggests that a BAG3-dependent cell survival mechanism is prominent at the beginning of mammary gland involution. Future studies will have to identify the related factors and inducers of tissue integrity loss in the mammary gland. This will shed light on the physiology of the organ and could explain the disorders that destroy its integrity. In addition, this thesis contributes to a better understanding of spontaneous cell aggregation, the aggregate organization and implies a role of cell migration in these processes. Future studies that focus on three-dimensional cell migration could explain, how cell migration is promoted and to which extent it supports tissue integrity.
Research in cell and developmental biology requires the application of three-dimensional model systems that reproduce the natural environment of cells. Processes in developmental biology are therefore studied in entire systems like insects or plants. In cell biology, three-dimensional cell cultures (e.g. spheroids or organoids) model the physiology and pathology of cells, tissues or organs. In all systems, the cellular neighborhood and interactions, but also physicochemical influences, are realistically presented. The production and handling of these model systems is rather simple and allows for reproducible characterization.
Confocal and light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) enable the observation of these systems while maintaining their three-dimensional integrity. LSFM is applicable to imaging live samples at high spatio-temporal resolution over long periods of time. The quality of the acquired datasets enables the extraction of quantitative features about morphology, functionality and dynamics in the context of the complete system. This approach is referred to as image-based systems biology. Exploiting the potential of the generated datasets requires an image analysis pipeline for data management, visualization and the retrieval of biologically meaningful values.
The goal of this thesis was to identify, develop and optimize modules of the image analysis pipeline. The modules cover data management and reduction, visualization, reconstruction of multiview image datasets, the segmentation and tracking of cell nuclei and the extraction of quantitative features. The modules were developed in an application-driven manner to test and ensure their applicability to real datasets from three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy. The underlying datasets were taken from research projects in developmental biology in insects and plants, as well as from cell biology.
The datasets acquired in fluorescence microscopy are typically complex and require common image processing steps in order to manage, visualize, and analyze the datasets. The first module accomplishes automatic structuring of large image datasets, reduces the data amount by image cropping and compression and computes maximum projection images along different spatial directions. The second module corrects for intensity variations in the generated maximum projection images that occur as a function of time. The program was published as a part of an article in Nature Protocols. Another developed module named BugCube provides a web-based platform to visualize and share the processed image datasets.
In LSFM, samples can be rotated in-between two acquisitions enabling the generation of multiview image datasets. Prior to my work, Frederic Strobl and Alexander Ross acquired the complete embryogenesis of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and the field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, with LSFM. I evaluated a plugin for the software FIJI as a module for the reconstruction of such datasets. The plugin was optimized for automation and efficiency. We obtained the first high quality three-dimensional reconstructions of Tribolium and Gryllus datasets.
Optical clearing increases the penetration depth into samples, thus providing endpoint images of entire three-dimensional objects with cellular detail. This work contributes a quantitative characterization module that was applied to endpoint images of optically cleared spheroids. A program for the generation of ground truth datasets was developed in order to evaluate the cell nuclei segmentation performance. The program was part of a paper that was published in BMC Bioinformatics. Using the program, I could show that the cell nuclei segmentation is robust and accurate. Approaches from computational topology and graph theory complete the segmentation of cell nuclei. Thus, the developed module provides a comprehensive quantitative characterization of spheroids on the level of the individual cell, the cell neighborhood and the whole cell aggregate. The module was employed in four applications to analyze the influence of different stress conditions on the morphology and cellular arrangement of cells in spheroids. The module was accepted for publication in Scientific Reports along with the results for one application. The cell nuclei segmentation further provided a data source for simulation models that used correlation functions to identify structural zones in spheroids. These results were published in Royal Society Interface.
The final part of this work presents a module for cell tracking and lineage reconstruction. In collaboration with Dr. Alexis Maizel, Dr. Jens Fangerau and Dr. Daniel von Wangenheim, I developed a module to track the positions of all cells involved in lateral root formation in Arabidopsis thaliana and used the extracted positions for extensive data analysis. We reconstructed the cell lineages and established the first atlas of all founder cells that contribute to the formation. The analysis of the retrieved data allowed us to study conserved and individual patterns in lateral root formation. The atlas and parts of the analysis presented in this thesis were published in Current Biology.
In this thesis, I developed modules for an image analysis pipeline in three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy and applied them in interdisciplinary research projects. The modules enabled the organization, processing, visualization and analysis of the datasets. The perspective of the image analysis pipeline is not restricted to image-based systems biology. With ongoing development of the image analysis pipeline, it can also be a valuable tool for medical diagnostics or industrial high-throughput approaches.
In the interest of understanding the development of a multicellular organism, subcellular events must be seen in the context of the entire three-dimensional tissue. In addition, events that occur within a short period of time can be of great importance for the relatively long developmental process of the organ. Thus, it is required to capture subcellular events in a larger spatio-temporal scale context, which has been up to now a technical challenge. In developmental biology, light microscopy has always been an important tool. The dilemma of light microscopy, in particular fluorescence microscopy, is that molecules receive high light intensities that might change the conformation of molecules, which can have signaling or toxic effects. In Light Sheet-based Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM), the energy required for a single recording is reduced by several orders of magnitude compared to other fluorescence microscopy techniques. During the last ten years, LSFM has emerged as a preferred tool to capture all cells during embryogenesis of the zebrafish Danio rerio, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster or recently the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum for a period of several days. The motivation of this work was to gain new insights in developmental related processes of plant organs. The aim of this work was to establish a protocol for imaging plant growth over a long period of time using LSFM and perform comprehensive analyses at the cellular level. Plants have to cope with a variety of environmental conditions, therefore the conditions inside the microscope chamber had to be brought under control. The sample preparation methods and the standardized conditions at a physiological level allowed the study of gravity response, day-night rhythms, organ shape development as well as the intracellular dynamic events of the cytoskeleton and endosomal compartments in an unprecedented manner. Several of these projects were successfully published in collaborations with Prof. Jozef Šamaj (Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic), Prof. Niko Geldner (University of Lausanne, Switzerland), Prof. Malcom Bennett (University of Nottingham, UK) and Dr. Jürgen Kleine-Vehn (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria). The main part of my work focused on the formation of lateral roots in Arabidopsis thaliana and was conducted in close collaboration with Dr. Alexis Maizel (University of Heidelberg, Germany). Previously, most experiments that describe lateral root formation have been performed on a small number of cells and for short periods of time. Capturing the complete process of lateral roots is an ambitious goal, because first, the primordium of a lateral root is located deep inside the primary root and imaging quality is impaired due to scattering of the overlaying tissue. Second, the process takes about 48 h, i.e. the plant has to be kept healthy for the whole period. Third, the amount of excitation light required for the spatio-temporal might have phototoxic effects that lead to a stop of growth at least in conventional microscopic techniques. In Arabidopsis embryogenesis, the sequence of cell divisions is relatively invariant. However, whether lateral root organogenesis follows particular cell division patterns has been unknown. The complete process of lateral root formation was captured from the first cell division until after the emergence from the main root. Images of a nuclei marker and a plasmamembrane marker were recorded every 5 min for a time period of up to 64 h. The positions and cell divisions of all cells were tracked manually. In collaboration with Alexander Schmitz (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany) and Dr. Jens Fangerau (University of Heidelberg, Germany), comprehensive analyses of the data were performed. A lateral root forms from initially 8-15 founder cells, arranged in a patch of 5-8 parallel files. The occurrence of new cell layers by periclinal divisions, as well as the sequence of layer generation was conserved and resembles the sequence suggested by Malamy and Benfey in 1997. Besides this stereotyped occurrence of periclinal divisions, radial divisions were found to appear stochastically, following no particular pattern. A large variability was also found in the contribution of founder cells and cell files to the final lateral root. In summary, the results suggest that a stereotyped pattern of cell divisions at particular developmental stages and a dynamically adapted control of cell divisions exist in parallel. Both properties allow a controlled but flexible development of the organ according to variations in cell topology and mechanical properties of the surrounding tissue. This work shows that LSFM, the sample preparation methods and controlled environmental conditions allow to capture and analyse the development of plants over several days at high resolution in an unprecedented manner.
The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is one of the most important biological model organisms, but only the comparative approach with closely related species provides insights into the evolutionary diversification of insects. Of particular interest is the live imaging of fluorophores in developing embryos. It provides data for the analysis and comparison of the threedimensional morphogenesis as a function of time. However, for all species apart from Drosophila, for example the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, essentially no established standard operation procedures are available and the pool of data and resources is sparse. The goal of my PhD project was to address these limitations. I was able to accomplish the following milestones:
- Development of the hemisphere and cobweb mounting methods for the non-invasive imaging of Tribolium embryos in light sheet-based fluorescence microscopes and characterization of most crucial embryogenetic events.
- Comprehensive documentation of methods as protocols that describe (i) beetle rearing in the laboratory, (ii) preparation of embryos, (ii) calibration of light sheet-based fluorescence microscopes, (iv) recording over several days, (v) embryo retrieval as a quality control as well as (vi) data processing.
- Adaption of the methods to record and analyze embryonic morphogenesis of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata and the two-spotted cricket Gryllus bimaculatus as well as integration of the data into an evolutionary context.
- Further development of the hemisphere method to allow the bead-based / landmark-based registration and fusion of three-dimensional images acquired along multiple directions to compensate the shadowing effect.
- Development of the BugCube, a web-based computer program that allows to share image data, which was recorded by using light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy, with colleagues.
- Invention and experimental proof-of-principle of the (i) AGameOfClones vector concept that creates homozygous transgenic insect lines systematically. Additionally, partial proof-of-principle of the (ii) AClashOfStrings vector concept that creates double homozygous transgenic insect lines systematically, as well as preliminary evaluation of the (iii) AStormOfRecords vector concept that creates triple homozygous transgenic insect lines systematically.
- Creation and performance screening of more than fifty transgenic Tribolium lines for the long-term imaging of embryogenesis in fluorescence microscopes, including the first Lifeact and histone subunit-based lines.
My primary results contribute significantly to the advanced fluorescence imaging approaches of insect species beyond Drosophila. The image data can be used to compare different strategies of embryonic morphogenesis and thus to interpret the respective phylogenetic context. My technological developments extend the methodological arsenal for insect model organisms considerably.
Within my perspective, I emphasize the importance of non-invasive long-term fluorescence live imaging to establish speciesspecific morphogenetic standards, discuss the feasibly of a morphologic ontology on the cellular level, suggest the ‘nested linearly decreasing phylogenetic relationship’ approach for evolutionary developmental biology, propose the live imaging of species hybrids to investigate speciation and finally outline how light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy contributes to the transition from on-demand to systematic data acquisition in developmental biology.
During my PhD project, I wrote a total of ten manuscripts, six of which were already published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Additionally, I supervised four Master and two Bachelor projects whose scientific questions were inspired by the topic of my PhD work.
Until quite recently, stem cell technology mainly focused on pure populations of embryonic stem cells (ES) derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Using organoids, a newly established culture technique, it is now possible to culture also organ and patient-specific adult stem (AS) and induced pluripotent stem (IPS) cells in vitro. Furthermore, it has been shown that adult stem cells, grown as organoids, are genetically stable, proliferate and maintain their multi-potency (often a bi-potency) for months. This is possible by providing conditions that recapitulate the stem cell niche of the corresponding organ. Particularly, defined growth factors and a physiological scaffold, which is provided by an extracellular matrix (ECM). Because of increasing research activities, organoids became influential in the recent years. Wide-ranging interest also led to a clearer definition: organoids must contain multiple organ-specific cell types, must be able to recapitulate some organ specific functions, and the cells must be spatially organized in a way similar to the organ they are derived from. The excitement about organoids is based on their high potential as a model to understand wound healing, cellular behaviour and differentiation processes in organogenesis. Furthermore, high potential in the drug development and in personalized stem cell therapeutic approaches has been shown. Specifically, for personalized stem cell therapy, one potential application is for chronic autoimmune diseases such as Diabetes type 1 (T1D). T1D is characterized by the immune-mediated destruction of ß-cells in the Pancreas that leads to absolute insulin deficiency. In T1D the first-line therapeutic approach is exogenous insulin replacement therapy, which always implicates the risk of high fluctuations in blood-sugar levels and therefore the risk of hypoglycaemia. Another therapeutic approach is the xenotransplantation of islets from human donors. A successful islet transplantation allows patients a years-long insulin independence. However, the therapeutic value of islet transplantation is highly limited by the availability of organ donors and by the need for chronic administration of immune suppressive medication. The use of pancreas organoids offers a promising alternative as a personalized cell therapeutic approach to treat T1D without the hypoglycaemia risks of the established therapies. In 2013 Meritxell Huch and colleagues established for the first-time organoids from the exocrine, ductal part of the pancreas. These pancreas organoids are characterized by a monolayered, spherical cell epithelium which comprises a liquid filled lumen. In addition, they showed that after transplantation of these cells into immunodeficient mice, they differentiate into ß-cells and cure T1D. However, basic knowledge of the culture growth behaviour is still lacking: to date, no growth parameters are defined and reliable and robust investigation approaches are still missing. Furthermore, basic knowledge about the organoid development and biochemical/biophysical mechanisms that generate the phenotypic structure are not identified. For a clinical approach these parameters are fundamental and therefore must be defined pre-clinically.
The aim of this study is the preclinical characterization of the hPOs...
Cells within a tissue form highly complex, cellular interactions. This architecture is lost in two-dimensional (2D) cell cultures. To close the gap between 2D cell cultures and in vivo tissues, three-dimensional (3D) cell cultures such as spheroids or embryoid bodies were developed. To fully take advantage of the third dimension, imaging techniques are essential. The emerging field of "image-based systems biology" exploits the information in images and builds a connection between experimental and theoretical investigation of biological processes. Such interdisciplinary approaches strongly depend on the development of protocols to establish 3D cell cultures, innovations in sample preparation, well-suited imaging techniques and quantitative segmentation methods.
Although 3D cell cultures and image-based systems biology provide a great potential, 2D methods are still not completely replaced by 3D methods. This is mainly due to methodical and technical hurdles. Therefore, this thesis provides a significant contribution to overcome these hurdles and to further develop 3D cell cultures. I established computational and experimental methods related to 3D aggregates and investigated fundamental, cellular processes such as adhesion, growth and differentiation.
The automatic segmentation method "PAS" and "LoS" were developed in the context of this thesis. They extract essential biological properties such as the projected area or features of cell nuclei from 2D or 3D images of 3D aggregates. Both algorithms show their accuracy robustly over image data from different samples and different microscopes. In addition, the superior performance of PAS and LoS was proven in a comparison with state-of-the-art methods.
The PAS approach served as an essential basis for investigating cellular processes such as adhesion and growth which are tightly regulated to contribute to tissue integrity. These processes are involved in the formation of spheroids. The temporally resolved data of spheroid formation of three mammary epithelial cell lines revealed differences in their formation dynamics as well as in the onset of spheroid formation phases (aggregation, compaction and growth). Despite these differences, adhesion- and growth-associated proteins such as E-cadherin, actin, microtubules, and the focal adhesion kinase show similar importance in a particular phase. Notably, certain proteins (e.g. E-Cadherin) contribute differently to spheroid formation of cells from different cell types in terms of cell adhesion and growth. Overall, analyses of the individual phases of spheroid formation revealed the temporal coordination of fundamental tissue-specific processes. The results contribute to a better understanding of the maintenance and disruption of tissue integrity.
An important but yet unknown process is how cells accomplish to arrange themselves against the gravitational force to form a spheroid. Live imaging with light sheet-based microscopy provides the best solution for a temporally and in particular spatially resolved investigation of spheroid formation. Although the imaging possibilities increase with this particular microscopy technique, available sample preparation methods are rare. Therefore, I have significantly optimized "agarose beaker" as preparation method for 3D long-term imaging of spheroid formation. The data show that upward movement of the cells takes place early. This movement is initiated in the centre of the initially flat cell layer. Subsequently, the cells move from the periphery of the cell layer toward the centre. Cells rearrange within the spheroid which is followed by growth. It is very likely that 3D aggregates form by adopting an energetically favoured, spherical shape by increasing cell-cell or cell-matrix contacts.
Besides the knowledge gained from the examination of the self-assembly process in different contexts, fully formed cellular aggregates can serve as basis to investigate differentiation processes. Differentiation guide cell fate specification during early embryonic development (i.e. preimplantation) and is not fully understood yet. Due to the lack of an in vitro system for preimplantation, I have developed "blastoids". These are 3D multicellular aggregates of mouse embryonic stem cells which represent important phases of preimplantation and beyond. In qualitative and quantitative analyses, a strong similarity was proven between blastoids and the inner cell mass of in vivo mouse embryos. Further results strongly suggest that both, the cell number and the trophectoderm play a subordinate role for cell fate decision during preimplantation. Furthermore, 3D neighbourhood analyses have shown that both, blastoids and mouse embryos, do not show a random "salt-and-pepper" pattern during differentiation. Instead, they show a yet unknown local clustering of cells with identical fates, suggesting local cell interactions that influence cell fate decision. Furthermore, the data indicate that the maturation of the epiblast in the later stages of preimplantation is initiated by an interaction between cells of the epiblast and the primitive endoderm.
Using image-based systems biology, I have investigated fundamental cellular processes such as adhesion, growth and differentiation in the context of tissue integrity and early embryonic development using 3D cellular aggregates. This highly interdisciplinary work is a major contribution to 3D cell biology and demonstrates how cells bind and interact within a complex system. The main methods developed in this thesis as well as the biological findings can be used not only in further biological but also in medical and pharmacological studies. They have the potential to advance our understanding of complex biological systems and to provide new opportunities for practical applications.
Generation of an efficient agent-based framework for the simulation of 3D multicellular systems
In developmental biology, the focus has shifted from mainly considering genetic and molecular aspects to considering mechanical aspects, as it has become evident in recent years that mechanical forces, tensions, and physical interactions play a significant role alongside molecular mechanisms in developmental biology. Computational models provide a useful tool for the investigation of the complex cell choreography in tissue and organ development. In particular, they allow the identification of principles governing complex behaviours and greatly contribute to understanding self-organising systems. Agent-based models act as a ”virtual laboratory”, facilitating the formulation and testing of biological hypotheses.
In this work, a mathematical model is formulated to describe the dynamics and interactions of multicellular systems. This model formulation results in a large system of coupled stochastic differential equations. Furthermore, a simulation framework is introduced to solve the system of coupled stochastic differential equations numerically. In particular, mechanical processes such as cell-cell interactions, cell growth and division, cell polarity, and active migration are considered. Firstly, a CPU-based version of the simulation framework, implemented in Python and MATLAB, is presented. This version also provides scientists with limited programming experience the abil- ity to simulate systems involving several thousand cells. Additionally, a GPU-based framework version, implemented in CUDA and C++, is introduced. This version primarily targets modellers with advanced programming knowledge. It significantly reduces simulation runtime, allows for the simulation of very large systems, and incorporates additional extensions.
The implemented CPU-based simulation framework was applied to two different biological systems. The first application concerned inner cell mass organoids (ICM organoids), which serve as an experimental model system to study early embryogenesis. In particular, ICM organoids reflect the second cell fate decision, i.e., the differentiation into embryonic tissue and yolk sac, as well as subsequent cell sorting. Using the presented simulation framework, it was demonstrated that the experimentally observed local clustering of cell types can be attributed to mechanical processes, specifically cell growth, cell division, and cell fate inheritance. These results provide evidence that molecular cell fate determination occurs within a short period during the early development of ICM organoids, and that mechanical processes and interactions predominantly characterise subsequent processes. Furthermore, it was shown that differential adhesion and undirected cell movement in a three-dimensional system are sufficient to drive the segregation of different cell types.
The second biological application focused on pancreas-derived organoids, which simulate organ development, in this case, pancreas development. These organoids exhibit high variability in their qualitative behaviour, including volume oscillations, rotation and migration, fusions, and the formation of internal structures. The presented simulation framework was applied to the volume oscillations of the organoids. It was demonstrated that these oscillations depend significantly on the cell division dynamics and size of the organoids, as well as the elasticity and adhesion strength of the cells.
Both biological applications of the framework illustrate its modular structure and, thus, its adaptability to various biological systems. They also emphasise that mechanical processes play a fundamental role in the self-organisation of complex systems. The presented framework en- ables the efficient modelling of multicellular systems and serves as an effective tool for explaining complex behaviour by coupling simple underlying mechanisms.
Compaction and spheroid formation modulates stemness and differentiation of human pancreas organoids
The incidence of diabetes type 1 (T1D) in children and young adults is increasing worldwide. T1D is well treated by insulin administration. However, there is currently no long-lasting cure for this ailment. The success rate of pancreatic islet transplantation to treat T1D is limited by the availability of patient-matched islets and the necessity of using life-long immunosuppressive medication. The difficulties caused by transplantation can be overcome by generating bio-engineered pancreatic islets from patient-derived progenitor cells. Aim of this thesis is to establish new strategies for the generation and analysis of pancreatic lineages derived from human progenitor cells. It reports on the optimization of a technique to form human pancreatic spheroids from hollow monolayered human pancreas organoids (hPOs) to investigate how cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction can be leveraged to induce endocrine differentiation of the pancreas progenitor cell organoids. We introduce cell aggregation protocols to generate endocrine pancreas cell lineages from ductal pancreatic cells. Next, we study the effect of co-culture with stromal and endothelial cells to promote cell differentiation toward a pancreatic fate enhancing β cells productivity.
This thesis has focused on identifying the differences in gene expression along with phenotypical transformation during differentiation of human pancreatic organoids (hPOs) towards human β cells to be used in the future of cellular therapeutics in treating T1D patients.