BDSL-Klassifikation: 18.00.00 20. Jahrhundert (1945-1989) > 18.06.00 Literarisches Leben
Document Type
- Part of a Book (2)
- Report (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- Berlin (1)
- Böll, Heinrich (1)
- Einfluss (1)
- Erinnerung (1)
- Irisches Tagebuch <Werk> (1)
- Irland <Motiv> (1)
- Joyce, James (1)
- Literatur (1)
- Nachkriegsliteratur (1)
- Schweigen <Motiv> (1)
Böll on Joyce, Joyce on Böll : a gnomonical reading of Heinrich Böll's "Die schönsten Füße der Welt"
It is my contention - but not my whole argument, as we shall soon see - that this shift or new departure can be attributed in part to Böll's introduction to the work of James Joyce, an event that took place at or around the time when Böll began travelling to Ireland in 1954. Indeed, as if in corroboration of this assumption, the earliest mentionings of Joyce that I have found occur in the second and third episodes of Böll's popular travelogue „Irisches Tagebuch“, published in 1957. It is worth noting, however, that neither of these two comments is formulated in a way that would presuppose more than a superficial knowledge of Joyce's works. And later, too, we find only the occasional allusion to or mention of the lrish writer in Böll's literary work. Nor does Joyce or his œuvre figure prominently in Böll's countless essays and interviews on writers and writing. Even in the short article „Über den Roman“ of 1960, which is devoted to the modern novel and would provide the natural occasion for an acknowledgement of this kind, Böll refers neither to „A Portrait of the Artist as a young Man“ nor to „Ulysses“, not to mention „Finnegans Wake“.
The concept of the “magic circle” (Johan Huizinga) defines the stage and the specific performative conditions for magic to work. This concept which was applied by Huizinga to spaces such as the courtroom, the church or the theatre is extended in this essay to the page of the literary text. It is argued that something of the age-old magic of oral poetry is preserved in contemporary German memory fiction that stages an encounter with dead family members. In novels by Peter Härtling (Nachgetragene Liebe) and Uwe Timm (Am Beispiel meines Bruders) a repressed past is emotionally revisited and at the same time exposed to new reflection in the light of hindsight. The therapeutic setting of “family constellation” is introduced as another manifestation of the magic circle in our contemporary world in which latent traumas are acted out and worked through in a cathartic process.
Szenen und Netzwerke, die für die Berliner Nachkriegsliteratur im Zeitraum der Jahre 1955 bis 1965 konstitutiv waren, bildeten den Gegenstand der Tagung, die die Johannes-Bobrowski-Gesellschaft in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus veranstaltete. Die von Andreas Degen konzipierte Veranstaltung fand vom 4. bis 5. März 2010 im Berliner Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus statt und wurde von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Literarischer Gesellschaften und Gedenkstätten aus Bundesmitteln gefördert. Die Tagung begleiteten und ergänzten Lesungen aus Johannes Bobrowskis Briefwechsel mit Christoph Meckel und Lilo Fromm sowie Gespräche über "zu Unrecht vergessene" Texte Berliner Literatur aus den sechziger Jahren.