Arachnologische Mitteilungen, Heft 30 (2005)
Year of publication
- 2005 (6)
Document Type
- Article (6)
- German (6)
Has Fulltext
- yes (6)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (6)
- Austria (2)
- faunistics (2)
- harvestmen (2)
- France (1)
- Germany (1)
- Opiliones (1)
- Senckenberg Museum (1)
- floodpain (1)
- geographic parthenogenesis (1)
- phenology (1)
Mittel- und Nordeuropäische Weberknechte aus dem Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt (Arachnida: Opiliones)
Central and North European harvestmen from the Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt (Arachnida: Opiliones). About 1100 individuals belonging to 32 opilionid species (300 series), mainly of German origin, were identified based on material provided by, and stored at, the Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt (Main). A list of all species with habitat information is included. Comments on two remarkable species (Oligolophus hanseni, Odiellus spinosus) are given. The comments include the importance of some series as reference material from MARTENS (1978), additions to regional faunas and the expansion of the known distribution of some thermophilous species.
New data on the sex ratio of 16 populations of the endemic harvestman Megabunus lesserti Schenkel, 1927 in the northeastern Alps confirm the previously assumed pattern of geographic parthenogenesis. Bisexuals inhabit a small area between the eastern margin of the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Ennstaler Alps, which was not covered by ice during the last (Würm) glaciations. Postglacially recolonized areas are occupied by parthenogenetic clones. Some all-female samples were found in close geographic proximity to bisexual populations. Apparently isolated occurrences at the western (Ammergau Alps) and southwestern (Carinthian) limits of the range proved to consist exclusively of females. A single male recorded in the Karwendel Mts. near Innsbruck is interpreted preferentially as a case of spanandry, being a fatherless "mistake" without any significant function.
Zwischen November 2003 und Januar 2004 wurde in einem Auwald bei Ingelheim am Rhein mittels Bodenfallen die Weberknechtfauna untersucht. Hierbei konnten insgesamt 1643 Individuen determiniert werden, welche sich auf 6 Arten aus 3 Familien verteilten. Besonders bemerkenswert sind die thermophilen Arten Astrobunus laevipes, Nemastoma dentigerum und Trogulus martensi. Zusätzlich wurden Bodenfallen eines benachbarten Auwaldes von Juni bis Oktober 2004 ausgewertet, die zusätzliche Daten zur Phänologie einiger stenochroner Arten erbrachten. Biotopansprüche, Vikarianzen und Konkurrenzvermeidung werden diskutiert.