Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe (SAFE)
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Document Type
- Working Paper (811)
- Part of Periodical (502)
- Report (62)
- Article (32)
- Contribution to a Periodical (2)
- Periodical (2)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- Review (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (1413)
- Financial Institutions (90)
- Capital Markets Union (67)
- ECB (62)
- Financial Markets (58)
- Banking Union (52)
- Banking Regulation (51)
- Household Finance (43)
- Banking Supervision (40)
- Macro Finance (40)
- Monetary Policy (35)
- Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe (SAFE) (1413)
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften (1359)
- Center for Financial Studies (CFS) (785)
- House of Finance (HoF) (690)
- Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS) (125)
- Rechtswissenschaft (63)
- Foundation of Law and Finance (48)
- Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) (7)
- Gesellschaftswissenschaften (6)
- Frankfurt MathFinance Institute (FMFI) (3)
We provide evidence on narratives about the macroeconomy - the stories people tell to explain macroeconomic phenomena - in the context of a historic surge in inflation. In surveys with more than 10,000 US households and 100 academic experts, we measure economic narratives in open-ended survey responses and represent them as Directed Acyclic Graphs. Households' narratives are strongly heterogeneous, coarser than experts' narratives, focus more on the supply side than on the demand side, and often feature politically loaded explanations. Households' narratives matter for their inflation expectation formation, which we demonstrate with descriptive survey data and a series of experiments. Informed by these findings, we incorporate narratives into an otherwise conventional New Keynesian model and demonstrate their importance for aggregate outcomes.
We examine the evolution of spatial house price dispersion during Germany's recent housing boom. Using a dataset of sales listings, we find that house price dispersion has significantly increased, which is driven entirely by rising price variation across postal codes. We show that both price divergence across labor market regions and widening spatial price variation within these regions are important factors for this trend. We propose and estimate a directed search model of the housing market to understand the driving forces of rising spatial price dispersion, highlighting the role of housing supply, housing demand and frictions in the matching process between buyers and sellers. While both shifts in housing supply and housing demand matter for overall price increases and for regional divergence, we find that variation in housing demand is the primary factor contributing to the widening spatial dispersion within labor market regions.
Helmut Schlesinger: Wegbereiter und Garant der deutschen Geld- und Stabilitätspolitik wird 100
Am 4. September 2024 vollendet Professor Dr. Helmut Schlesinger sein 100. Lebensjahr. Von 1991 bis 1993 bekleidete er das Amt des Präsidenten der Deutschen Bundesbank. Zuvor war er in verschiedenen Positionen für die Bank tätig, unter anderem als langjähriger Vizepräsident (von 1980 bis 1991) sowie als Leiter der Hauptabteilung Volkswirtschaft und Statistik. Das Jubiläum bietet Anlass, sein Lebenswerk zu beschreiben und zu würdigen. Für ehemalige Mitarbeiter war Helmut Schlesinger ein großes Vorbild und eine Quelle des Ansporns in vielerlei Hinsicht. Insbesondere vier Bereiche seiner Tätigkeiten haben die Arbeit seiner Mitarbeiter maßgeblich geprägt: Erstens seine Fähigkeit, ökonomisches Denken als eine Synthese aus Analyse und Statistik zu begreifen, zu vermitteln und zu organisieren, zweitens sein Verdienst, eine Stabilitätskultur in leitenden Positionen mitgeschaffen und bewahrt zu haben, drittens sein ordnungspolitisches Credo zur Preisstabilität und zur Unabhängigkeit der Zentralbank sowie viertens seine klaren Vorstellungen zu den Bedingungen einer erfolgreichen Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion.
Im Folgenden soll ein Überblick über diese vier Schwerpunkte seiner Schaffensbilanz gegeben werden. In diesem Kontext ist insbesondere Schlesingers entscheidende Rolle bei der Schaffung der deutsch-deutschen Währungsunion 1990 sowie beim langjährigen Entstehungsprozess des Eurosystems und der Europäischen Zentralbank hervorzuheben. In der deutschen Bevölkerung, aber auch international hoch geachtet, wurde Helmut Schlesinger oft als die "Seele der Bundesbank" bezeichnet.Die Anforderungen, die er an jeden Einzelnen stellte, waren hoch. Er wurde von den Mitarbeitern sehr geschätzt, nicht zuletzt aufgrund seines großen Arbeitsethos und seiner unermüdlichen Schaffenskraft, die von Beständigkeit, Gradlinigkeit und Prinzipientreue geprägt waren.
I provide a solution method in the frequency domain for multivariate linear rational expectations models. The method works with the generalized Schur decomposition, providing a numerical implementation of the underlying analytic function solution methods suitable for standard DSGE estimation and analysis procedures. This approach generalizes the time-domain restriction of autoregressive-moving average exogenous driving forces to arbitrary covariance stationary processes. Applied to the standard New Keynesian model, I find that a Bayesian analysis favors a single parameter log harmonic function of the lag operator over the usual AR(1) assumption as it generates humped shaped autocorrelation patterns more consistent with the data.
The lack of a European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) – often referred to as the ‘third pillar’ of Banking Union – has been criticized since the inception of the EU Banking Union. The Crisis Management and Deposit Insurance (CMDI) framework needs to rely heavily on banks’ internal loss absorbing capacity and provides little flexibility in terms of industry resolution funding. This design has, among others, led to the rare application of the CMDI, particularly in the case of small and medium sized retail banks. This reluctance of resolution authorities weakens any positive impact the CMDI may have on market discipline and ultimately financial stability. After several national governments pushed back against the establishment of an EDIS, the Commission recently took a different approach and tried to reform the CMDI comprehensively, without seeking to erect a ‘third pillar’. The overarching rationale of the CMDI Proposal is to make resolution funding more flexible. To this end, the proposal seeks to facilitate contributions from (national) deposit guarantee schemes (DGS). At the same time, the CMDI Proposal tries to broaden the scope of resolution to include smaller and medium sized banks. This paper provides an assessment of the CMDI Proposal. It argues that the CMDI Proposal is a step in the right direction but cannot overcome fundamental deficiencies in the design of the Banking Union.
The lack of a European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) – often referred to as the ‘third pillar’ of Banking Union – has been criticized since the inception of the EU Banking Union. The Crisis Management and Deposit Insurance (CMDI) framework needs to rely heavily on banks’ internal loss absorbing capacity and provides little flexibility in terms of industry resolution funding. This design has, among others, led to the rare application of the CMDI, particularly in the case of small and medium sized retail banks. This reluctance of resolution authorities weakens any positive impact the CMDI may have on market discipline and ultimately financial stability. After several national governments pushed back against the establishment of an EDIS, the Commission recently took a different approach and tried to reform the CMDI comprehensively, without seeking to erect a ‘third pillar’. The overarching rationale of the CMDI Proposal is to make resolution funding more flexible. To this end, the proposal seeks to facilitate contributions from (national) deposit guarantee schemes (DGS). At the same time, the CMDI Proposal tries to broaden the scope of resolution to include smaller and medium sized banks. This paper provides an assessment of the CMDI Proposal. It argues that the CMDI Proposal is a step in the right direction but cannot overcome fundamental deficiencies in the design of the Banking Union.
Kreditnehmer konzentrieren sich auf die anfängliche Hypothekenzahlung, anstatt langfristige Kosten eines Kredits zu minimieren, selbst wenn sie es sich anders leisten könnten. So können neue Finanzprodukte mit verzögerter Schuldentilgung die Bereitschaft der Haushalte zur Kreditaufnahme erheblich steigern.