Tuexenia : Mitteilungen der Floristisch-Soziologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Band 34 (2014)
Year of publication
- 2014 (22)
Document Type
- Article (22)
Has Fulltext
- yes (22)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (22)
- Festuco-Brometea (3)
- conservation (2)
- deer browsing (2)
- dry grassland (2)
- eutrophication (2)
- monitoring (2)
- syntaxonomy (2)
- Calamagrostis villosa (1)
- Cleistogenetea (1)
- Ellenberg Indicator Values (1)
Reintroductions of plant species are increasingly popular in conservation practice. Steppe grasslands contain many rare and endangered plant species that are potential objects for such reintroductions. Most reintroduction projects, however, can only target a restricted number of species, which raises the question of how species should be prioritised. Here, we present a method to select priority species for reintroduction based on species' characteristics that are widely used in conservation practice. We first determined the local species pool containing those vascular plant species that occurred both in our target region (Thuringia, Germany) and target habitat (steppe grasslands), yielding 369 species. With the help of an a priori filter that selected currently endangered species with limited distribution, 136 potential target species were determined. These potential target species had experienced stronger decline, had a narrower phytosociological amplitude and were more likely to be species of the Festuco-Brometea class and the Festucetalia valesiacae order than non-target species. Potential target species were then ranked by a points system based on ten conservation-relevant characteristics of the species from the categories "threat and protection status", "distribution and decline", and "habitat affiliation". In the ranking, six steppe grassland plant species (Astragalus exscapus, Bothriochloa ischaemum, Prunella laciniata, Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. nigricans, Scorzonera purpurea, and Seseli hippomarathrum) achieved the highest scores. An additional seven species not specifically characteristic for steppe grasslands also scored highly. A post hoc evaluation of these 13 highest scoring species based on additional conservation criteria left five species (Astragalus exscapus, Linum leonii, Orchis morio, Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. nigricans and Scorzonera purpurea) as species with highest priority for reintroductions and another five species as highly suitable for reintroductions. Associations between the ranking order and different ranking criteria revealed that a species’ threat and rarity in Thuringia and its protection status had the highest representation in the ranking, followed by threat in Germany, regional decline and habitat affiliation. In contrast, international threat and responsibility of Thuringia for its conservation had only low representation in the ranking, probably because these characteristics applied to only a few species. The ranking list gives a selection of species for reintroductions, which combined with additional information based on comprehensive local and floristic knowledge, allows the identification of the species with the highest priority. Our method can be transferred to other regions or habitat types.
Central European dry grasslands are remarkably diverse plant communities that occur at the western edge of the Eurasian forest-steppe zone and harbour many species of continental distribution. Although their plant community types have been described in detail, the diversity patterns and their environmental determinants are still poorly known for these grasslands. Here, we study environmental drivers of species composition and richness in dry grasslands of northern Bohemia (České středohoří Mts) and central Bohemia (Křivoklát region), both in the Czech Republic. In vegetation plots of 100 m2 we recorded all vascular plant species, measured soil chemistry variables, above-ground biomass production and nutrient concentrations in biomass. Species richness in these plots ranged from 13 to 55. The relationships between species composition and the environment were explored using detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis, while the relationships between species richness and the environment were assessed using univariate and multiple regression models. In both regions, species composition and richness strongly responded to the soil pH (ranging from 4.0 to 7.8), which was positively correlated with calcium and magnesium concentrations and negatively with annual precipitation. The response of species richness to soil pH was unimodal with a peak at pH of about 6.5 in the České středohoří Mts, and positive in the Křivoklát region. Plots on soils with a pH higher than 5 consistently contained more than 35 species. In the České středohoří Mts, species richness was positively related to the aboveground biomass production, whereas in the Křivoklát region, this relationship was only significant for graminoid species. In both areas, plots with soils deeper than 20 cm and with aboveground biomass dry weight above 200 g/m2 harboured more than 40 species per 100 m2. Moreover, in the České středohoří Mts, nitrogen concentrations in the biomass had considerable effects on both species composition and richness: species numbers were lower at sites with higher nitrogen concentration. This indicates a threat to diversity of these dry grasslands under currently high atmospheric nitrogen deposition coupled with the absence of management at most of the studied sites.
Cryophytic steppes in the Minusinskaya intermountain basin containing plant species that are predominantly distributed in the alpine zone such as Androsace dasyphylla, Dryas oxyodonta, Festuca sphagnicola, Kobresia myosuroides, K. filifolia, Minuartia verna, Oxytropis bracteata, Sagina saginoides, Papaver nudicaule, Patrinia sibirica, Pedicularis lasiostachys, Pulsatilla ambigua, Saussurea schanginiana, which are considered remnants of the Pleistocene vegetation. Based on 89 relevés, we classified cryophytic steppes using the Braun-Blanquet method within two phytosociological classes: Central Asian steppes of the Cleistogenetea squarrosae and West Palearctic steppes of the Festuco-Brometea. Three associations (Androsaco dasyphyllae-Caricetum pediformis, Pulsatillo patentis-Caricetum pediformis and Bupleuro multinervi-Helictotrichetum desertori) with three subassociations and three variants were described with respect to their phytosociological affinities and ecology. DCA ordination showed floristic differences between syntaxa, while correlations of DCA axes and floristic and environmental variables detected substrate type and temperature regime as presumably main drivers for vegetation differentiation. Another driver for vegetation differentiation seems to be continentality of the climate. Small scale distribution of cryophytic steppes were mapped using satellite images with resolution of 1.8 m. Cryophytic steppes always occupy only small areas in landscapes, on convex parts of undulated microrelief of mountain slopes and summits characterised by drought in summer and deep soil freezing in winter. These special micro-ecological conditions play an essential role for the existence of alpine flora in the Minusinskaya intermountain basin.
We present the data of the 2nd research expedition of the European Dry Grassland Group (EDGG), which was conducted in 2010 in Central Podolia, Ukraine. The aim was to collect plot data to compare Ukrainian dry grasslands with those of other parts of Europe in terms of syntaxonomy and biodiversity. We sampled 21 nested-plot series (0.0001–100 m2) and 184 normal plots (10 m2) covering the full variety of dry grassland types occurring in the study region. For all plots, we recorded species composi-tion of terrestrial vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens, while for the 226 10-m2 plots we estimated and measured percentage cover of all species, structural, topographic, soil and landuse parameters. The 10-m² plots were used for phytosociological classification based on iteratively refined TWINSPAN classification as well as for DCA ordination. Differences between the derived vegetation types with respect to environmental conditions and species richness were assessed with ANOVAs. We assigned our plots to nine association-level units but refrained from placing them into formal associations with two exceptions. In the study area, dry grasslands of the Festuco-Brometea were far more common than those of the Koelerio-Corynephoretea. Among the Festuco-Brometea, xeric Festucetalia valesiacae grasslands were more frequent and represented by the Festucion valesiacae (2 associations, including the Allio taurici-Dichanthietum ischaemi ass. nova) and the Stipion lessingianae (1) compared to the Brachypodietalia pinnati with the Agrostio vinealis-Avenulion schellianae (3). The Koelerio-Corynephoretea were represented by three associations, each from a different order and alliance: basiphilous outcrops (Alysso alyssoidis-Sedetalia: Alysso alyssoidis-Sedion?), acidophilous outcrops (Sedo-Scleranthetalia: Veronico dillenii-Sedion albi?) and mesoxeric sandy grasslands (Trifolio arvensis-Festucetalia ovinae: Agrostion vinealis). We discuss the issue of the mesoxeric order Galietalia veri placed within the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea by Ukrainian authors and conclude that the content of that order would probably be better placed in the mesoxeric orders of the Koelerio-Corynephoretea and Festuco-Brometea. Other syntaxonomic questions could not be solved with our geographically limited dataset and await a supraregional analysis, e.g. whether the Ukrainian outcrop communities should be assigned to the same alliances as known from Central Europe or rather represent new vicariant units. The analysis of the biodiversity patterns showed that at a grain size of 10 m2, Podolian Koelerio-Corynephoretea communities were overall richer than Festuco-Brometea communities (46.4 vs. 40.6 species). This difference was due to the Koelerio-Corynephoretea containing twice as many bryophytes and nine times more lichens, while vascular plant species richness did not differ significantly between classes. The orders within the classes showed no real differences in species richness. The richness patterns observed in Podolia were almost the opposite of those usually found in dry grasslands, where Brachypodietalia pinnati are richer than Festucetalia valesiacae, and these richer than stands of the Koelerio-Corynpehoretea – and we do not have a good explanation for these idiosyncrasies. In conclusion, Podolian dry grasslands behave quite unexpectedly regarding biodiversity, and their syntaxonomy is still poorly understood. These knowledge gaps can only be addressed with supranational analyses based on comprehensive datasets.
An extensive survey of the relevant literature of dry grassland communities described for the territory of Serbia allowed us to check the validity and legitimacy of the nomenclature of this vegetation. Nomenclature rules of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature were strictly followed. The syntaxonomic affiliation of communities to higher syntaxa was assessed according to existing syntaxonomic schemes for Serbia and the position determined by the original source. Higher syntaxa followed the synsystem of the socalled “EuroVegChecklist”. We have highlighted problems and some disagreement with the existing classification of dry grassland communities in Europe. A total of 134 dry grassland communities have so far been registered for Serbia. This list of syntaxa may serve for further research of grassland vegetation and its appropriate positioning within a syntaxonomical scheme of Europe.
Der diesjährige 9. Trockenrasen-Sonderteil von Tuexenia beginnt mit einem Bericht über die aktuellen Aktivitäten der European Dry Grassland Group (EDGG). Zunächst geben wir einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Mitgliederzahl. Dann berichten wir vom letzten European Dry Grassland Meeting in Zamość (Polen, 2013) und vom letzten European Dry Grassland Field Workshop in Chakassien (Russland, 2013) und informieren über künftige Veranstaltungen der EDGG. Anschließend erläutern wir die Publikationsaktivitäten der EDGG. Im zweiten Teil des Editorials geben wir eine Einführung zu den fünf Artikeln des diesjährigen Trockenrasen-Sonderteils: Zwei davon beschäftigen sich mit der Syntaxonomie von Trockenrasen in Osteuropa: Der eine Artikel präsentiert erstmalig eine nach internationalen Nomenklaturregeln gültige Liste der Trockenrasengesellschaften Serbiens während der andere die Ergebnisse des zweiten EDGG-Field Workshop 2010 nach Podolien (Ukraine) vorstellt. Im dritten Artikel werden kryophytische Steppen in Südsibirien (Russland) analysiert. Der vierte Artikel analysiert in Böhmen (Tschechien) die bestimmenden Kräfte für Artenreichtum und Artenzusammensetzung der Trockenrasen. Der fünfte Artikel befasst sich mit der Auswahl von Wiederansiedlungsarten am Beispiel der Steppenrasen in Thüringen (Deutschland).
Flächenbezogene Artenzahlen sind besonders im Kontext von Monitoringprojekten grundlegend für die Beurteilung von Veränderungen der Biodiversität. Diese Studie vergleicht die von neun Bearbeitern (5 Einzelbearbeiter, 2 Zweierteams) erfasste Zahl an Gefäßpflanzenarten bei Vegetationserhebungen auf markierten Flächen von 4, 100 und 400 m2 Größe in einem artenreichen Kalkbuchenwald im Göttinger Stadtwald. Dabei wurden Bearbeiter- und Zeiteffekte untersucht, sowie artspezifische Übersehensraten, Fehlbestimmungsraten und Ungenauigkeiten bei der Zuordnung von Pflanzenindividuen zur jeweiligen Aufnahmefläche (Fehlzuordnungsraten) abgeschätzt.
Protokollierte Fragen ließen keine systematischen Unterschiede bei der Vertrautheit der Bearbeiter mit der Vegetation vor Ort erkennen, so dass Ausbildung und Erfahrung für gefundene Unterschiede ausschlaggebend sein dürften. Bei den 4 m2 großen Erhebungseinheiten ergaben sich bei der Artenzahl relative Abweichungen der Bearbeiter vom Erwartungswert von 8 bis 26 % (1 bis 4 Arten absolut). Diese waren bei den 100 m2 großen Erhebungseinheiten mit 9 bis 27 % (2 bis 6 Arten absolut) höher. Mit zunehmender Flächengröße nahm der Flächenidentitätseffekt tendenziell ab und der Bearbeitereffekt signifikant zu. Bei den 100 m2 großen Flächen hatte eine längere Bearbeitungszeit einen positiven Effekt auf die Artenzahl.
Mit Hilfe artbezogener Auswertungen wurden Übersehens-, Fehlbestimmungs- und Fehlzuordnungsraten ermittelt. Nicht eine Art wurde von allen Bearbeitern auf allen Flächen gefunden, auf denen sie jeweils auftrat. Schwer differenzierbare Arten sowie Arten in ungünstigen Entwicklungsstadien wiesen höhere Übersehens-, aber auch höhere Fehlbestimmungsraten auf. Bei morphologisch gut charakterisierten Arten wurde bei Einzelfunden von einer Fehlzuordnung zur Erhebungseinheit ausgegangen.
Die erzielten Ergebnisse sind auch für andere Projekte zur Erfassung der Biodiversität relevant und Bemühungen zur Reduzierung entsprechender Bearbeitereffekte sollten unternommen werden. Eine organisatorische Einbindung entsprechender Bemühungen wird vorgeschlagen.
The Feldbach district is situated near the town of Feldbach in the southeastern province of Styria, Austria. Since 2007, a climate observation network of 151 climate stations within an area of approximately 20 x 15 km (grid cell 1.4 × 1.4 km) has provided a unique collection of spatial and temporal meteorological data. Examining short-lived ruderal and arable weed communities, we search for correlations and spatial patterns between the community composition and climate data. Do such plant communities respond to temperature differences within an agricultural landscape and on a regional scale? Data of 277 relevés from short-lived weed communities were collected across the investigated area during the summer of 2011. Relevés were assigned to the corresponding climate stations and classified. Average Ellenberg indicator values for temperature were calculated for each relevé and community cluster. Measured temperature data were assigned and correlated with community data by applying linear regression and redundancy analyses (RDA). The classification resulted in six associations; the two most frequently observed associations were divided into subtypes resulting in 13 vegetation clusters that could be analyzed further. A significant relationship could be found only between the clusters of arable weed communities and the average winter temperatures. Site variables explain twice as much variance as measured climate variables; this ratio changes to 50 : 50 when we analyzed only arable field community data. No clear spatial patterns concerning mean annual temperature were visible. However, the Setaria faberi subtype of the Echinochloo-Setarietum and the Sorghum halepense subtype of the Convolvulo-Agropyretum show a tendency toward a temperature-induced spatial pattern, such that both were sensitive to winter temperature. On a regional scale, the occurrence and composition of short-lived ruderal plant communities correlated weakly with climate variables. However, the studied arable weed communities showed a certain tendency to follow small-scale temperature differences, especially those of average winter temperature. We conclude that short-lived weed communities have the potential to be indicators for global warming, but the spatial temperature gradients are not clear enough in our approach to allow the production of better regression models and elucidation of distinct spatial patterns.
A phytosociological survey of weed (segetal) vegetation in Slovakia was performed. A total of 508 relevés were sampled in 2002–2008. The aims of this study were to determine the actual distribution of the segetal communities, to analyze their floristic structure, and to evaluate their relationships to selected environmental factors. Thirteen plant communities of the class Stellarietea mediae were distinguished by cluster analysis; 11 communities were included in the subclass Violenea arvensis (Lathyro tuberosi-Adonidetum aestivalis, Consolido-Anthemidetum austriacae, Euphorbio exiguae-Melandrietum noctiflori, Veronicetum trilobae-triphyllidi, Lamio amplexicauli-Thlaspietum arvensis, Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia community, Spergulo arvensis-Scleranthetum annui, Myosotido-Sonchetum arvensis, Echinochloo-Setarietum pumilae, Galinsogo-Setarietum, and Stachyo annui-Setarietum pumilae) and two in the subclass Sisymbrienea (Portulacetum oleraceae and Setario viridis-Erigeronetum canadensis). Communities were characterized by diagnostic, constant, and dominant species and their structure, ecology, and distribution were estimated. The species composition of these communities was documented in synoptic and association tables. DCA ordination and analysis of variance was used to determine the main environmental factors of floristic differentiation and to determine ecological and structural differences among the communities. The analyses showed that the most important factors affecting floristic composition and classification of the weed communities are their time of development (agroecophase), the type of crops and altitude.
Bestände, die von Calamagrostis epigejos dominiert werden, gehören zu den charakteristischen Elementen der Vegetation im östlichen Mitteleuropa. In der Literatur wurden Calamagrostis epigejos-Gesellschaften bisher meist als monoton, artenarm und wenig divers beschrieben. Für den Berliner Raum wurden 54 Vegetationsaufnahmen von Brachflächen und ehemaligen Rieselfeldern ausgewertet, in denen C. epigejos dominant war (Deckung >25 %). Die C. epigejos-Dominanzbestände konnten hauptsächlich zwei Gesellschaften zugeordnet werden: der Calamagrostis epigejos-(Galio-Urticetea)-Gesellschaft und der Calamagrostis epigejos-(Onopordetalia/Agropyretalia)-Gesellschaft. Die Calamagrostis epigejos-(Galio-Urticetea)-Gesellschaft wächst auf nährstoffreichen, frischen bis nassen, zum Teil auch zeitweilig überstauten Flächen. Derartige Standortverhältnisse sind vor allem auf eutrophierten ehemaligen Rieselfeldern zu finden. Die Bestände der Calamagrostis epigejos-(Onopordetalia/Agropyretalia)-Gesellschaft kommen auf nährstoffärmeren und trockeneren Standorten vor. Für die mittleren F- und N-Zeigerwerte ergeben sich jeweils signifikante Unterschiede von 1,4 Stufen zwischen beiden Gesellschaften; für die mittleren R-Zeigerwerte beträgt der Unterschied 0,4 Stufen.