Studia Germanistica 22
Year of publication
- 2018 (9)
- German (9)
Has Fulltext
- yes (9)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (9)
- Deutsch (2)
- Adaption <Literatur> (1)
- Am Circeo (1)
- Bairisch (1)
- Bosnier (1)
- Computerunterstützte Kommunikation (1)
- Das Weihnachtsgeheimnis (1)
- Deutsche (1)
- Deutschunterricht (1)
- Experimentelle Kurzgeschichte (1)
King Ottokar II and Záviš z Falkenštejna are often depicted in literary fiction as rivals – both in politics and in love. A similar representation can be found in the work of Franz Grillparzer, whose Zawisch incorporates both demonic and comic elements. He can be interpreted in various ways: as a sophisticated plotter of intrigues, a malicious poisoner, an arrogant figure who betrays his king and his country due to his wounded pride, or a seducer who eventually becomes subservient to an Amazon whom he had originally envisaged as his own puppet. Directors, viewers and readers usually do not see him as a great statesman. However, Jaroslav Hilbert depicted him in an entirely different manner. His Falkenštejn is a violent conspirator and usurper - but also a patriot, a statesman and a modern thinker. In Grillparzers work, the character of Zawisch is more reminiscent of his traditional rival Ottakar than of Hilbert's depiction. This study presents a comparison of both characters.
Die Monographie 'Die Kaschauer Zeitung in Kontexten I' geht auf die Darlegung der Prägung, historischer Metamorphosen und des sprachlichen, kulturellen und literarischen Bildes dieses Periodikums ein. Die Abhandlungen berücksichtigen dabei kulturhistorische Kontexte und interdisziplinäre Zusammenhänge.
Das Buch, herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Norbert Richard Wolf, erschien im Reformationsjahr 2017 im Universitätsverlag Winter als Band 7 der Schriften des Europäischen Zentrums für Sprachwissenschaften (EZS). Auf 217 Seiten widmen sich neun Autoren dem Erbe Martin Luthers aus einer jeweils eigenen Perspektive. Der Band präsentiert die Ergebnisse des gleichnamigen Kolloquiums, das im Mai 2017 vom Institut für Deutsche Sprache anlässlich des 500. Jahrestags der Reformation veranstaltet wurde.
Das Buch Phonetik, Phonologie und Schrift von Silvia Dahmen und Constanze Weth ist in der Reihe LiLA - Linguistik fürs Lehramt im UTB-Verlag im Dezember 2017 erschienen. Die von Petra Gretsch und Gabriele Kniffka herausgegebene Reihe richtet sich an Lehramtsstudierende und Lehrkräfte, wobei eine praxisnahe Verknüpfung theoretischer sprachwissenschaftlicher Inhalte und didaktischer Methoden im Fokus steht. Für den Bereich Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache werden dabei sprachkontrastive Beispiele berücksichtigt.
The article provides an insight into the Czech translations of the lecture 'Weihnachtsgeheimnis' by Edith Stein (1891-1942), which were published in 1991 and 2003. The analysis of the translations is based on Skopos theory, the ideas of Christiane Nord and hermeneutic approaches; the author points out the specific features and demands of translating religious texts.
Marie Luise Kaschnitz is not considered to be an experimental author in the usual sense. Her respectful use of traditional forms has been praised, but also criticized, and it was only in her later works that she loosened her strong links with tradition. The beginning of this change is marked by the short story Am Circeo [At Cape Circeo], placed exactly in the centre of her 1960 volume of short stories entitled Long Shadows. The present article examines the experimental elements of this text, attempting to determine what conditioned
them and seeking to reveal their influence on later works.
Die philosophische Erkenntnis in der 'Klage der Ceres' : Schillers Adaption des Proserpina-Mythos
While Ceres behaves actively and energetically in the traditional myth, Friedrich von Schiller's poem 'Klage der Ceres' (1797) shows her within the same ancient plot but as a more emotional figure. This detailed analysis explains the poem's structure and the stylistic devices which lead to its philosophical impact. It also addresses the awareness that death is a part of life and discusses how art can help to reinvent traditional ideas.
This paper presents a contrastive analysis of auto- and hetero-stereotypes of Bosnians and Germans. The analysis is based on data collected from respondents choosing from a list of 140 characteristics. The anonymous online questionnaire asked respondents to identify those characteristics that they considered to be connected with their own culture or with the other culture, and to give their reasons for their choice (in the case of the most important characteristics). The analysis based on this data reveals how Germans and Bosnians perceive themselves and each other. It also enables the compilation of a list of stereotypes based on the most frequently identified characteristics, which can be used as a basis for further analysis and interpretation. This first analysis is intended as a foundation for future analyses of ethnic stereotypes among Germans and ethnic groups in the western Balkans: Bosnians, Serbs and Croats.
Although there are many dialect speakers in Bavaria, the dialect - mainly because of its non-standardized spelling - is usually not used in common print media or on nationwide television. Nevertheless, the Bavarian dialect appears on Bavarian television (BR) and in cinema films. However, the Bavarian used on television or in films is frequently not a genuine dialect; instead it is a synthetic language which resembles the German standard and merely refers to the dialect. This is mainly due to the needs of non-dialect speakers, who would definitely have comprehension problems with the genuine dialect. Furthermore, the Bavarian dialect is often used on online platforms, such as Facebook or YouTube. In these conversational situations, face-to-face communication is replaced by written texts. In the case of dialect speakers, these texts can appear as written dialect; due to the non-standardized spelling, the texts are strongly individualized.