Germanistische Beiträge 27.2010
Year of publication
- 2010 (24)
- German (24)
Has Fulltext
- yes (24)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (24)
- Transylvania (2)
- interculturality (2)
- transculturality (2)
- Andrei Pleşu (1)
- Austrian literature (1)
- Bachelor’s programmes (1)
- Banat (1)
- Bukovina (1)
- Carmen Puchianu (1)
- Celan (1)
The present paper is a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the various relationships between language and law. It is impossible to deal with all these relationships in the present study. Therefore the relationship between language and law will be dealt with in this paper as far as it points out the relationships between linguistics and jurisprudence. Considering the diverse relationships between the fields of linguistics and jurisprudence, the interdisciplinary collaboration between these two disciplines could be improved by establishing a branch of study dealing with legal linguistics.
The following analysis is based on a practical experience of translation and tries to offer a series of solutions to the problem posed by culture-specific elements known in German translation studies as „Realia”. The recent translation studies generally acknoledge the importance of maintaining certain culture-specific elements as such in the target text; Antoine Berman speaks about ethic versus ethnocentric translation. Several authors describe four possible solutions for dealing with culture-specific elements in translation in order to preserve to a certain degree the cultural identity of the target text. The translation of „Realia” belonging to the sphere of nationalsocialism raised a series of difficulties during the actual translation of Das Buch Hitler, a document which was put together for Stalin by soviet intelligence in the years following WW II. Three types of „Realia” were identified in the source text and treated as such in the translation, following the theoretical guidelines proposed by Markussen and Berman.
Presenting the actual theoretical debates (of Göhlich, Welsch, de Nancy, Bachmann-Medick) with respect to the concept of transculturality, underlining the related aspects such as hybridity, intertextuality, globalisation, the author traces the aspects of transculturality in the process of the translations from Romanian to German. The success of the literary transfer is conditioned by the intra- and intercultural competence, by the knowledge of the identity factors, of the specific operational frame and of the key texts (translations or originals) from the literatures that come into contact with it. As in other countries, where there are specific basic cultural notions with a certain symbolic charge like „birch” in Russia, „hut” in the Czech republic, the traditional cultural universe affirmatively or polemically resorts to cultural words such as „plai” (poetic realm), „codru” (forest), „mioritic” (mioritical). Tracing by means of rich examples the history of translations, the author distinguishes the stages of translations motivated by philological, ethnographic, political interests and lastly and parallel to it, by aesthetical interests. These translations contribute to the identitary image of the Romanians, being normally recorded with an increased attention and sensibility. Concretely applying the discussed theoretical concepts on a text, the author presents the German translation of an essayistic text by Andrei Pleşu, arguing the possible interest of the German public for the writer, emphasizing the ironical hybrid and ludic signs that are important for the translation, with all untranslatabilities of the word games, in order to find at least an adequate, if not equivalent, transfer. The annotations and the translation (starting with the analysis of the title) constitute a demonstration of transculturality applied live.
In this work we aim to analyze the statute of the Romansh language and of its idioms in the Grison/Graubűnden Canton (Switzerland), from the Sursilvan lyrics perspective of Tresa Rűther-Seeli and her contemporary, Linard Candreia. Because of the massive split of the five Romanic idioms with own writing, of the fact that none of them had developed into a standard literary language, as well as of the massive decrease in the population who speaks them, the situation of these idioms becomes dramatic, in spite of and because of the intervention of the political factor to impose a standard official language – Romansh.
"Hoch soll er leben!" : Routineformeln als Forschungsaufgabe der phraseologischen Kontrastivik
Phraseological issues are of great interest to researchers in the field of German studies outside German-speaking countries as well. If one looks back upon the achievements and insights of phraseological research elsewhere, it becomes obvious that there are lots of areas of investigation still to be expanded, as far as the German and the Romanian languages are concerned. The research approaches suggested here are meant to highlight more specific aspects of linguistic phraseological material.
The paper focuses on aspects of comparative phraseology and paremioloy between two languages, German and Romanian and aims at disclosing differences and similarities in connection with proverbs and idioms on “the devil”. 112 items circling around “the devil” and its synonyms are being analyzed as to the life experience, world perspective and superstitions reflected in the proverbs, by drawing parallels between the equivalent structures functioning in the two languages, their form and content.
The lexeme „Deisam” in the sense of ‘sourdough’ is part of the vocabulary our ancestors brought with them from the German speaking space. Here in Transylvania the word gained its own meanings along the centuries, which is evidenced in particular word constructions, with interesting semantic content. These form the basis of linguistic processes of mixture and compensation within the whole vernacular landscape, which are typical for a colonial dialect. Since Transylvanian Saxon is assigned to the Franconian dialects of the Middle Rhine, in my exposition I also make reference to the Rhenish and Palatine lexicons. Dialectical references taken from the two dictionaries are identified in the footnotes.
In the present article Bernhard Schwaiger, a Latin language teacher at a school in Thüringen, treats some aspects of the greater or lesser importance of some objects of study, in this case of the foreign languages, importance that is usually determined aleatorily. The article becomes a pleading for the study of the Romanian language as one of the most interesting Romance languages, the Romanian culture being complex and the tourist landscape from Romania very interesting as well. The conclusion of the article is that it is very important for pupils on their way to identity construction to know all the cultural components of Europe, to submit to a critical analysis any object defined „from the outside” as important, because the European continent consists not solely of important countries and languages (such as France, Spain, England, Italy) but also of a multitude of other languages and cultures.
In Auszügen rezipiert – Bemerkungen zu der Übersetzung von Max Frischs Tagebüchern ins Rumänische
Romanian readers interested in Max Frisch’s literary diaries can find the Romanian translation of some heterogeneous notes or groups of notes, dispersed in different periodicals from 1972 to 2001, and the volume Journal (1984) including a selection of fragments from the diaries Tagebuch 1946-1949 and Tagebuch 1966-1971 translated by Corina Jiva. The present article emphasizes favorite as well as excluded thematic fields while making the selection and pinpoints the translator’s role as an authority endowed with preventive censorship.
Formelhafte Sprache als gattungskonstituierendes Element in Michel Beheims Vlad-Ţepeş-Gedicht
The 15th century medieval German poet Michel Beheim is a marginal (and in terms of his writing not very well thought of) figure in the realms of German literature. In his poetic oeuvre, a 1070 verses long poem about the Valachian nobleman and ruler Vlad Ţepeş, better known as the original Dracula, can be found. This poem will serve here as an example of late medieval literary achievements, typical for the literature of this century. A close analysis of its style will reveal certain poetological aspects, that are central to its structure of composition, but hitherto have not been closely investigated and revealed. These formal aspects include various instances of formulaic speech, such as double-formulae („men and women”, „the young and the old” etc.), formulaic episode endings („and he did many worse things” etc.), and others. The massed and purposeful application of these instances of formulaic speech leads to the conclusion, that these are part of the poetological framework which the author applied in order to fulfil the needs of a literature which was directed primarily to an auditory performance and served entertainment purposes mainly. The disclosure of these formulaic aspects in 15th century literature and its functional reinterpretation in a context of contemporary performance might help to re-evaluate the German literature of this not very well investigated and estimated century.