Germanistische Beiträge 34.2014
Year of publication
- 2014 (15)
Document Type
- Article (15)
- German (15)
Has Fulltext
- yes (15)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (15)
The present paper focuses on some aspects of the so called wooden language in the german newspaper published in Romania from the pre-revolutionary period, to be exact in the forms of expression of this language identified in the condolences messages on the death of the communist leaders Josef Wissarionowitsch Stalin and Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, which were published in the newspaper Neuer Weg (NW) (1953 respectively 1965). The theoretical point of view hold by the author is that of sociolinguistics and pragmalinguistics. At first, the concept wooden language is defined and its most important structural features and means of utterance are identified, the socio-historical background, that encourages the existence of the analysed phenomenon is also explained. The results of the analysis are presented further: the form of expression of the “wooden” statements, their morpho-syntactic, semantic, pragmatic-stylistic structure. The paper contains some final remarks on general characteristics of the written press.
The present contribution is meant as an approach to the debate mentioned in the heading. It is important to find ways, to make on one side the learning and the cultivation of the German language attractive for the young people and on the other side to regain again the peoples’ conscious, here and there, for the centuries-long German culture and history. Teachers of both sexes as well as the students who are going to become teachers are the future multipliers par excellence. Due to a variety of integral pedagogical and linguistic didactical concepts –meant simultaneously for transmitting information, meeting, exchange and networking – there have to be found innovative ideas, precise proposals have to be worked out, which both also strengthen the social relevance of the local Institutions and German Departments respectively Faculties, which qualify teachers for the German language and providing in this way a contribution to the harmonization of the civil society.
Das Projekt „Film-Sprache-Begegnung“ ist ein interkulturelles Sprachfördercamp, dass in Rumänien (Seligstadt) stattfindet. Über 30 Jugendliche im Alter von 13 bis 16 Jahren drehen innerhalb von zehn Tagen gemeinsam Spielfilme. Die Geschichten dafür entwickeln sie selbst. Sie verfassen Drehbücher und erlernen das Kamerahandwerk, sie arbeiten sich in filmtypische Aufgabenfelder wie Regie, Kamera, Ton, Licht und Schauspiel ein. Sie lernen die Tricks der digitalen Postproduktion kennen und werden am Ende zu richtigen Filmemachern/-innen, die stolz die Premiere ihrer Filme vor einem begeisterten Publikum feiern. Das Ziel des Camps ist aber nicht nur die Produktion von Spielfilmen. Es geht insbesondere darum, dass die Teilnehmer/ -innen Deutsch als Fremdsprache kommunikativ und zweckgebunden sprechen. Die Jugendlichen stammen aus Ländern wie Serbien, Kroatien und Rumänien. Dort erlernen sie überwiegend in der Schule Deutsch als Fremdsprache...
The following article documents a theater project with Romanian and German young people, which took place in April 2013 in Sibiu / Romania and questioned in this example conceptual entities of the concept of culture, in particular approaches to intercultural versus transcultural pedagogy.
The answer to the question – Which can be the best way to teach and to learn to understand foreign people and culture in ethnically, culturally and linguistically homogenous teaching contexts? – is simple: through language teaching and learning. This process is per definitionem the encounter between a culture of origin and a target culture. The process of learning and teaching foreign languages generates the encounter with languages and cultures, which implies on the one hand a comparison of different cultural contexts and on the other hand self-reflection.
Starting from data, which were collected based on a survey, the present contribution attempts to answer the following questions:
1. What is the role of foreign language teachers in ethnically, culturally and linguistically homogenous teaching contexts?
2. To what extent do foreign language teachers and students perceive the intercultural dimensions of foreign language education in such contexts?
Jugendliche aus Serbien, Kroatien, Ungarn und Rumänen produzieren gemeinsam Kurzfilme. Die medienpädagogische Jugendbegegnung bringt im Sommer 2013 jeweils Jugendliche zwischen 14 und 16 Jahren aus Serbien, Kroatien, Ungarn und Rumänien zusammen. Zusammen ist das Schlagwort des Camps in Sombor/Serbien, in welchem die Jugendlichen in Kleingruppen gemeinsam filmische sowie andere mediale Kleinproduktionen planen und durchführen. Dabei soll spielerisch eine Förderung der deutschen Sprache geschehen, welche für die Teilnehmenden die Zweitsprache ist. Im Vordergrund der Jugendbegegnung stehen die gemeinsamen Gruppenerfahrungen der Teilnehmenden, die intensive Sprachförderung und Sprechpraxis sowie die Heranführung an technische und ästhetische Medienarbeit...
This paper deals with German and Serbian idioms which contain the numeral seven (germ. Sieben, serb. sedam) in order to determine and analyse the different types of equivalence that exist between these German and Serbian idiomatic expressions. It is also an aim of this paper to define the semantics of the numeral seven or sedam, as the similarities and differences between German and Serbian provide interesting results. The results of this paper are to the benefit of the students in German studies, but also students who study German as a foreign language.
This contribution examines the cooperation between Ludwigsburg University of Education, the Danube-Swabian Cultural Foundation and to a lesser extent the German Academic Exchange Service with respect to partnerships and projects developed with educational institutions in South-Eastern Europe. This is followed by a critical assessment of the achievements so far with some suggestions for improvements and further developments.