470 Italische Sprachen; Latein
Document Type
- Book (3)
- Conference Proceeding (2)
- Article (1)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Review (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (8)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (8)
- Abba - Avis - Abbreviare (1)
- Akkusativ mit Infinitiv (1)
- Deutsch (1)
- Deutschland (1)
- Fundbericht (1)
- Geschichte 1400-1500 (1)
- Geschichte 1600-1800 (1)
- Glossar (1)
- Handschrift (1)
- Hermannstadt (1)
The structure Accusativus cum Infinitivo (AcI) has been observed in a number of languages, amongst them Latin. Morphologically it consists of an NPacc and a VPinf . In Latin however, a finer distinction has to be drawn, as was already noticed by Bolkestein (1976) who differentiates "between actual accusative cum infinitive clauses and constructions existing of an object-noun in the accusative caseform and a complementary infinitive"(1976:263).
Despite the great importance of the Latin language in the past, there are relatively few resources available today to develop modern NLP tools for this language. Therefore, the EvaLatin Shared Task for Lemmatization and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging was published in the LT4HALA workshop. In our work, we dealt with the second EvaLatin task, that is, POS tagging. Since most of the available Latin word embeddings were trained on either few or inaccurate data, we trained several embeddings on better data in the first step. Based on these embeddings, we trained several state-of-the-art taggers and used them as input for an ensemble classifier called LSTMVoter. We were able to achieve the best results for both the cross-genre and the cross-time task (90.64% and 87.00%) without using additional annotated data (closed modality). In the meantime, we further improved the system and achieved even better results (96.91% on classical, 90.87% on cross-genre and 87.35% on cross-time).
Die Untersuchung von graffiti writing als soziokulturelle Praxis hat sich zu einem Forschungstrend entwickelt, ohne dass bislang eine systematische Untersuchung dieses Phänomens vorlag. Diese Lücke schließt nun Lohmann mit einer Herausarbeitung der Charakteristika antiker Graffiti im Kontext pompejanischer Wohnkultur. ...
Thorsten Roelcke beleuchtet sowohl die Koexistenz als auch die Reflexion auf den Gebrauch von Volkssprache und Latein in Barock und Frühaufklärung. Dabei interessiert er sich insbesondere für die 'Arbeitsteilung' von Latein und Deutsch etwa in Kirche und Universität und für ihren Strukturvergleich unter grammatischen wie lexikalischen Gesichtspunkten im Hinblick auf die 'Eignung' der jeweiligen Sprache im Rahmen bestimmter (Spezial-)Kommunikationen.