550 Geowissenschaften
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The rapid characterisation of earthquake parameters such as its magnitude is at the heart of earthquake early warning (EEW). In traditional EEW methods, the robustness in the estimation of earthquake parameters has been observed to increase with the length of input data. Since time is a crucial factor in EEW applications, in this paper we propose a deep-learning-based magnitude classifier based on data from a single seismic station and further investigate the effect of using five different durations of seismic waveform data after first P-wave arrival: 1, 3, 10, 20 and 30 s. This is accomplished by testing the performance of the proposed model that combines convolution and bidirectional long short-term memory units to classify waveforms based on their magnitude into three classes: “noise”, “low-magnitude events” and “high-magnitude events”. Herein, any earthquake signal with magnitude equal to or above 5.0 is labelled as “high-magnitude”. We show that the variation in the results produced by changing the length of the data is no more than the inherent randomness in the trained models due to their initialisation. We further demonstrate that the model is able to successfully classify waveforms over wide ranges of both hypocentral distance and signal-to-noise ratio.
The rapid characterisation of earthquake parameters such as its magnitude is at the heart of Earthquake Early Warning (EEW). In traditional EEW methods the robustness in the estimation of earthquake parameters have been observed to increase with the length of input data. Since time is a crucial factor in EEW applications, in this paper we propose a deep learning based magnitude classifier and, further we investigate the effect of using five different durations of seismic waveform data after first P wave arrival of length 1s, 3s, 10s, 20s and 30s. This is accomplished by testing the performance of the proposed model that combines Convolution and Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory units to classify waveforms based on their magnitude into three classes "noise", "low magnitude events" and "high magnitude events". Herein, any earthquake signal with magnitude equal to or above 5.0 is labelled as high magnitude. We show that the variation in the results produced by changing the length of the data, is no more than the inherent randomness in the trained models, due to their initialisation.
Many active volcanoes in the world exhibit Strombolian activity, which is typically characterized by relatively frequent mild events and also by rare and much more destructive major explosions and paroxysms. Detailed analyses of past major and minor events can help to understand the eruptive behavior of the volcano and the underlying physical and chemical processes. Catalogs of volcanic eruptions may be established using continuous seismic recordings at stations in the proximity of volcanoes. However, in many cases, the analysis of the recordings relies heavily on the manual picking of events by human experts. Recently developed Machine Learning-based approaches require large training data sets which may not be available a priori. Here, we propose an alternative automated approach: the Adaptive-Window Volcanic Event Selection Analysis Module (AWESAM). This process of creating event catalogs consists of three main steps: (i) identification of potential volcanic events based on squared ground-velocity amplitudes, an adaptive MaxFilter, and a prominence threshold. (ii) catalog consolidation by comparing and verification of the initial detections based on recordings from two different seismic stations. (iii) identification and exclusion of signals from regional tectonic earthquakes. The software package is applied to publicly accessible continuous seismic recordings from two almost equidistant stations at Stromboli volcano in Italy. We tested AWESAM by comparison with a hand-picked catalog and found that around 95 percent of the eruptions with a signal-to-noise ratio above three are detected. In a first application, we derive a new amplitude-frequency relationship from over 290.000 volcanic events at Stromboli during 2019-2020. The module allows for a straightforward generalization and application to other volcanoes worldwide.
A study on small magnitude seismic phase identification using 1D deep residual neural network
• We use 1D-ResNet-based architecture for seismic phase detection.
• We report a 4% improvement in earthquake detection as compared to previous methods.
• We show the model generalization ability on the STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD).
• We show its robustness by masking phases of low magnitude with various noise levels.
Reliable seismic phase identification is often challenging especially in the circumstances of low-magnitude events or poor signal-to-noise ratio. With improved seismometers and better global coverage, a sharp increase in the volume of recorded seismic data has been achieved. This makes handling seismic data rather daunting by using traditional approaches and therefore fuels the need for more robust and reliable methods. In this study, we develop 1D deep Residual Neural Network (ResNet), for tackling the problem of seismic signal detection and phase identification. This method is trained and tested on the dataset recorded by the Southern California Seismic Network. Results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve robust performance for the detection of seismic signals and the identification of seismic phases. Compared to previously proposed deep learning methods, the introduced framework achieves around 4% improvement in earthquake detection and a slightly better performance in seismic phase identification on the dataset recorded by Southern California Earthquake Data Center. The model generalizability is also tested further on the STanford EArthquake Dataset. In addition, the experimental result on the same subset of the STanford EArthquake Dataset, when masked by different noise levels, demonstrates the model’s robustness in identifying the seismic phases of small magnitude.
Earthquake detection and seismic phase picking play a crucial role in the travel-time estimation of P and S waves, which is an important step in locating the hypocenter of an event. The phase-arrival time is usually picked manually. However, its capacity is restricted by available resources and time. Moreover, noisy seismic data present an additional challenge for fast and accurate phase picking. We propose a deep learning-based model, EPick, as a rapid and robust alternative for seismic event detection and phase picking. By incorporating the attention mechanism into UNet, EPick can address different levels of deep features, and the decoder can take full advantage of the multi-scale features learned from the encoder part to achieve precise phase picking. Experimental results demonstrate that EPick achieves 98.80% accuracy in earthquake detection over the STA/LTA with 80% accuracy, and for phase arrival time picking, EPick reduces the absolute mean errors of P- and S- phase picking from 0.072 s (AR picker) to 0.030 s and from 0.189 s (AR picker) to 0.083 s, respectively. The result of the model generalization test shows EPick’s robustness when tested on a different seismic dataset.
Earthquake detection and seismic phase picking not only play a crucial role in travel time estimation of body waves(P and S waves) but also in the localisation of the epicenter of the corresponding event. Generally, manual phase picking is a trustworthy and the optimum method to determine the phase arrival time, however, its capacity is restricted by available resources and time. Moreover, noisy seismic data renders an additional critical challenge for fast and accurate phase picking. In this study, a deep learning based model, EPick, is proposed which benefits both from U shaped neural network (also called UNet)and attention mechanism, as a strong alternative for seismic event detection and phase picking. On one hand, the utilization of UNet structure enables addressing different levels of deep features. On the other hand, attention mechanism promotes the decoder in the UNet structure to focus on the efficient exploitation of the low-resolution features learned from the encoder part to achieve precise phase picking. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that EPick achieves better performance over the benchmark method, and show the models robustness when tested on a different seismic dataset.
CREIME: A Convolutional Recurrent model for Earthquake Identification and Magnitude Estimation
The detection and rapid characterisation of earthquake parameters such as magnitude are of prime importance in seismology, particularly in applications such as Earthquake Early Warning (EEW). Traditionally, algorithms such as STA/LTA are used for event detection, while frequency or amplitude domain parameters calculated from 1-3 seconds of first P-arrival data are sometimes used to provide a first estimate of (body wave) magnitude. Owing to extensive involvement of human experts in parameter determination, these approaches are often found to be insufficient. Moreover, these methods are sensitive to the signal to noise ratio and may often lead to false or missed alarms depending on the choice of parameters. We, therefore, propose a multitasking deep learning model the Convolutional Recurrent model for Earthquake Identification and Magnitude Estimation (CREIME) that: (i) detects the first earthquake signal, from background seismic noise, (ii) determines first P arrival time as well as (iii) estimates the magnitude using the raw 3-component waveform data from a single station as model input. Considering, speed is of essence in EEW, we use up to two seconds of P-wave information which, to the best of our knowledge, is a significantly smaller data window (5 second window with up to of P wave data) compared to the previous studies. To examine the robustness of CREIME we test it on two independent datasets and find that it achieves an average accuracy of 98 percent for event vs noise discrimination and is able to estimate first P arrival time and local magnitude with average root mean squared errors of 0.13 seconds and 0.65 units, respectively. We also compare CREIME architecture with architectures of other baseline models, by training them on the same data, and also with traditional algorithms such as STA/LTA, and show that our architecture outperforms these methods.
CREIME — A Convolutional Recurrent Model for Earthquake Identification and Magnitude Estimation
The detection and rapid characterization of earthquake parameters such as magnitude are important in real-time seismological applications such as Earthquake Monitoring and Earthquake Early Warning (EEW). Traditional methods, aside from requiring extensive human involvement can be sensitive to signal-to-noise ratio leading to false/missed alarms depending on the threshold. We here propose a multitasking deep learning model—the Convolutional Recurrent model for Earthquake Identification and Magnitude Estimation (CREIME) that: (a) detects the earthquake signal from background seismic noise, (b) determines the first P wave arrival time, and (c) estimates the magnitude using the raw three-component waveforms from a single station as model input. Considering, that speed is essential in EEW, we use up to 2 s of P wave information which, to the best of our knowledge, is a significantly smaller data window compared to the previous studies. To examine the robustness of CREIME, we test it on two independent data sets and find that it achieves an average accuracy of 98% for event versus noise discrimination and can estimate first P-arrival time and local magnitude with average root mean squared errors of 0.13 s and 0.65 units, respectively. We compare CREIME with traditional methods such as short-term-average/long-term-average (STA/LTA) and show that CREIME has superior performance, for example, the accuracy for signal and noise discrimination is higher by 4.5% and 11.5%, respectively, for the two data sets. We also compare the architecture of CREIME with the architectures of other baseline models, trained on the same data, and show that CREIME outperforms the baseline models.
Key Points
* We use a novel sequence-to-sequence mapping to train a deep learning model to detect an earthquake, pick the P-wave arrival and estimate its magnitude
* The proposed model can perform reasonably well with 5 s windows containing only up to 2 s of P wave data
* We show that our model can outperform traditional methods like short-term-average/long-term-average (STA/LTA) and the existing deep learning models
Plain Language Summary
The detection of earthquakes and rapid determination of parameters such as magnitude is crucial in Earthquake Monitoring and Earthquake Early Warning (EEW). Existing methods used to make such estimations are empirical and require expert analysts to define involved parameters, which is quite challenging. They are also sensitive to noise, which could lead to erroneous results. In this paper, we propose the Convolutional Recurrent model for Earthquake Identification and Magnitude Estimation (CREIME) which is capable to detect an earthquake within 2 s of the first P wave arrival and provides a first estimate for its magnitude. We test the model on two independent data sets to demonstrate its generalizability. CREIME successfully discriminates between seismic events and noise with an average accuracy of 98% and can estimate first P-arrival time and local magnitude with average root mean squared errors of 0.13 s and 0.65 units, respectively. We also show that CREIME can perform better than traditional methods like STA/LTA and previously published deep learning architectures in the context of rapid characterization.
Many active volcanoes exhibit Strombolian activity, which is typically characterized by relatively frequent mild volcanic explosions and also by rare and much more destructive major explosions and paroxysms. Detailed analyses of past major and minor events can help to understand the eruptive behavior of volcanoes and the underlying physical and chemical processes. Catalogs of these eruptions and, specifically, seismo-volcanic events may be generated using continuous seismic recordings at stations in the proximity of volcanoes. However, in many cases, the analysis of the recordings relies heavily on the manual picking of events by human experts. Recently developed Machine Learning-based approaches require large training data sets which may not be available a priori. Here, we propose an alternative user-friendly, time-saving, automated approach labelled as: the Adaptive-Window Volcanic Event Selection Analysis Module (AWESAM). This strategy of creating seismo-volcanic event catalogs consists of three main steps: 1) identification of potential volcanic events based on squared ground-velocity amplitudes, an adaptive MaxFilter, and a prominence threshold. 2) catalog consolidation by comparing and verifying the initial detections based on recordings from two different seismic stations. 3) identification and exclusion of signals from regional tectonic earthquakes. The strength of the python package is the reliable detection of very small and frequent events as well as major explosions and paroxysms. Here, it is applied to publicly accessible continuous seismic recordings from two almost equidistant stations at Stromboli volcano in Italy. We tested AWESAM by comparison with a hand-picked catalog and found that around 95% of the seismo-volcanic events with a signal-to-noise ratio above three are detected. In a first application, we derive a new amplitude-frequency relationship from over 290.000 seismo-volcanic events at Stromboli during 2019–2020 which were detected by AWESAM. The module allows for a straightforward generalization and application to other volcanoes with frequent Strombolian activity worldwide. Furthermore, this module can be implemented for volcanoes with rarer explosions.
We revise the high pressure, high temperature phase diagram of CaCO3 using Raman spectroscopy in conjunction with laser heated diamond anvil cell experiments. We confirm numerous aspects of earlier studies, including a recent X-ray diffraction study about the stability field of CaCO3-VII. Our Raman results show that CaCO3-VII is stable in the lower mantle at a depth of 690–1010 km. Our DFT calculations show that the phase transition from aragonite to CaCO3-VII at ≈25 GPa and from CaCO3-VII to post-aragonite at ≈40 GPa are accompanied by density changes of 2% and 3.5%, respectively. Shear sound velocities change by 9% and −12% across the transitions, respectively. Hence, a sufficient amount, at least locally, of CaCO3 in the Earth’s mantle can be detectable by an increase of the shear velocity at 690 km and a decrease of the shear velocity at 1010 km depths.