C15 Simulation Methods
Document Type
- Working Paper (6)
Has Fulltext
- yes (6)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (6)
- Bayesian Analysis (2)
- DSGE Estimation (2)
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (2)
- Bayesian Estimation (1)
- Behandlungskapazität (1)
- Deutschland (1)
- Dunkelziffer (1)
- Epidemiologic model (1)
- Epidemiologisches Modell (1)
- Firmenkundengeschäft (1)
The author proposes a Differential-Independence Mixture Ensemble (DIME) sampler for the Bayesian estimation of macroeconomic models.It allows sampling from particularly challenging, high-dimensional black-box posterior distributions which may also be computationally expensive to evaluate. DIME is a “Swiss Army knife”, combining the advantages of a broad class of gradient-free global multi-start optimizers with the properties of a Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC). This includes fast burn-in and convergence absent any prior numerical optimization or initial guesses, good performance for multimodal distributions, a large number of chains (the “ensemble”) running in parallel, an endogenous proposal density generated from the state of the full ensemble, which respects the bounds of the prior distribution. The author shows that the number of parallel chains scales well with the number of necessary ensemble iterations.
DIME is used to estimate the medium-scale heterogeneous agent New Keynesian (“HANK”) model with liquid and illiquid assets, thereby for the first time allowing to also include the households’ preference parameters. The results mildly point towards a less accentuated role of household heterogeneity for the empirical macroeconomic dynamics.
In this paper we adapt the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) estimator to DSGE models, a method presently used in various fields due to its superior sampling and diagnostic properties. We implement it into a state-of-theart, freely available high-performance software package, STAN. We estimate a small scale textbook New-Keynesian model and the Smets-Wouters model using US data. Our results and sampling diagnostics confirm the parameter estimates available in existing literature. In addition, we find bimodality in the Smets-Wouters model even if we estimate the model using the original tight priors. Finally, we combine the HMC framework with the Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) algorithm to create a powerful tool which permits the estimation of DSGE models with ill-behaved posterior densities.
In this paper we adopt the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) estimator for DSGE models by implementing it into a state-of-the-art, freely available high-performance software package. We estimate a small scale textbook New-Keynesian model and the Smets-Wouters model on US data. Our results and sampling diagnostics confirm the parameter estimates available in existing literature. In addition we combine the HMC framework with the Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) algorithm which permits the estimation of DSGE models with ill-behaved posterior densities.
Mit einem um die Behandlungskapazität des Gesundheitssystems erweiterten epidemiologischen SIRD-Modell werden Mechanismen und Dynamik einer Virusepidemie wie Corona anhand von stilisierten politischen Reaktionsmustern (Ignore, Shutdown, Ignore-Shutdown-Relax) simuliert. Ferner werden aus dem Modell Lehren für die statistische Analyse von Corona gezogen, wie die Aussagekraft publizierter Verdopplungszeiten und Reproduktionszahlen. Die Dunkelziffer unbestätigter Fälle und die im Epidemieverlauf variable Genauigkeit von medizinischen Infektionstests werden diskutiert. Zur Messung der medizinischen Kosten von Corona sowie für regionale und internationale Vergleiche wird ein Schadensindex der verlorenen Lebenszeit vorgeschlagen. Zuletzt geht die Arbeit kurz auf die ökonomischen Kosten von Corona in Deutschland ein.
This paper addresses whether and to what extent econometric methods used in experimental studies can be adapted and applied to financial data to detect the best-fitting preference model. To address the research question, we implement a frequently used nonlinear probit model in the style of Hey and Orme (1994) and base our analysis on a simulation stud. In detail, we simulate trading sequences for a set of utility models and try to identify the underlying utility model and its parameterization used to generate these sequences by maximum likelihood. We find that for a very broad classification of utility models, this method provides acceptable outcomes. Yet, a closer look at the preference parameters reveals several caveats that come along with typical issues attached to financial data, and that some of these issues seems to drive our results. In particular, deviations are attributable to effects stemming from multicollinearity and coherent under-identification problems, where some of these detrimental effects can be captured up to a certain degree by adjusting the error term specification. Furthermore, additional uncertainty stemming from changing market parameter estimates affects the precision of our estimates for risk preferences and cannot be simply remedied by using a higher standard deviation of the error term or a different assumption regarding its stochastic process. Particularly, if the variance of the error term becomes large, we detect a tendency to identify SPT as utility model providing the best fit to simulated trading sequences. We also find that a frequent issue, namely serial correlation of the residuals, does not seem to be significant. However, we detected a tendency to prefer nesting models over nested utility models, which is particularly prevalent if RDU and EXPO utility models are estimated along with EUT and CRRA utility models.
In recent years new methods and models have been developed to quantify credit risk on a portfolio basis. CreditMetrics (tm), CreditRisk+, CreditPortfolio (tm) are among the best known and many others are similar to them. At first glance they are quite different in their approaches and methodologies. A comparison of these models especially with regard to their applicability on typical middle market loan portfolios is in the focus of this study. The analysis shows that differences in the results of an application of the models on a certain loan portfolio is mainly due to different approaches in approximating default correlations. That is especially true for typically non-rated medium-sized counterparties. On the other hand distributional assumptions or different solution techniques in the models are more or less compatible.