The Salamanca Working Paper Series
'The School of Salamanca. A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of its Juridical-Political Language' is a project building a digital text corpus including more than 120 works of the Salmantine jurists and theologians in selected prints from the 16th and 17th centuries and a complementary historic dictionary of circa 300 essential terms of the Salmantine School's juridic-politic language, bringing together international and interdisciplinary research perspectives. It is funded by the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz, and hosted at the Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History and the Institute of Philosophy at Goethe-University, both in Frankfurt/Main.
The Project's peer-reviewed Working Paper Series aims to reflect the thematic and disciplinary variety of the School and the transnational history of its reception. It features research articles by the project staff as well as of other authors.
More information is available at
Document Type
- Working Paper (15)
Has Fulltext
- yes (15)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (15)
- School of Salamanca (3)
- Domingo de Soto (2)
- 16. Jahrhundert (1)
- 16th Century (1)
- 16th century (1)
- 16th-17th century (1)
- 17th century (1)
- Alfonso de Castro (1)
- Alonso de la Veracruz (1)
- American Indians (1)
2021, 01
The "Suma de tratos y contratos" (1569-1571) by Tomás de Mercado is the first legal treatise on trade that explicitly takes into account the specificities of Spanish trade with the Indias. Tomás de Mercado was faced with very profound changes in trade: long distances, large convoy sizes, the need for large amounts of funding, high risk, variations in prices and the value of money...
From a theological-legal point of view, these upheavals posed new and complex questions.
Mercado, advisor to the merchants of Seville and an excellent knowledge of New Spain, analyses the sudden transformation of economic and juridical practice with finesse and realism. The 'Suma' is thus an extraordinary real-time testimony to the profound transformations taking place in 16th century commerce.
Moreover, faced with fundamental questions of moral order and juridical legitimacy, Mercado proposes legal solutions of high equilibrium in which theological imperatives are masterfully reconciled with the needs of transatlantic commercial practice.
2020, 01
Erasmus, christlicher Humanismus und Spiritualität in Spanien und Neu-Spanien (16. Jahrhundert)
Schriften des Erasmus von Rotterdam (1466/69–1536) entfalteten während des 16. Jahrhunderts eine große Wirkung in Spanien. Auf Grundlage der klassischen wie der jüngeren Historiographie widmet sich der Aufsatz diesem religions- und kulturgeschichtlichen Phänomen – mit Seitenblicken auf Luther – in vier Teilen: Nach einer Skizze zu Leben und Werk des christlichen Humanisten behandelt der zweite Teil den Erasmianismus in Spanien von seiner Erfolgsgeschichte in den 1520er Jahren (etwa bei Hof, an den Universitäten und in Übersetzungen) bis zur Verfolgung seiner Anhänger seit den 1530er Jahren durch die Inquisition. Drittens werden neuere Forschungstendenzen diskutiert, die das klassische, von Marcel Bataillon geprägte Bild korrigieren und weiterentwickeln, auch im Hinblick auf das ambivalente Verhältnis von Scholastik und Humanismus. Der letzte Teil widmet sich dem Einfluss des Erasmus in Neuspanien (Mexiko) am Beispiel von (Erz-) Bischöfen und Mönchen sowie von frühkolonialen Fallstudien.
2019, 02
This paper focuses on the life and work of three of the most important men who arrived in the Philippines during the 16th century: the Augustinian Martín de Rada (1533–1578) studied at the universities of Paris and Salamanca. He was one of the best European scientists of his time in East Asia. The Dominican Domingo de Salazar (1512–1594), first bishop of Manila, studied the legitimacy of the conquest of the Philippines and wrote against the Spanish plan to conquest China. The Dominican Juan Cobo (? –1592) was the first Spanish to master the Chinese language and, through his book Shilu, the first European who introduced Christianity to the Chinese from a rational point of view and the first one to introduce European science into Chinese context. All of them were very influenced by the School of Salamanca and, from Manila, they always had their eyes on China. These three men of the late 16th century are paradigmatic examples of the influence of the University of Salamanca in the production of global knowledge in the early modernity.
2019, 01
Visibility and digital accessibility of the School of Salamanca in a linked open-data environment
This paper raises the bibliographic and technological approach to increasing visibility and accessibility of the work of the School of Salamanca in the current technological state of the web. The objective is to avoid the cultural effect of not acting in this field, for which authors draw an analogy with Plantin's privilege in 16th-Century Spanish printing. The Virtual Library of the School of Salamanca is described as a Linked Open-Data resource about the authors of this school and their digitized works, in which the relationships between authors and concepts are crucial. For this purpose, different properties of the DBpedia ontology are used, and the descriptions of the authors are systematically linked to other Linked Open-Data resources. All descriptions (authors, works and concepts) are offered in Europeana Data Model and MARC 21. Also discussed are the advantages of Wikipedia and Wikidata in increasing visibility.
A summary of this text was presented at the international conference organized by the Max Planck Institute for the History of European Law: "The School of Salamanca: A Case of Global Knowledge Production?", held in Buenos Aires from 24th to 26th October 2018.
2018, 3
The School of Salamanca, and Iberian late Scholasticism in general, had the merit of transposing the wisdom of medieval scholasticism into the coordinates of early modernity. Due to the economic growth after the discovery of America, economic terms and moral problems become a central focus for moral theologians. In this article, I consider important key economic concepts that deliver a surprising wealth of insights into the modernization brought about by the leading scholars of the time. Social mobility, the principle of majority decision, the inviolability of property, human rights of the person, limited political power of the pope, and other key concepts that were decisive for the development of democracy and modernity are to be found in the works of the School of Salamanca in connection with economic issues.
2018, 2
La Escuela de Salamanca ha sido considerada desde hace tiempo como un fenómeno español, ibérico o europeo. Se subraya también siempre que su influencia se extendió desde Salamanca al resto del mundo, llegando hasta América y Asia ¿Es, sin embargo, esta perspectiva realmente adecuada para analizar la indiscutible importancia de la Escuela en la construcción de un lenguaje jurídico-político? ¿No se trataría, más bien, de un caso de producción global de conocimiento a abordar más desde las metodologías de la historia del conocimiento que desde las propias de la historia de la ciencia? Si tenemos en cuenta, además, que la Escuela de Salamanca no fue, meramente, una comunidad de discurso erudita, sino también una comunidad de producción de normas pragmáticas, estos interrogantes se vuelven aún más acuciantes. En este working paper se recogen algunas reflexiones sobre los interrogantes mencionados, pretendiendo que sirvan de base para las discusiones que tendrán lugar en las jornadas La Escuela de Salamanca, ¿un ejemplo de producción global de conocimiento?, a celebrar en octubre de 2018. El presente working paper es, además, un trabajo preparativo para la contribución a un volumen colectivo dedicado a este mismo tema.
2018, 1
Ideally located in the writer's position of the voice "contractus (& quasi contractus)" of the Dictionary, the author of this paper tries to discover the difficulties that his drafting could imply. The difficulties encountered come mainly from the chronology and the diversity of profiles between the members of the Salamanca School that deal with contracts, from the unusual historical and material extension of the elements they work with and from the need to understand their methods, their initial assumptions and the aims they pursue. At the end, some practical considerations are offered to the voice's drafting.
2015, 5
Historical scholarship on the sixteenth-century neo-scholastic debate about American Indians generally centers on the thought of Francisco de Vitoria. Focusing on Alfonso de Castro’s short treatise Utrum indigenae (1543), this paper challenges both an exclusive concentration on Vitoria as well as the received contention that the thought of the School of Salamanca rendered a single, unified view of Amerindians. In Utrum indigenae, Castro argued that American Indians should be instructed in liberal arts and theology thus constructing a strikingly different image of the peoples of the New World as compared to accounts by Vitoria or Francisco Suárez. While the historian Martin Nesvig has recently proposed an Erasmian humanist contextualization of Castro’s treatise, I argue that the image of American Indians presented in Utrum indigenae testifies to an alternative, novel way of writing about American Indians from within the framework of the School of Salamanca which has so far remained unnoticed.
2015, 4
El artículo, después de haber tratado la cuestión del tiranicidio en Tomás de Aquino y en Bartolo de Sassoferrato, muestra cómo Francisco de Vitoria, consciente de las soluciones que ofrecen los autores anteriores a él, afronta el argumento de forma innovadora, aunque en línea con la tradición anterior. En la base de la solución que propone Vitoria, se encuentra, en efecto, la afirmación de un derecho a la auto-defensa, entendido como derecho natural inalienable que reside en los individuos y en las comunidades; un derecho que siempre lo pueden ejercer los súbditos en relación con un gobernante que se convierte en tirano. Vitoria expresa de este modo el principio de resistencia a la autoridad injusta e ilegal en los términos de un derecho subjetivo, el de la auto-defensa, pero, al mismo tiempo, señala los límites afirmando la necesidad de cada individuo de respetar y someterse a un orden de justicia objetivo. De aquí su prohibición a un particular de matar a un hombre, aunque sea un tirano, sin un justo procedimiento jurídico. Así pues, el artículo muestra, a través del debate sobre la licitud del tiranicidio cómo en la obra de Vitoria se encuentra una teoría sólida de la soberanía juntamente con la afirmación tenaz de derechos naturales individuales. En efecto, Vitoria retoma, por una parte, una tradición de pensamiento para la que la formación de las sociedades políticas era la consecuencia de la sociabilidad natural de los hombres; y por otra, desarrollaba una teoría coherente de los derechos subjetivos a partir de la necesidad misma de los individuos de asociarse los unos con los otros para los fines de una vida éticamente justa y gratificante.
2015, 3
Estudio de la producción científica sobre la Escuela de Salamanca en los últimos años y perspectivas de futuro. Se plantea la dificultad de delimitación temporal de la Escuela y se propone la ampliación de su ámbito de estudio, no sólo a los temas tradicionales como la teología (moral, el problema del mal, la polémica De auxiliis), el derecho (el derecho natural y los derechos humanos, la soberanía, la guerra justa,…) y la economía (la propiedad privada, el dinero, el valor y el precio, el interés), sino también a problemas científicos sobre el espacio, el tiempo y otros.