Agent, causer and instrument PPs in Greek : implications for verbal structure

  • In this paper we investigate the distribution of PPs related to external arguments (agent, causer, instrument, causing event) in Greek. We argue that their distribution supports an analysis, according to which agentive/instrument and causer PPs are licensed by distinct functional heads, respectively. We argue against a conceivable alternative analysis, which links agentivity and causation to the prepositions themselves. We furthermore identify a particular type of Voice head in Greek anticausative realised by non-active Voice morphology.
Author:Artemis AlexiadouORCiDGND, Elena AnagnostopoulouORCiDGND
Editor:Clair Halpert, Jeremy Hartman, David Hill
Document Type:Preprint
Date of Publication (online):2008/09/23
Year of first Publication:2008
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2008/09/23
GND Keyword:Griechisch; Präposition
Page Number:16
Preprint, erschienen in: Clair Halpert ; Jeremy Hartman ; David Hill (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop in Greek Syntax and Semantics at MIT, Cambridge, MA : Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT, 2009, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics ; 57
Source: ; (to appear in:) MIT Working Papers in Linguistics
Dewey Decimal Classification:4 Sprache / 40 Sprache / 400 Sprache
Linguistik-Klassifikation:Linguistik-Klassifikation: Syntax
Licence (German):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht