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Migration, acculturation and culture change in western temperate Eurasia

  • After the introduction of the pottery tradition of La Hoguette and contemporaneous research on Earliest LBK about 10 to 15 years ago, research onthe spread of farming in Central Europe had somewhat stagnated; there were hardly any major advances in factual knowledge, nor could theoretical models be refined. In the last few years, however, an abundance of new data has appeared, partly deriving from botanical and anthropological analyses. Furthermore, newly available results from excavations in European Russia widenour understanding of the manifold and complex changes occurring during the latter 7th and 6th millennium cal BC.
  • Po uvedbi keramične tradicije La Hoguette in sočasnih raziskavah zgodnje LTK pred okoli 10 do 15 leti, so raziskave širjenja kmetovanja v srednji Evropi nekoliko zastale; skoraj nobenega napredka ni bilo v faktografskem znanju, niti nismo izboljševali teoretičnih modelov. V zadnjih letih pa se je pojavilo veliko novih podatkov, ki izvirajo deloma iz botaničnih in antropoloških analiz. Poleg tega so sedaj dostopni tudi rezultati izkopavanj v evropskem delu Rusije, kar razširja naše razumevanje raznovrstnosti in kompleksnosti sprememb, ki so se dogajale v času poznega 7. in v 6. tisočletju cal BC.

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Author:Detlef GronenbornORCiDGND
Parent Title (German):Documenta Praehistorica
Publisher:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
Place of publication:Ljubljana
Document Type:Article
Date of Publication (online):2003/01/01
Date of first Publication:2003/01/01
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2020/12/30
Tag:Central Europe; Eastern Europe; Neolthic; acculturation; forager horticulturists
Page Number:13
First Page:79
Last Page:91
Institutes:Philosophie und Geschichtswissenschaften / Geschichtswissenschaften
Dewey Decimal Classification:9 Geschichte und Geografie / 93 Geschichte des Altertums (bis ca. 499), Archäologie / 930 Geschichte des Altertums bis ca. 499, Archäologie
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen