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This article aims to historicise the stages in which Italy and Germany attempted to come to terms with a material heritage strongly contaminated by their respective dictatorial pasts. The analysis of three chronologically consecutive phases reveals that German approaches were very similar to corresponding developments in Italy in terms of both chronological and qualitative changes. A close look at the municipal level also shows how difficult it continued to be for political leaders in both countries to arrive at a widely shared consensus about the right way to commemorate the crimes of their respective dictatorships. Today, both countries are faced with the task of defining new ways of dealing critically with the remnants of a tainted past in a rapidly changing political environment.
The case of the financial scientist Karl Helfferich is one of the most spectacular «revolving door» incidents between academia, business and politics in the late Empire and early Weimar Republic. The historical judgement of Helfferich, however, is shaped by his polemical agitation against the so-called fulfilment policy after the First World War, as well as against Matthias Erzberger and Walther Rathenau in particular. This essay aims at a more differentiated view of Helfferich and draws on texts left by Helfferich himself, some of which are autobiographical, in order to make his position in and between the various «systems» clear. His career in the Wilhelmine era is described and his contribution to the difficult negotiations on the construction of the Baghdad Railway and to overcoming inflation is discussed. The end of the Empire also brought an end to this career of power-based expertise. While Helfferich’s bitterness about the end of the empire was vented in polemics, his sobriety and expertise continued to come to the fore in debates on financial, budgetary and monetary policy. Helfferich’s career is only superficially a case of a «revolving door» in that expertism and his supposedly superior expertise always determined his self-image and his uncompromising manner of appearance and argumentation differed significantly from the habitus of other politicians of the early Weimar Republic.
Anmerkungen zum Problem der Geschossgewichte für Ballisten aus Vitruvs De architectura 10,11,3
Der Beitrag behandelt eine Reihe von Problemen in Vitruvs De architectura 10,10-16, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf der Übersicht über die Geschossgewichte römischer Ballisten in 10,11,3. Es wird die These vertreten, dass Vitruv einen veröffentlichten griechischen Text und nicht eine Vorlesungsmitschrift aus seiner Architektenausbildung verwendet hat. Bei diesem Text handelt es sich entweder um ein unbekanntes Werk über den Geschützbau („Belopoiika“) oder um das verlorene Werk eines Agesistratos. Bei der Übersetzung der Angaben in 10,11,3 ist Vitruv ein gravierender Umrechnungsfehler unterlaufen, indem er die Geschossgewichte von griechischen Minen in römische Pfund mit dem Faktor 1:2 statt 1:1,33 Periode übersetzt hat. Dieser Fehler wurde in der bisherigen Forschung erstmals 1975 von OTTO LENDLE erkannt, sein Beitrag aber nicht zur Kenntnis genommen.
Hans Michael Schellenberg : Anmerkungen zum Problem der Geschossgewichte für Ballisten aus Vitruvs De architectura 10,11,3. S. 1-53
Christian Michel : Rezension zu: Ronald A. Bleeker, Aspar and the Struggle for the Eastern Roman Empire, AD 421-71. S. 54-56
Alexander Reis : Rezension zu: Benjamin Hartmann, The Scribes of Rome. A Cultural and Social History of the Scribae. S. 57-61
Harald Lehenbauer : Eine bisher unbekannte Abbildung eines römischen Burgus am norischen Limes aus dem Jahr 1756? S. 1-30
Winfried Kumpitsch : Rezension zu: Silvester Kreisel, Alte Feste in neuer Zeit. Zur Entwicklung der paganen Festkultur unter dem Einfluss des spätantiken Christentums. S. 31-34
Rainer Wiegels : Rezension zu: Johannes Wienand, Der politische Tod. Gefallenenbestattung und Epitaphios Logos im demokratischen Athen. S. 35-43