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Hrvatske koordinativne složenice

Copulative compounds in Croatian

  • Prema opisima u suvremenim hrvatskim gramatikama dalo bi se zaključiti da hrvatski koordinativne složenice ili ne poznaje ili da ih je toliko malo da ne traže opis. U članku se podsjeća da je u starijim gramatikama o njima bilo riječi, a da svojom suvremenom količinom i različitim ostvarajima (imeničke, pridjevske, priložne, sa spojnicima -o- i -0-) gramatički opis itekako zaslužuju. Pokazuje se zbog kojih se svojih odlika takve složenice mogu smatrati riječima, a ne spojevima riječi, sintagmama. Na primjeru jezika Anke Žagar pokazuje se da model koordinativnih složenica kao potencija može unutar poezije poprimiti i jezičnostvaralačke inačice.
  • According to descriptions in modern Croatian grammar books, one might concludethat there are either no copulative compounds in Croatian or that they are so scarce in number that they do not require any description. The paper is a reminder both of their descriptions in older Croatian grammar books and of the need for their grammatical description, owing to their number and a variety of realisations. Some Croatian nominal copulative compounds are e.g. grad-država ‘citystate’ (Gr. πόλις), točka-zarez ‘semicolon’ (lit. full stop-comma), sjeverozapad ‘North-West’; some adjectival ones are e.g. crno-bijel ‘black and white’, crvenobijelo- plav ‘red, white, and blue’, nov-star ‘new--old’; some adverbial ones are e.g. danas-sutra ‘before long’ (lit. today-tomorrow), zbrda-zdola ‘helter-skelter’, brže-bolje ‘in a hurry’ (lit. faster-better). The paper indicates the characteristics due to which these compounds should be considered words and not phrases – they do not display the characteristics of appositive phrases, they cannot be subject to the coordination ellipsis and their internal flexion does not disqualify them as words, even though Croatian recognizes internal flexion (in indefinite pronouns with the suffixoid -god, e.g. štogod – G čegagod). The language of poet Anka Žagar is used to illustrate how a pattern of copulative compounding can also acquire creative linguistic variations, which is another piece of evidence for the claim that a pattern of copulative compounding does exist in Croatian.

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Verfasserangaben:Ivan Marković
Titel des übergeordneten Werkes (Kroatisch):Rasprave : časopis Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje
Verlag:Institut za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje <Zagreb>
Dokumentart:Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Datum der Veröffentlichung (online):23.08.2011
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung:2010
Veröffentlichende Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Datum der Freischaltung:23.08.2011
GND-Schlagwort:Morphologie <Linguistik>; Wortbildung; Kopulativkompositum; Zagar; Anka
Ausgabe / Heft:1
Erste Seite:71
Letzte Seite:95
Quelle:(in:) Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, 36, 2010, S. 71-95
Institute:keine Angabe Fachbereich / Extern
DDC-Klassifikation:4 Sprache / 49 Andere Sprachen / 490 Andere Sprachen
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht