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Ispred, iza, u i oko – gdje sve mogu doći prijedlozi

Before, after, in and around – the Placement of Prepositions in Word Order

  • U redu riječi prijedlozi imaju relativno stalno mjesto po kojemu su i nazvani – predlažu se ispred riječi na koju se odnose. U gramatikama se još spominje i postpozicija, kad prijedlozi dolaze iza riječi na koju se odnose (svemu unatoč...). U ovom radu prijedlozi se ne promatraju na morfološkoj razini, dakle na razini jedne riječi, nego se promatraju kao funkcionalna skupina koja uključuje i višerječne prijedložne izraze. Analizom su obuhvaćene i sveze riječi, odnosno koligacije temeljene na gramatičkoj uvjetovanosti sastavnica, a koje tvore jednu značenjsku cjelinu. Ta dva metodološka pomaka u percepciji prijedloga i u percepciji riječi pokazuju da se prijedlog može naći i u drugim pozicijama te se u radu analizira gdje se sve u rečenici mogu naći prijedlozi.
  • The most important role of prepositions is relational; they connect fullmeaning words logically and syntactically. Given that the primary function is relational, a preposition typically grammatically interrelates with another constituent (called its complement). Prepositions have a relatively fixed position in word order and are usually placed before their complement (they are pre-positioned and are thus called prepositions). The postposition is also mentioned in Croatian grammars – when the preposition comes after the constituent (svemu unatoč). Analyses show that there are other positions of prepositions than these mentioned. Prepositions are part of frequent collocations that are actually one syntactic and semantic unit. Prepositions can be found in separately, as two parts of one unit (od grada do grada, s vremena na vrijeme), and also in direct contact (do potkraj šezdesetih godina). They can be placed in series and stylistically marked (pleonastic expressions – zbog poradi kojekakvih razloga, or elliptical phrases čaj sa šećerom ili bez).

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Author:Goranka Blagus BartolecGND, Ivana Matas Ivanković
Parent Title (Croatian):Rasprave : časopis Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje
Place of publication:Zagreb
Document Type:Article
Date of Publication (online):2016/10/13
Year of first Publication:2014
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2016/10/13
Tag:circumposition; colligation; contact position; elliptical position; interposition; preposition; word order
cirkumpozcija; distaktna pozicija; eliptična pozicija; interpozicija; koligacija; kontaktna pozicija; pleonastična pozicija; postpozicija; prepozicija; prijedlozi; red riječi
Page Number:16
First Page:361
Last Page:376
Rights: Papers published in this journal can be used for personal or educational purposes while respecting the rights of authors and publishers.
Dewey Decimal Classification:4 Sprache / 49 Andere Sprachen / 490 Andere Sprachen
Licence (German):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht