Spielformen in der rumäniendeutschen und rumänischen Lyrik der siebziger Jahre : ein komparatistischer Versuch

  • The present article studies the language plays within the German poetry in Romania and Romanian Poetry during the 1970s. The paper focuses on the language plays resulting from both intertextuality and hypertextuality as well as on the deconstruction of language in poetry by the use of language in rhyme, alliteration, homophony and homonymy in order to find similarities between the verse of two literatures written within a decade. The study researches what significance language plays have for the German poetry of Romania and for the Romanian poetry during 1970s, how and why they manifest resemblances respectively differences.

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Author:Delia CotârleaGND
Parent Title (German):Germanistische Beiträge
Publisher:Lehrstuhl für Germanistik an der Lucian-Blaga-Universität Sibiu/Hermannstadt
Place of publication:Sibiu / Hermannstadt
Document Type:Article
Year of Completion:2011
Year of first Publication:2011
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2022/01/20
Tag:counter-culture discourse; infiltration of the official discourse; language play; socially/politically engaged poetry
Page Number:27
First Page:93
Last Page:119
Dewey Decimal Classification:8 Literatur / 83 Deutsche und verwandte Literaturen / 830 Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur
8 Literatur / 85 Italienische, rumänische, rätoromanische Literaturen / 850 Italienische, rumänische, rätoromanische Literaturen
Sammlungen:Germanistik / GiNDok
Zeitschriften / Jahresberichte:Germanistische Beiträge / Germanistische Beiträge 28.2011
Licence (German):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht