- We study light cluster and hypernuclei production in heavy-ion collisions from SIS to RHIC energies based on the n-body dynamical transport approach PHQMD (Parton-Hadron-Quantum-Molecular-Dynamics). In PHQMD clusters are formed dynamically due to the interactions between baryons described on the basis of Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) which allows to propagate the n-body Wigner density and n-body correlations in phase-space, which is essential for the cluster formation. The clusters are identified by the MST (Minimum Spanning Tree) or the SACA (‘Simulated Annealing Cluster Algorithm’) algorithm which finds the most-bound configuration of nucleons and clusters. Collisions among hadrons as well as Quark-Gluon-Plasma formation and parton dynamics in PHQMD are treated in the same way as in the PHSD (Parton-Hadron-String-Dynamics) transport approach. We study the time evolution of the cluster formation in the expanding medium and the stability of the clusters. We present a comparison of the PHQMD results for d, 3He as well as for the hypernuclei with experimental data.