530 Physik
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The properties of the 𝑋(3872) and its spin partner, the 𝑋(4014), are studied both in vacuum and at finite temperature. Using an effective hadron theory based on the hidden-gauge Lagrangian, the 𝑋(3872) is dynamically generated from the 𝑠-wave rescattering of a pair of pseudoscalar and vector charm mesons. By incorporating the thermal spectral functions of open charm mesons, the calculation is extended to finite temperature. Similarly, the properties of the 𝑋(4014) are obtained out of the scattering of charm vector mesons. By applying heavy-quark flavor symmetry, the properties of their bottom counterparts in the axial-vector and tensor channels are also predicted. All the dynamically generated states show a decreasing mass and acquire an increasing decay width with temperature, following the trend observed in their meson constituents. These results are relevant in relativistic heavy-ion collisions at high energies, in analyses of the collective medium formed after hadronization, or in femtoscopic studies, and can be tested in lattice-QCD calculations exploring the melting of heavy mesons at finite temperature.
Properties of the Tcc(3875)⁺ and Tc̄c̄(3875)⁻ and their heavy-quark spin partners in nuclear matter
We discuss the modification of the properties of the tetraquark-like Tcc(3875)+ and Tc¯c¯(3875)− states in dense nuclear matter. We consider the T+cc and T−c¯c¯ in vacuum as purely isoscalar D∗D and D¯¯¯¯∗D¯¯¯¯ S-wave bound states, respectively, dynamically generated from a heavy-quark effective interaction between the charmed mesons. We compute the D, D¯¯¯¯, D∗, and D¯¯¯¯∗ spectral functions embedded in a nuclear medium and use them to determine the corresponding T+cc and T−c¯c¯ self energies and spectral functions. We find important modifications of the D∗D and D¯¯¯¯∗D¯¯¯¯ scattering amplitudes and of the pole position of these exotic states already for ρ0/2, with ρ0 the normal nuclear density. We also discuss the dependence of these results on the D∗D (D¯¯¯¯∗D¯¯¯¯) molecular component in the T+cc (T−c¯c¯ ) wave-function. Owing to the different nature of the D(∗)N and D¯¯¯¯(∗)N interactions, we find characteristic changes of the in-medium properties of the Tcc(3875)+ and Tc¯c¯(3875)−, which become increasingly visible as the density increases. The experimental confirmation of the found distinctive density-pattern will give support to the molecular picture of these tetraquark-like states, since in the case they were colourless compact quark structures the density behaviour of their respective nuclear medium spectral functions would likely be similar. Finally, we perform similar analyses for the isoscalar JP=1+ heavy-quark spin symmetry partners of the T+cc (T∗+cc) and the T−c¯c¯ (T∗−c¯c¯) by considering the D∗0D∗+ and D¯¯¯¯∗0D∗− scattering T−matrices.
We discuss the modification of the properties of the tetraquark-like Tcc(3875)+ and Tc¯c¯(3875)− states in dense nuclear matter. We consider the T+cc and T−c¯c¯ in vacuum as purely isoscalar D∗D and D¯¯¯¯∗D¯¯¯¯ S-wave bound states, respectively, dynamically generated from a heavy-quark effective interaction between the charmed mesons. We compute the D, D¯¯¯¯, D∗, and D¯¯¯¯∗ spectral functions embedded in a nuclear medium and use them to determine the corresponding T+cc and T−c¯c¯ self energies and spectral functions. We find important modifications of the D∗D and D¯¯¯¯∗D¯¯¯¯ scattering amplitudes and of the pole position of these exotic states already for ρ0/2, with ρ0 the normal nuclear density. We also discuss the dependence of these results on the D∗D (D¯¯¯¯∗D¯¯¯¯) molecular component in the T+cc (T−c¯c¯ ) wave-function. Owing to the different nature of the D(∗)N and D¯¯¯¯(∗)N interactions, we find characteristic changes of the in-medium properties of the Tcc(3875)+ and Tc¯c¯(3875)−, which become increasingly visible as the density increases. The experimental confirmation of the found distinctive density-pattern will give support to the molecular picture of these tetraquark-like states, since in the case they were colourless compact quark structures the density behaviour of their respective nuclear medium spectral functions would likely be similar. Finally, we perform similar analyses for the isoscalar JP=1+ heavy-quark spin symmetry partners of the T+cc (T∗+cc) and the T−c¯c¯ (T∗−c¯c¯) by considering the D∗0D∗+ and D¯¯¯¯∗0D∗− scattering T−matrices.
We discuss the modification of the properties of the tetraquark-like Tcc(3875)+ and Tc¯c¯(3875)− states in dense nuclear matter. We consider the T+cc and T−c¯c¯ in vacuum as purely isoscalar D∗D and D¯¯¯¯∗D¯¯¯¯ S-wave bound states, respectively, dynamically generated from a heavy-quark effective interaction between the charmed mesons. We compute the D, D¯¯¯¯, D∗, and D¯¯¯¯∗ spectral functions embedded in a nuclear medium and use them to determine the corresponding T+cc and T−c¯c¯ self energies and spectral functions. We find important modifications of the D∗D and D¯¯¯¯∗D¯¯¯¯ scattering amplitudes and of the pole position of these exotic states already for ρ0/2, with ρ0 the normal nuclear density. We also discuss the dependence of these results on the D∗D (D¯¯¯¯∗D¯¯¯¯) molecular component in the T+cc (T−c¯c¯ ) wave-function. Owing to the different nature of the D(∗)N and D¯¯¯¯(∗)N interactions, we find characteristic changes of the in-medium properties of the Tcc(3875)+ and Tc¯c¯(3875)−, which become increasingly visible as the density increases. The experimental confirmation of the found distinctive density-pattern will give support to the molecular picture of these tetraquark-like states, since in the case they were colourless compact quark structures the density behaviour of their respective nuclear medium spectral functions would likely be similar. Finally, we perform similar analyses for the isoscalar JP=1+ heavy-quark spin symmetry partners of the T+cc (T∗+cc) and the T−c¯c¯ (T∗−c¯c¯) by considering the D∗0D∗+ and D¯¯¯¯∗0D∗− scattering T−matrices.
In this work, we delve into the temperature-dependent Equation of State (EoS) of baryonic matter within the framework of the FSU2H* hadronic model, which comprehensively incorporates hyperons and is suitable for relativistic simulations of neutron star mergers and supernovae. To assess the impact of the uncertainties in the hyperonic sector on astrophysical observables, we introduce two additional models, namely FSU2H*L (FSU2H*-Lower) and FSU2H*U(FSU2H*-Upper). These models cover the entire spectrum of variability of hyperonic potentials, as derived from experimental data. Our investigations reveal that these uncertainties extend their influence not only to the relative abundances of various particle species but also to the EoS itself and, consequently, have an impact on the global properties of both cold and hot neutron stars. Notably, their effects become more pronounced at large temperatures, owing to the increased presence of hyperons. These findings have direct implications for the outcomes of relativistic simulations of neutron star mergers and supernovae, emphasizing the need of accounting for hyperonic uncertainties to ensure the accuracy and reliability of such simulations in astrophysical contexts.
Hyperons during proto-neutron star deleptonization and the emission of dark flavoured particles
Complementary to high-energy experimental efforts, indirect astrophysical searches of particles beyond the standard model have long been pursued. The present article follows the latter approach and considers, for the first time, the self-consistent treatment of the energy losses from dark flavoured particles produced in the decay of hyperons during a core-collapse supernova (CCSN). To this end, general relativistic supernova simulations in spherical symmetry are performed, featuring six-species Boltzmann neutrino transport, and covering the long-term evolution of the nascent remnant proto-neutron star (PNS) deleptonization for several tens of seconds. A well-calibrated hyperon equation of state (EOS) is therefore implemented into the supernova simulations and tested against the corresponding nucleonic model. It is found that supernova observables, such as the neutrino signal, are robustly insensitive to the appearance of hyperons for the simulation times considered in the present study. The presence of hyperons enables an additional channel for the appearance of dark sector particles, which is considered at the level of the Λ hyperon decay. Assuming massless particles that escape the PNS after being produced, these channels expedite the deleptonizing PNS and the cooling behaviour. This, in turn, shortens the neutrino emission timescale. The present study confirms the previously estimated upper limits on the corresponding branching ratios for low and high mass PNS, by effectively reducing the neutrino emission timescale by a factor of two. This is consistent with the classical argument deduced from the neutrino detection associated with SN1987A.
Hyperons during proto-neutron star deleptonization and the emission of dark flavoured particles
Complementary to high-energy experimental efforts, indirect astrophysical searches of particles beyond the standard model have long been pursued. The present article follows the latter approach and considers, for the first time, the self-consistent treatment of the energy losses from dark flavored particles produced in the decay of hyperons during a core-collapse supernova (CCSN). To this end, general relativistic supernova simulations in spherical symmetry are performed, featuring six-species Boltzmann neutrino transport, and covering the long-term evolution of the nascent remnant proto-neutron star (PNS) deleptonization for several tens of seconds. A well-calibrated hyperon equation of state (EOS) is therefore implemented into the supernova simulations and tested against the corresponding nucleonic model. It is found that supernova observables, such as the neutrino signal, are robustly insensitive to the appearance of hyperons for the simulation times considered in the present study. The presence of hyperons enables an additional channel for the appearance of dark sector particles, which is considered at the level of the Λ hyperon decay. Assuming massless particles that escape the PNS after being produced, these channels expedite the deleptonizing PNS and the cooling behaviour. This, in turn, shortens the neutrino emission timescale. The present study confirms the previously estimated upper limits on the corresponding branching ratios for low and high mass PNS, by effectively reducing the neutrino emission timescale by a factor of two. This is consistent with the classical argument deduced from the neutrino detection associated with SN1987A.
We discuss the effects induced by the potential presence of hyperons in hot and ultra-dense matter within the context of neutron star mergers. Specifically, we address their effect on the dominant post-merger frequency of the gravitational waves. By performing a simulation campaign with a large sample of hyperonic and nucleonic equations of state, we explicitly show that the unique thermal behavior of hyperonic equations of state results in a systematic shift of the dominant frequency with respect to the nucleonic reference level. The predicted shift has values of up to 150 Hz, and it could be detected with the newest generations of gravitational wave detectors. Thus this approach opens a new path for signaling the presence of hyperons in neutron star remnant matter.
We study the damping of density oscillations in the quark matter phase that might occur in compact stars. To this end we compute the bulk viscosity and the associated damping time in three-flavor quark matter, considering both nonleptonic and semileptonic electroweak processes. We use two different equations of state of quark matter, more precisely, the MIT bag model and perturbative QCD, including the leading-order corrections in the strong coupling constant. We analyze the dependence of our results on the density, temperature and value of strange quark mass in each case. We then find that the maximum of the bulk viscosity is in the range of temperature from 0.01 to 0.1 MeV for frequencies around 1 kHz, while the associated minimal damping times of the density oscillations at those temperatures might be in the range of few to hundreds milliseconds. Our results suggest that bulk viscous damping might be relevant in the postmerger phase after the collision of two neutron stars if deconfined matter is achieved in the process.
Abstract. Since its first detection, the interesting properties of the Tcc(3875)+ have made it to be one of the most prominent tetraquark-like states up to date. In this work we present a joint analysis of the T+cc and its charge-conjugated partner in a dense nuclear medium. We start by considering both states as purely isoscalar D* D and D¯*D¯ S -wave bound states, respectively. We use previous results for the in-medium D, D¯*D¯, D* and D* spectral functions to determine the modified two-meson amplitudes. We find important changes in the in-medium mass and width of both tetraquark-like resonances, which become more visible when increasing the nuclear density and molecular probabilities. The experimental confirmation of the found distinctive patterns will support the existence of molecular components in the T+cc and T-c¯c¯ wave functions.