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The generalized Gauss reduction algorithm

  • We generalize the Gauss algorithm for the reduction of two dimensional lattices from the l2-norm to arbitrary norms and extend Vallee's analysis [J. Algorithms 12 (1991), 556-572] to the generalized algorithm.
Author:Michael KaibGND, Claus Peter SchnorrGND
Parent Title (English):auch in: Journal of algorithms
Document Type:Article
Date of Publication (online):2005/07/19
Year of first Publication:1994
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2005/07/19
Page Number:13
First Page:1
Last Page:13
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Institutes:Informatik und Mathematik / Mathematik
Informatik und Mathematik / Informatik
Dewey Decimal Classification:5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 51 Mathematik / 510 Mathematik
Licence (German):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht