- Consistent with its statutory responsibility, the National Library compiles the current ‘National Bibliography of Mauritius’ every year. The object of the current National Bibliography is to list every new work printed and published in and on Mauritius, to describe it in detail and give its bibliographical data and subject matter as precisely as possible. The National Bibliography is considered as a useful information tool, which gives access to the National Library’s Mauritiana Collection. It contains works printed in Mauritius during that period and deposited at the National Library, under the Legal Deposit Regulations and also those acquired through other sources. It includes books, society newsletters, government publications, current serials, reports, company accounts and reports, school magazines and newspapers. The first ‘National Bibliography of Mauritius’ for the years 1996 to 2000 was published in 2002. The second ‘National Bibliography of Mauritius’ for the years 2001 to 2003 was published in May 2005.