Dancing cheek to cheek with cheek : the historical meanderings and phraseological productivity of the word

  • In the sections that follow we shall be concerned with analyzing the semantic evolution of the noun cheek in the history of English. The semantics of the lexical item under scrutiny will be examined with reference to its two aspects, that is (1) the semantic potential of the analysed lexical unit in its primary, etymological sense (sense A) and its secondary senses (senses B > E), (2) as well as the secondary senses emerging from various phraseological units which echo the nominal sense B (henceforth B-related senses). The analysis proposed here continues the area of research initiated in Wieclawska (2009a, 2009b), Wieclawska 2010, Kleparski and Wieclawska (2010) and Wieclawska (2011), the target of which are semantic changes and phraseological productivity of lexical items variously related to the conceptual macrocategory BODY PARTS. The methodological apparatus employed here is the one that follows the theoretical frames developed by, among others, Kleparski (1996, 1997, 2002), Kieltyka (2008, 2010) that may be referred to as representing much cognitivistic spirit of semantic analysis.

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Author:Edyta Więclawska, Grzegorz KleparskiGND
Parent Title (German):Uniwersytet Rzeszowski: Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego / Seria filologiczna / Studia anglica Resoviensia
Publisher:Wydawn. Uniw. Rzeszowskiego
Place of publication:Rzeszów
Document Type:Article
Date of Publication (online):2013/12/03
Year of first Publication:2011
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2013/12/03
GND Keyword:Englisch; Etymologie; Bedeutungswandel; Diachronie; Bedeutung; Semantik
Psyndex Keyword:Körperteil
Page Number:10
First Page:367
Last Page:376
Institutes:Extern / Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) Mannheim
Dewey Decimal Classification:4 Sprache / 42 Englisch, Altenglisch / 420 Englisch, Altenglisch
Linguistik-Klassifikation:Linguistik-Klassifikation: Phraseologie/Idiomatik / Phraseology/Idioms
Licence (German):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht