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• In survival analyses, 3-year BCR-free survival rates were 95% in pT2 ISUP4/5 vs. 88% in pT3/4 ISUP2 vs. 65% in pT3/4 ISUP3 patients.
• Compared to prostate cancer patients with pT2 ISUP4/5 pathology, the combination of pT3/4 ISUP3 pathology is associated with higher BCR rate after RP.
• Conversely, BCR rates in patients with pT3/4 ISUP2 and pT2 ISUP4/5 pathology were comparable.
• Therefore, patients with pT3/4 ISUP3 should be considered for a closer follow-up.
Background: To test for differences in organ-confined pathological tumor stage (pT) and intermediate International Society of Urological Pathologists (ISUP) grade vs. nonorgan confined pT stage and high ISUP grade and biochemical recurrence (BCR) after radical prostatectomy (RP).
Methods: Relying on a tertiary-care database, prostate cancer patients undergoing RP between January 2014 and December 2021 were stratified according to their combination of pT stage and ISUP grade in RP specimens (pT2 ISUP4/5 vs. pT3/4 ISUP2 vs. pT3/4 ISUP3). As Active Surveillance is recommended in ISUP1, these patients were excluded. Moreover, patients with pT2 ISUP2/3 are known for their good prognosis and pT3/4 ISUP4/5 patients for their poor prognosis. Therefore, these patients were also excluded from analyses. Kaplan-Meier survival analyses and multivariable Cox regression models addressed BCR after RP.
Results: Of 215 RP patients, 29 (13%) exhibited pT2 ISUP4/5 vs. 122 (57%) pT3/4 ISUP2 vs. 64 (30%) pT3/4 ISUP3 pathology. In survival analyses, 3-year BCR-free survival rates were 95% in pT2 ISUP4/5 vs. 88% in pT3/4 ISUP2 vs. 65% in pT3/4 ISUP3 patients (P < 0.001). In multivariable Cox regression models addressing BCR, pT3/4 ISUP3 pathology was associated with higher BCR rate relative to pT2 ISUP4/5 pathology (hazard ratio 3.42, 95% confidence interval 1.07-10.94; P = 0.039), but not pT3/4 ISUP2 pathology (P = 0.6).
Conclusion: Compared to prostate cancer patients with pT2 ISUP4/5 pathology, the combination of pT3/4 ISUP3 pathology is associated with higher risk of BCR after RP. In consequence, patients with pT3/4 ISUP3 pathology should be considered for a closer postoperative follow-up.
• Time to mCRPC and OS differences can be observed for De Novo vs. secondary mHSPC patients.
• After stratification according to metastatic disease volume, patients with DNHV mHSPC harbored the worst outcomes, while patients with SecLV mHSPC harbored best prognosis.
• These effects can also be observed after progression to mCRPC.
Objective: In recently published phase III trials, overall survival (OS) differences were demonstrated in patients with secondary vs. De Novo and low vs. high volume metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC). We hypothesized that these factors may also be attributable in real-world setting of new intensified combination therapies and in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patients.
Materials and methods
We relied on an institutional tertiary-care database to identify mHSPC and subsequent mCRPC patients. The main outcome consisted of time to mCRPC and OS. Patients were stratified according to De Novo vs. secondary and low vs. high volume mHSPC and mCRPC, respectively.
Results: Of 504 mHSPC patients, 371 (73.6%) were De Novo vs. 133 (26.4%) secondary mHSPC. Patients with De Novo and high volume mHSPC harbored shorter time to mCRPC and OS than secondary and low volume mHSPC patients (both P < 0.01). After stratification regarding disease volume, median time to mCRPC differed significantly between De Novo high volume (DNHV) vs. De Novo low volume (DNLV) vs. secondary high volume (SecHV) vs. secondary low volume mHSPC patients (SecLV, P < 0.001). Similarly in OS analyses, median OS was 44 vs. 53 vs. 88 vs. 120 months for respectively DNHV vs. SecHV vs. SecLV vs. DNLV mHSPC (P < 0.001). After progression to mCRPC, the effect of onset of metastatic disease and metastatic volume was still observed (all P < 0.01).
Conclusion: Patients with DNHV mHSPC harbor worse prognosis in a real world setting and in the light of combination therapies. This effect is also discernible in the context of mCRPC.
Dentale Implantate werden immer häufiger zum Ersatz fehlender Zähne verwendet. Vor zwanzig Jahren betrug die Anzahl der jährlich gesetzten Implantate circa 380.000, mittlerweile werden in Deutschland jährlich circa 1,3 Millionen Implantate inseriert. Das Interesse an einer zuverlässigen Reinigungsmethode für ossäre Implantate wird stetig größer. Wie bei den natürlichen Zähnen, können auf der Implantatoberfläche persistierende Mikroorgansimen gravierende Komplikationen auslösen, die die Langlebigkeit der Implantatversorgung beeinflussen können. Nicht selten kommt es zu einer Biofilm-assoziierten Entzündung des periimplantären Weichgewebes, auch Mukositis genannt. Unbehandelt geht sie in eine Periimplantitis über , bei der es zu einer Schädigung des Implantat-Knochen-Verbundes kommt. Für eine Reosseointegration und einer langfristigen Perspektive der Implantatversorgung ist die vollständige Eliminierung der pathogenen Beläge obligat. Ein neues Reinigungsverfahren soll die Behandlung revolutionieren und die Wiederherstellung gesunder periimplantärer Verhältnisse sichern. Neu bei dieser Methode ist die elektrolytische Reaktion (Elektrolyse), die eine Bildung von Wasserstoff (H2) an der Implantatoberfläche hervorruft. Dabei entstehen Gasblasen, die den an der Implantatoberfläche haftenden Biofilm sanft ablösen. Für die gewünschte Reosseointegration ist eine biologische und strukturelle Unversehrtheit der Implantatoberfläche essentiell. Die Evaluierung der Oberflächengüte nach elektrolytsicher Reinigung ist Ziel dieser in-vitro Studie. Untersucht wurden drei verschiedene Oberflächenmorphologien (Prüfgruppe1= maschiniert Grade 4, Prüfgruppe 2= gestrahlt Grade 4, Prüfgruppe 3= gestrahlt und geätzt Grade 4). Jede Prüfgruppe bestand aus je 10 Prüfkörpern. Alle Prüfkörper waren mit zwei Prüfflächen (PF) versehen. Sie sollten sowohl leicht zugängliche (gPF) als auch schwer zugängliche (sPF) Areale der Implantate imitierten. Die Untersuchung der Prüfkörper bestand aus struktur- und elementaranalytischen Verfahren. Für die visuelle Inspektion wurde das Rasterelektronenmikroskop (REM) gewählt. Die quantitative Elementanalyse erfolgte mittels einer energiedispersiven Röntgenspektroskopie (EDX). Zur Messung der mittleren Rauigkeit wurde die konfokale 3-D Laserscanningmikroskopie verwendet. Alle Prüfgruppen wurden dreimal untersucht: vor der Reinigung (vor R), nach der Reinigung (nach R) und nach Biofilmentfernung (BR), sowie miteinander verglichen, um mögliche Oberflächenveränderungen der jeweiligen Untersuchungsphase zuordnen zu können. Die erhobenen Daten im unbehandelten Zustand dienten in der Untersuchung als Referenz und wurden als Ausgangszustand der Prüfkörper festgelegt. Die Auswertung der REM - Ergebnisse ergab deutlich, dass bei den Prüfgruppen Sb und SbAe zu keinem Zeitpunkt der Untersuchung signifikante Veränderungen an der Implantatoberfläche zu beobachten waren. Bei der Prüfgruppe Sb wurden weder strukturelle Ab/-Auftragungen wie zum Beispiel Risse oder Kratzer, noch signifikante Schwankungen im elementaren Massenanteil dokumentiert. Die Prüfgruppen M und SbAe zeigte bei der EDX Analyse teilweise signifikante Veränderungen. Die Rauigkeitsmessung wurde nicht berücksichtigt. Die Wiederholungsmessungen (Mehrfachmessungen unter identischen Bedingungen) zeigten hohe Schwankungen der Messwerte. Eine aussagekräftige Beurteilung war nicht möglich. Die gängigen Implantate weisen ein makroskopisch und mikroskopisch komplexes Oberflächenprofil auf, was einen positiven Einfluss auf die (Re-) Osseointegration hat aber zeitgleich die mikrobielle Besiedlung und damit das Fortschreiten der Entzündungsprozesse begünstigt152. Vor allem die schwerzugänglichen Mikrostrukturen der Implantatoberflächen stellen eine große Hürde bezüglich der vollständigen Keimbefreiung dar. Trotz der Vielzahl zur Verfügung stehender Reinigungsverfahren ist aktuell keiner bekannten Methode die Wiederherstellung des gesunden periimplantären Hart- und Weichgewebes auch in Kombination mit einer Reosseointegration der zuvor kontaminierten Implantatoberfläche zuverlässig gelungen. Die Auswertung dieser Versuchsreihe zeigt, dass das untersuchte elektrolytische Reinigungsverfahren - im Gegensatz zu den gängigen Reinigingsmethoden - keinerlei visuelle Qualitätseinbüße der Implantatoberfläche mit sich bringt. Es konnte eine vollständig strukturelle und größtenteils elementare Stabilität der verschiedenen Implantatoberflächen bewiesen werden. Mithilfe dieses Verfahrens wäre erstmals auch eine in-vivo Reosseointegration nach einer Periimplantitis denkbar. Für die Implantologie ist dies ein erheblicher Fortschritt und revolutioniert die Behandlung periimplantärer Erkrankungen. Weitere Studien sind für die Bestärkung dieser Erkenntnisse erforderlich.
Background and objective: With approval of novel systemic therapies within the past decade for metastatic hormone-sensitive (mHSPC) and castration-resistant (mCRPC) prostate cancer, patients may receive several therapy lines. However, the use of these treatments is under an ongoing change. We investigated contemporary treatment trends and progression-free (PFS) and overall (OS) survival of different therapy lines.
Methods: Relying on our institutional tertiary-care database, we identified mHSPC and mCRPC patients. The main outcome consisted of treatment changes (estimated annual percentage change [EAPC]) within the past decade, as well as PFS and OS for different mHSPC and mCRPC treatment lines.
Key findings and limitations: In 1098 metastatic patients, the median age was 70 yr with a median of two systemic therapy lines. For first-line mCRPC between 2013 and 2023, androgen deprivation monotherapy (ADT) monotherapy usage decreased significantly from 31% to 0% (EAPC -38.3%, p < 0.001), while the administration of chemotherapy increased from 16.7% to 33.3% (EAPC: +10.1%, p < 0.001). The PFS/OS rates of mHSPC patients was 21/67 mo, and those for first-, second-, third-, fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-line mCRPC patients were 11/47, eight of 30, seven of 24, six of 19, seven of 17, and seven of 13 mo, respectively. With an increased number of new combination therapy lines received, the median OS in mCRPC improved from 26 mo (one systemic treatment) to 52 mo (two or more lines of systemic treatment).
Conclusions and clinical implications: Significant changes in treatment patterns could be observed for mHSPC and mCRPC patients within the past decade, and usage of ADT monotherapy has decreased rapidly in real-world practice. Moreover, PFS decreases significantly with every therapy line, and OS increases with the implementation of new therapies.
Patient summary: Improvements in the real-world setting regarding the usage of combination therapies for metastatic hormone-sensitive and castration-resistant prostate cancer were made, which is reflected in contemporary survival outcomes.
Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the bladder (LELC-B) is a rare histologic subtype characterized by strong immune cell (IC) infiltrates. A better prognosis and favorable response rates to immune checkpoint inhibitors have been described. We aimed to characterize the molecular profiles and IC infiltration of LELC-B for a better understanding of its therapeutic implications. We identified 11 muscle-invasive bladder cancer cases with pure and mixed LELC-B. Programmed cell death ligand-1 (PD-L1) expression and mismatch repair proteins were evaluated using immunohistochemistry. We calculated the tumor mutational burden and characterized mutational profiles using whole-exome DNA sequencing data. Transcriptomic signatures were detected using the NanoString nCounter PanCancer IO360 Panel. Multiplex immunofluorescence of tumor microenvironment (PD-L1, PanCK, α-SMA, vimentin, CD45, and Ki67) and T cells (CD4, CD3, PD-1, CD163, CD8, and FoxP3) was used to quantify cell populations. All LELC-B cases were highly positive for PD-L1 (median tumor proportion score/tumor cell, 70%; range, 20%-100%; median combined positive score, 100; range, 50-100) and mismatch repair proficient and negative for Epstein-Barr virus infection. IC infiltrates were characterized by a high CD8+ T-cell count and high PD-1/PD-L1 expression on immune and tumor cells. LELC-B showed upregulation of signaling pathways involved in IC response. Most common mutations were found in chromatin remodeling genes causing epigenetic dysregulation. All LELC-B cases showed high tumor mutational burden with a median of 39 mutations/Mb (IQR, 29-66 mutations/Mb). In conclusion, LELC-B is a highly immunogenic tumor, showing strong upregulation of PD-1/PD-L1 and making immune checkpoint inhibitors a promising treatment option.
Introduction and objective: Muscle-invasive urothelial bladder cancer (MIBC) is associated with limited response rates to systemic therapy, risk of recurrence and death. Tumor infiltrating immune cells have been associated with outcome and response to chemo-and immunotherapy in MIBC. We aimed to profile the immune cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME) to predict prognosis in MIBC and responses to adjuvant chemotherapy.
Methods: We performed multiplex immunohistochemistry (IHC) profiling and quantification of immune and stromal cells (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD163, FoxP3, PD-1, and CD45, Vimentin, αSMA, PD-L1, Pan-Cytokeratin, Ki67) in 101 patients with MIBC receiving radical cystectomy. We used uni- and multivariate survival analyses to identify cell types predicting prognosis. Samples were subdivided using K-means clustering for Treg and macrophage infiltration resulting in 3 clusters, Cluster 1: Treg high, cluster 2: macrophage high, cluster 3: Treg and macrophage low. Routine CD68 and CD163 IHC were analyzed with QuPath in an extended cohort of 141 MIBC.
Results: High concentrations of macrophages were associated with increased risk of death (HR 10.9, 95% CI 2.8-40.5; p < 0.001) and high concentrations of Tregs were associated with decreased risk of death (HR 0.1, 95% CI 0.01-0.7; p = 0.03) in the multivariate Cox-regression model adjusting for adjuvant chemotherapy, tumor and lymph node stage. Patients in the macrophage rich cluster (2) showed the worst OS with and without adjuvant chemotherapy. The Treg rich cluster (1) showed high levels of effector and proliferating immune cells and had the best survival. Cluster 1 and 2 both were rich in PD-1 and PD-L1 expression on tumor and immune cells.
Conclusion: Treg and macrophage concentrations in MIBC are independent predictors of prognosis and are important players in the TME. Standard IHC with CD163 for macrophages is feasible to predict prognosis but validation to use immune-cell infiltration, especially to predict response to systemic therapies, is required.
Background: Tensiomyography measures the radial displacement of a muscle during an electrically evoked twitch contraction. Different concepts to determine the rate of displacement (Vc) from the maximum twitch exist, but information on their reproducibility is scarce. Further, different inter-stimuli intervals during progressive stimulation are used, but the effect of different intervals on Vc is unclear.
Objectives: The first aim of this study was to investigate the within and between-day reliability of the five most frequently used Vc concepts. The second aim was to investigate the effect of different inter-stimuli intervals on Vc.
Methods: On two consecutive days, we determined Vc of the biceps femoris long head and rectus femoris of twenty-four healthy subjects. The maximum displacement was determined twice within three minutes on day one and a third time 24 h later. Also, on day two, we applied three blocks of ten consecutive stimuli at a constant intensity of 50 mA, separated by 3 min each. Inter-stimuli intervals in randomly ordered blocks were 10 s, 20 s or 30 s, respectively.
Results: All Vc concepts displayed good to excellent relative (ICC 0.87–0.99) and generally good absolute within- and between-day reliability for both muscles. Across Vc-concepts, absolute reliability was higher for the rectus femoris (CV% 1.3–7.95%) compared to the biceps femoris (CV% 6.06–15.30%). In both muscles, Vc was generally not affected by different inter-stimuli intervals. For most Vc concepts, repeated stimulation induced an increase regardless of the inter-stimuli interval, but this effect was mainly trivial and small at most.
Conclusions: The reproducibility of Vc concepts was generally good but varies between different muscles. A rest interval of 10 s seems preferable to longer intervals for less time required per measurement. Following this initial study, the effect of different inter-stimuli intervals on Vc should be further investigated.
This expert opinion paper on cardiac imaging after acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) includes a statement of the “Heart and Brain” consortium of the German Cardiac Society and the German Stroke Society. The Stroke Unit-Commission of the German Stroke Society and the German Atrial Fibrillation NETwork (AFNET) endorsed this paper. Cardiac imaging is a key component of etiological work-up after stroke. Enhanced echocardiographic tools, constantly improving cardiac computer tomography (CT) as well as cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offer comprehensive non- or less-invasive cardiac evaluation at the expense of increased costs and/or radiation exposure. Certain imaging findings usually lead to a change in medical secondary stroke prevention or may influence medical treatment. However, there is no proof from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that the choice of the imaging method influences the prognosis of stroke patients. Summarizing present knowledge, the German Heart and Brain consortium proposes an interdisciplinary, staged standard diagnostic scheme for the detection of risk factors of cardio-embolic stroke. This expert opinion paper aims to give practical advice to physicians who are involved in stroke care. In line with the nature of an expert opinion paper, labeling of classes of recommendations is not provided, since many statements are based on expert opinion, reported case series, and clinical experience.
Particulate autologous tooth roots are increasingly used for alveolar bone augmentation; however, the proteomic profile of acid dentin lysate and the respective cellular response have not been investigated. Here we show that TGF-β1 is among the 226 proteins of acid dentin lysate (ADL) prepared from porcine teeth. RNA sequencing identified 231 strongly regulated genes when gingival fibroblasts were exposed to ADL. Out of these genes, about one third required activation of the TGF-β receptor type I kinase including interleukin 11 (IL11) and NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4). Reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunoassay confirmed the TGF-β-dependent expression of IL11 and NOX4. The activation of canonical TGF-β signaling by ADL was further confirmed by the phosphorylation of Smad3 and translocation of Smad2/3, using Western blot and immunofluorescence staining, respectively. Finally, we showed that TGF-β activity released from dentin by acid lysis adsorbs to titanium and collagen membranes. These findings suggest that dentin particles are a rich source of TGF-β causing a major response of gingival fibroblasts.