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The contribution discusses the formation and collaboration in the VERSUS project (Versorgung und Unterstützung in Zeiten von Corona/Provisioning and support in times of Corona) as a relational epistemic practice. VERSUS formed as research project to investigate how provisioning recon-figured during the pandemic in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The researchers involved come from different yet ‘near’ scholarly backgrounds: anthropology, sociology, and political theory. Such ‘near’ interdisciplinarity poses specific challenges and frictions for a co-laborative project. In analysing our own forms of working on working together, we aim to contribute to an emergent literature that focuses on co-laboration in projects of such ‘near’ disciplines used to take their differences serious. We discuss VERSUS through the notions of a) co-laboration, working with a shared epistemic orientation (tertium) for creating knowledge for specific fields, and b) collaboration as the everyday practice of working together during the unfolding pandemic. The collaborative software Slack enabled quick and less formal interaction, yet the instant-ness of the platform created challenging situations that we then discuss as important and generative moments in the project.
Rechnungswesenunterricht nimmt seit jeher einen hohen Stellenwert in den Curricula kaufmännischer Schulen ein. Einschlägige Forschungsarbeiten verweisen jedoch darauf, dass er von Lernenden als stellenweise langweilig und eintönig wahrgenommen wird. Zudem gilt Rechnungswesenunterricht als fehleranfällig – sich im Zeitablauf kumulierende Lernschwierigkeiten und Verständnisdefizite sind hier keine Seltenheit. An dieser zuletzt genannten Problematik setzen die langjährigen Bemühungen der Arbeitsgruppen um Eveline Wuttke in Frankfurt und Jürgen Seifried in Konstanz bzw. Mannheim an. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag zeichnen wir die gemeinsam umgesetzten Forschungsvorhaben nach, die von der Identifizierung typischer Schülerfehler über die Modellierung einer entsprechenden fachdidaktischen Kompetenz zum konstruktiven Umgang mit Schülerfehlern bis hin zur Förderung der professionellen Kompetenzen (angehender) Lehrpersonen an kaufmännischen Schulen reichen. Im Fokus des vorliegenden Beitrags steht die Förderung der fachdidaktischen Kompetenz von (angehenden) Lehrpersonen an kaufmännischen Schulen. Wir berichten insbesondere über das Design und die Effekte von fachdidaktischen Trainings für Lehrkräfte im Vorbereitungsdienst und Studierende der Wirtschaftspädagogik. Die Evaluation der Maßnahmen verweist darauf, dass eine umfassende Verknüpfung der Trainingsinhalte mit der Unterrichtspraxis sowie der Einbezug der Sichtweisen der Lehrenden bezüglich des Nutzens einer unterrichtlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Schülerfehlern für den Erfolg des Trainings wesentlich sind. Ein aktuell verfolgtes Forschungsvorhaben setzt hier an, indem eine Fortbildung für praktizierende Lehrkräfte implementiert wird, in welchem die Reflexion über das eigene Unterrichtshandeln in Fehlersituationen im Vordergrund steht.
This paper deals with perceptions, encounters and experiences of children with refugees and refugee children in Germany. It is based on the Fourth World Vision Children Study, which is regularly conducted in Germany since 2007. The study is based on a representative survey among 6- to 11-year-old children, which was combined with qualitative case studies and focuses on children´s well-being, their fears, their concerns as well as their attitudes toward other societal groups and contemporary political issues. For the survey of the Fourth World Vision Children Study, in the questionnaire there were also items included which should allow collecting data on children´s encounters and experiences with refugees, and particularly refugees who are their peers. This paper presents the approach taken in the study and how it is embedded conceptually in childhood studies before reporting and discussing selected findings on the experiences of children in Germany with refugees in their neighbourhood and among their peers. The findings presented in this paper refer to contact as well as interactions and opportunities for establishing friendships between refugee and non-refugee children. This is followed by a discussion of the implications these findings have in terms of consequences for supporting refugee children when arriving at Germany. In the conclusion, we will finally point out the implications of our study for the broader field of childhood studies in social sciences.
• Executive functions contribute to problem-solving in six- to eight-year-olds.
• Working memory and cognitive flexibility contribute to problem-solving.
•Inhibition does not significantly contribute to problem-solving.
Previous research has shown that executive functions can contribute to successful problem-solving in preschool and elementary school children. However, most studies did not simultaneously assess the role of different specific aspects of executive functions. Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate the individual contribution of inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility to science problem-solving performance in elementary school children. A total of 478 children from first and second grades (Mage = 7.44 years) participated in our study. They performed a Go/No-go task (inhibition), a Corsi blocks backward task (working memory), a flexible item selection task (cognitive flexibility), and three science problem-solving tasks, including two gear turning tasks and one stabilization task. Structural equation modeling showed that working memory and cognitive flexibility individually contributed to problem-solving performance, whereas inhibition did not. We conclude that maintaining task requirements and dynamic object relations (working memory) and switching between different problem-solving phases (cognitive flexibility) are essential components of successful science problem-solving in elementary school children. Inhibitory processes may be more relevant in tasks involving a higher degree of interference at the task or response level.
Objectives: Patient-level factors that influence compliance with a recommendation for CBT in nursing home residents diagnosed with depression were identified.
Methods: Within a cluster-randomized trial on stepped care for depression in nursing homes (DAVOS-study, Trial registration: DRKS00015686), participants received an intake interview administered by a licensed psychotherapist. If psychotherapy was required, patients were offered a referral for CBT. Sociodemographic characteristics, severity of depression, loneliness, physical health, antidepressant medication, prior experience with psychotherapy, and attitudes towards own aging were assessed. A binary regression determined predictors of compliance with referral.
Results: Of 123 residents receiving an intake interview, 80 were recommended a CBT. Forty-seven patients (58.8 %) followed the recommendation. The binary logistic regression model on compliance with recommended CBT was significant, χ2(9) = 21.64, p = .010. Significant predictors were age (Odds Ratio (OR) = 0.9; 95 % Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.82, 0.99; p = .024) and depression (OR = 1.33; 95 % CI = 1.08, 1.65; p = .008).
Conclusion: Within the implemented setting compliance rate was comparable to other age groups. Future interventions should include detailed psychoeducation on the benefits of psychotherapy on mild depressive symptoms in older age and evidence-based interventions to address the stigma of depression. Interventions such as reminiscence-based methods or problem-solving could be useful to increase compliance with referral, especially in very old patients (80+). Language barriers and a culturally sensitive approach should be considered when screening residents.
Das erziehungswissenschaftliche Projekt »InterCare« will erforschen, wie junge Menschen die Doppelbelastung von Ausbildung/Studium und Pflege bewältigen. Offizieller Start des Projekts, das über vier Jahre hinweg mit 1,2 Millionen Euro von der VolkswagenStiftung gefördert wird, ist im Oktober 2024. Die Soziologin und Altersforscherin Dr. Anna Wanka koordiniert InterCare und erläutert das Design des Projekts.