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Non-forest ecosystems, dominated by shrubs, grasses and herbaceous plants, provide ecosystem services including carbon sequestration and forage for grazing, yet are highly sensitive to climatic changes. Yet these ecosystems are poorly represented in remotely-sensed biomass products and are undersampled by in-situ monitoring. Current global change threats emphasise the need for new tools to capture biomass change in non-forest ecosystems at appropriate scales. Here we assess whether canopy height inferred from drone photogrammetry allows the estimation of aboveground biomass (AGB) across low-stature plant species sampled through a global site network. We found mean canopy height is strongly predictive of AGB across species, demonstrating standardised photogrammetric approaches are generalisable across growth forms and environmental settings. Biomass per-unit-of-height was similar within, but different among, plant functional types. We find drone-based photogrammetry allows for monitoring of AGB across large spatial extents and can advance understanding of understudied and vulnerable non-forested ecosystems across the globe.
• Northern and eastern grassland-savanna boundary defined by minimum temperature.
• Dynamics of fire, frost and growing season temperatures combine to produce this limit.
• Western limit is related to moisture availability.
• Modern, high-resolution climate data enables refinement of bioclimatic limits.
• Reparameterisation improves global model performance at regional scale.
Understanding the controls of biome distributions is crucial for assessing terrestrial ecosystem functioning and its response to climate change. We analysed to what extent differences in climate factors (minimum temperatures, water availability, and growing season temperatures (degree days above 5 °C (GDD5)) might explain the poorly understood borders between grasslands, savannas and shrublands in eastern South Africa. The results were used to improve bioclimatic limits in the dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) LPJ-GUESS. The vegetation model was also used to explore the role of fire in the biome borders. Results show no clear differences between the adjacent biomes in water availability. Treeless grasslands primarily occur in areas with minimum temperatures and GDD5 values below that of savannas. The standard fire module in LPJ-GUESS is not able to reproduce observed burned area patterns in the study region, but simulations with prescribed fire return intervals show that a combination of low temperatures and fire can explain the treeless state of the grassland biome. These results confirm earlier hypotheses that a combination of low winter temperatures, causing frost damage to trees, and low growing season temperatures that impede tree sapling growth and recruitment, particularly under re-occurring fires, drive the grassland-savanna border. With these insights implemented, the LPJ-GUESS simulation results substantially improved grass distribution in the grassland biome, but challenges remain concerning the grassland-shrubland boundary, tree-grass competition and prognostic fire modelling.
Measurements of vertical velocity from vertically pointing Doppler lidars are used to derive the profiles of vertical velocity variance. Observations were taken during the FESSTVaL (Field Experiment on Submesoscale Spatio-Temporal Variability in Lindenberg) campaign during the warm seasons of 2020 and 2021. Normalized by the square of convective velocity scale, the average vertical velocity variance profile follows the universal profile of Lenschow et al. (1980), however, daily profiles still show a high day-to-day variability. We found that moisture transport and the content of moisture in the boundary layer could explain the remaining variability of the normalized vertical velocity variance. The magnitude of the normalized vertical velocity variance is highest on clear-sky days, and decreases as the relative humidity increase and surface latent heat flux decrease in cloud-topped and rainy days. This suggests that moisture content and moisture transport are limiting factors for the intensity of turbulence in the convective boundary layer. We also found that the intensity of turbulence decreases with an increase in boundary layer cloud fraction during FESSTVaL, while the latent heating in the cloud layer was not a relevant source of turbulence in this case. We conclude that a new vertical velocity scale has to be defined that would take into account the moist processes in the convective boundary layer.
Measurements of vertical velocity from vertically pointing Doppler lidars are used to derive the profiles of normalized vertical velocity variance. Observations were taken during the FESSTVaL (Field Experiment on Submesoscale Spatio-Temporal Variability in Lindenberg) campaign during the warm seasons of 2020 and 2021. Normalized by the square of the convective velocity scale, the average vertical velocity variance profile follows the universal profile of Lenschow et al. (1980). However, daily profiles still show a high day-to-day variability. We found that moisture transport and the content of moisture in the boundary layer could explain the remaining variability of the normalized vertical velocity variance. The magnitude of the normalized vertical velocity variance is highest on clear-sky days and decreases as the absolute humidity increases and surface latent heat flux decreases on cloud-topped days. This suggests that moisture content and moisture transport are limiting factors for the intensity of turbulence in the convective boundary layer. We also found that the intensity of turbulence decreases with an increase in the boundary layer cloud fraction during FESSTVaL, while the latent heating in the cloud layer was not a relevant source of turbulence in this case. We conclude that a new vertical velocity scale has to be defined that would take into account the moist processes in the convective boundary layer.
A comprehensive study of sillenite Bi12SiO20 single-crystal properties, including elastic stiffness and piezoelectric coefficients, dielectric permittivity, thermal expansion and molar heat capacity, is presented. Brillouin-interferometry measurements (up to 27 GPa), which were performed at high pressures for the first time, and ab initio calculations based on density functional theory (up to 50 GPa) show the stability of the sillenite structure in the investigated pressure range, in agreement with previous studies. Elastic stiffness coefficients c11 and c12 are found to increase continuously with pressure while c44 increases slightly for lower pressures and remains nearly constant above 15 GPa. Heat-capacity measurements were performed with a quasi-adiabatic calorimeter employing the relaxation method between 2 K and 395 K. No phase transition could be observed in this temperature interval. Standard molar entropy, enthalpy change and Debye temperature are extracted from the data. The results are found to be roughly half of the previous values reported in the literature. The discrepancy is attributed to the overestimation of the Debye temperature which was extracted from high-temperature data. Additionally, Debye temperatures obtained from mean sound velocities derived by Voigt-Reuss averaging are in agreement with our heat-capacity results. Finally, a complete set of electromechanical coefficients was deduced from the application of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy between 103 K and 733 K. No discontinuities in the temperature dependence of the coefficients are observed. High-temperature (up to 1100 K) resonant ultrasound spectra recorded for Bi12MO20 crystals revealed strong and reversible acoustic dissipation effects at 870 K, 960 K and 550 K for M = Si, Ge and Ti, respectively. Resonances with small contributions from the elastic shear stiffness c44 and the piezoelectric stress coefficient e123 are almost unaffected by this dissipation.
New U–Pb ages of detrital and igneous zircons of the Uppermost Unit of Crete shed light on its provenance and on Eohellenic to Eoalpine imprints in the eastern Mediterranean. The detrital zircons of all nappes show Variscan ages and are characterized by a Minoan-type age spectrum, which is typical for the NE margin of Gondwana. Parts of the metasedimentary rocks are unexpectedly young. Their detrital zircon ages continue via the Permian until the Late Triassic, Middle Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. The high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Asterousia crystalline complex are likely equivalents of the low-grade metamorphic trench and fore-arc deposits of the Vatos nappe pointing to Late Cretaceous slab roll back. The presence of both late Permian detrital zircons and Late Cretaceous arc-type granitoids suggest that the Uppermost Unit of Crete is derived from the late Permian/Late Cretaceous magmatic belt situated north of the Sava–Vardar–Izmir–Ankara Suture in the Strandja–Rhodope area. To achieve their recent position on Crete, the nappes had to travel more than 500 km. The traveling path is well tracked by rocks of the Upper Cycladic Unit, which are similar to those of the Uppermost Unit of Crete. The large displacement of the Cretan nappes was controlled not only by nappe transport, but probably also by dextral strike–slip along the North Anatolian Fault Zone and related counterclockwise rotation of the Anatolian block since the Eocene.
• Solidification and cooling of an intruded dyke or sill within the middle or shallow crust generate stresses of order 200 MPa, which relax on time scales of a few years to million years.
• Stresses may exceed the brittle strength forming tensile fractures.
• Combined with the pressure gradient within the over-pressurized felsic melts, this explains the migration of felsic contact melt into shrinkage cracks (Sederholm-type veins).
Rapid emplacement of a mafic dyke or sill at mid-crustal depth heats and possibly melts the felsic wall rock followed by solidification. Associated volume changes generate stresses, possibly enforcing brittle failure and melt migration. We model the evolution of melting, solidification, temperature, and stress including visco-elastic relaxation in 1D - dykes or -sills using realistic rock rheologies of the Weschnitz pluton (Odenwald). For deep emplacement (Case 1, 15.3 km) extensive contact melting of the wall rock occurs, for shallow emplacement (Case 2, 10 km) it is negligible. The stresses are zero at high melt fractions, but increase during solidification and cooling: The intrusion orthogonal stress is always zero. The intrusion parallel stress σ‖ within the intrusion is tensile (O(200 MPa)). It relaxes on a time scale between a few years (Case 1) and 0.6 m.y. (Case 2). Within the wall rock σ‖ is compressive during heating, but becomes tensile under solidification and cooling. Wall rock stresses relax on a time scale of months to 100 years. A Deborah number is defined based on viscous to thermal relaxation allowing generalization of our results. Adding lithostatic stresses, the total stresses of Case 1 remain below the brittle strength, while for Case 2 they may exceed it. Adding the lithostatic pressure to the melt pressure, the effective stresses exceed the brittle strength and intrusion orthogonal tensile fractures are predicted. Combined with the pressure gradient within the over-pressurized felsic melts generated in the wall rock, this explains the migration of felsic contact melt into shrinkage cracks of the mafic sill in the Weschnitz pluton.
Carbonate archives record a brief snapshot of the ambient Earth’s surface conditions at their deposition. However, the geologically reasonable extraction and interpretation of geochemical proxy data from ancient, diagenetically altered rock archives is fraught with problems. Three issues stand out: the dichotomy between petrographic and geochemical alteration; the lack of quantitative age constraints for specific diagenetic phases resulting in a poorly constrained admixture of local, basin-wide and over-regional (far-field) features; and an often insufficient understanding of the temperatures and compositions of diagenetic fluids. Here, the archive of Devonian marine limestones exposed to multiple far-field diagenetic events is used as an example to explore the above-listed issues. Methods applied include petrography, micro XRF, fluid inclusion data, clumped isotopes, δ13C and δ18O isotopes, 87Sr/86Sr ratios and quartz trace element data. Devonian limestones studied here were overprinted by two cross-cutting regional fault zones (T ≈ 230 °C) by multiple events between the Variscan Orogeny and the late Paleogene. The following processes are recorded: (i) protolith deposition and partial dolomitisation during rapid burial in the Middle/Late Devonian (T ≈ 180 °C); (ii) deep burial to ca 6.5 km and tectonic/hydrothermal overprint during the Variscan Orogeny in the Carboniferous (T ≈ 90–230 °C); (iii) rapid uplift to 1–2 km burial depth at the end of the Variscan Orogeny and hypogene karstification (T ≈ 50 to 100 °C) initiated by regional geology in the Permian/Triassic; (iv) tectonic/hydrothermal overprint during the opening of the Proto-Atlantic Ocean between the Early Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous (T ≈ 50 to 130 °C); (v) tectonic/hydrothermal overprint including renewed hypogene karstification and hydrothermal calcite cement precipitation (T ≈ 50 to 180 °C) during Alpine Orogeny between the Late Cretaceous and late Paleogene. Despite this complex series of diagenetic events, the protolith limestones largely preserved their respective Middle/Late Devonian dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and 87Sr/86Sr signatures. This study documents that geochemical proxy data, placed into their petrographic, paleotemperature, and local to over-regional context, significantly increases the ability to extract quantitative information from ancient carbonate rock archives. Research shown here has wider relevance for carbonate archive research in general.
• Constrictional structures range from dome-and-basin folds to coeval folds and boudins.
• Under bulk constriction, the competent layer rotates slower than a passive plane.
• Extension-parallel and –perpendicular folds grow simultaneously.
• Extension-perpendicular folds affect previous boudins.
We conducted scaled analogue modelling to show the influence of varying single layer initial orientation on the geometry of folds and boudins in a bulk constrictional strain field. The initial angle between the plane of shortening and the competent layer (θZ(i)) was incrementally increased from 0° to 90° by multiples of 11.25°. While the amount of layer thickening decreased with increasing θZ(i), the deformation structures produced range from pure dome-and-basin folds to coeval folds and boudins. Based on the attitude of fold axes, there are extension-parallel (FEPR) and extension-perpendicular (FEPP) folds, with axes subparallel and subperpendicular to the principal stretching axis (X), respectively. Coeval growth of FEPR folds and boudins occurred when θZ(i) > ca. 25°. The FEPP folds can be subdivided into a first type which affect the entire layer (if θZ(i) ranges between 11.25 and 78.75°) and a second type, referred to as FBEPP folds, which are affecting pre-existing boudins if θZ(i) > 45°. The interlimb angle of all types of folds increases with increasing θZ(i). Folds and boudins similar to the ones produced in this study can be found in salt domes and in tectonites of subduction zones.